Tonight, we dethrone the AWO’s “Last podcast to podcast about Bubblegum Crisis” crown with our podcast about Bubblegum Crisis! … Mostly.
Okay sometimes we talked about Mega Man 9.
But it’s usually about Bubblegum Crisis, really!
Looking at the various places one can buy the boxed set of Bubblegum Crisis, I discovered that the best place was actually AnimEigo themselves. And if you like anime form the 1980s and/or ladies blowing up robots and/or cool mecha designs and/or awesome synth and rock music, you now have the links.
Get on it.

And as we said, we all here at OSM Central hope you all out there had an awesome Christmas and a future Happy New Year! Like we said you still need some holiday music, 8-Bit Jesus is still there, just waiting for you. To you know… Download it.
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