Deep within the underground (and also echo-y) OSMbunker, keeping the awesome alive, we decided to talk not about the movie adaption of Watchmen, the amazing graphic novel by writer Alan Moore, artist Dave Gibbons, and colorist John Higgins, but the graphic novel itself.
Promo: Dead Workers Party Network! We are actually a part of this network, but we have never really talked about it. They are a collective of a bunch of awesome guys with a ton of various podcasts for your listening enjoyment. WoW, Warhammer, Team Fortress 2, other video games, and even more are topics these podcasts may cover. So check them out, or else.
The Watchmen graphic novel is incredibly easy to find. Just go walk into a book store or comic book store, they’ll have a copy.
Or you could just use Amazon… I guess.

Cave Story is also easy to find… On the Internet, anyway. Here’s a fansite that has links to download the game and the patch to make it readable via the English Language. And here’s the official WiiWare version’s site, if you are like me and want to play it on a TV easily and give Pixel (the creator) money. You could also play Peggle, which is way too addictive, seriously. I’m now wondering if I shouldn’t have talked about it. Maybe you all should not download and play this game. This is the kind of game that ruins lives. Do you want your life ruined by happiness? I mean, really.
Have we mentioned MTAC? MTAC MTAC MTAC.

Nah, we probably haven’t.
Okay what we haven’t mentioned before is that the Dead Worker guys have set us up our own forum! There is actually a whole slew of forums covering all sorts of subjects as well. This is nothing really in our forum… yet. You could help change that!
But if super easy way of joining the totally awesome forum isn’t your speed, here are some other equally easy-peasy options!

- Leave us a comment in this very post! Or another post, if you really want.
- Call us at the OSMline (206) 202-0071, and if you ask us a question, we’ll answer it for you in the following OSMcast!
- Or just send us an email at osmcast@gmail.com! (You can also ask questions here, too.)
Man, I needed to speak up. The Secret OSMBunker does not have good accustics.
Nearly shat my liver when i heard the flashback shoutout. Loved the discussion , agreed with the film assessment, and eagerly await the next episode. Please hurry, as my Jodie Foster Fan Club just imploded into a vortex of misplaced affection and the voices are getting louder…..i love you guys……so much