It’s the Monday after MTAC Ninja but the OSMcast must go on! Speaking of the Middle Tennessee Anime Convention, here’s a chat we had about the con with Christi Binkley, MTAC’s Director of Media Relations and Advertising. In other words, “Press Wrangler.” We talk a bit about the con and what it takes to make one of these con things happen.
Also joining us was the wonderful Marc Smazik of Akihabara Renditions.
Protip: Speaking of Akihabara Renditions, we totally stole their set up for this. Sadly, we also had no clue how to actually use any of it. As a result there is a lot of noise where we held the microphones like jerks and the audio reflects this. Our apologizes. This probably isn’t a very good episode to listen to in the car.

This is actually merely one of many episodes that we recorded during MTAC. We’ll be doling them as they get edited, so stay tuned for more! It was an incredibly fun convention, and mad props go out to both Christi as well as Niko, the Director of Community Relations of Community Relations, for making it all possible. It was my biggest regret that we couldn’t nail down Niko down long enough to get him on a mic. There’s always next year, though!
If any of you fine readers and/or listeners have recently come to the site from MTAC, hello! Please feel free to check out our Index of OSMs Past, or just go on ahead and plug our RSS Feed into the podcatching program of your choice. If you’d like to contact us, you can send us an email at osmcast@gmail.com, check out our forum, leave a comment in the comments section, or even give us a call on the OSMline (206-202-0071).
Finally got time to listen, and I have to say I agree with putting giant robots in crowd management.
We’ve had the audio equipment for months now, and we still have no real idea what we’re doing with it.