We’re back in the groove! We decided to kick things back into second gear with our take on the ADV release of My Dear Marie, the 3-part anime OAV adaptation of the manga by Sakura Takeuchi.
Musical Interlude: The Phenomenauts. If you could somehow define the word awesome as a band, you’ll be hard pressed to find a better one. I mean, there are the guys that have founded the genre of ROCKET ROLL. They know nothing but cold steel and laser beams and space ships. And they can rock out with honor. Science and honor.
You can still find this DVD hanging around, both packaged by itself and also as a bundle with Cosplay Complex. The bundle is oddly enough cheaper. Probably because it was released later. Whether or not it’s worth getting Cosplay Complex in addition to My Dear Marie for cheaper… Sure, I guess!

I have no clue is Cosplay Complex is good or not, but My Dear Marie is worth it. You can use the other for frisbee golf or perhaps a target for left over firecrackers. You know, if Cosplay Complex sucks. In any case I highly doubt it’s as fun, quirky, or as much fun to watch as My Dear Marie. She’s got spunk!
And circuits.
You should also make a circuit with our latest contest! It’s our escapade into the wide world of books, and we want your help to get us diving in. We’ll even throw in a brand new novel in the mix, one that’s so new and hip it’s self-published.
Just send us an email at osmcast@gmail.com and tell us what books you think are pretty awesome. We’ll try our best to get a hold of them and check them out. If deemed awesome, nay, OSM enough, we’ll probably get to a podcast about it! However, no Twilight ladies. That stuff gets enough traction as it is. Also no Anita Blake stuff after book 4. The prize for two lucky email senders will be signed copies of Playing the Hero, by K.E.Ireland! You can check out more at The Natan Fleet Show.
Check back with us next week as the talk about something a tad bit more recent, the anime and manga series Soul Eater!
The Ender novels by Orson Scott Card
Anything by Richard Matheson
Peter David’s Star Trek Novels esp. New Frontier
Isaac Asimov’s Robot/Empire/Foundation novels