Once again we bring the real scoop on what really goes down at anime cons. This time we went to the fifteenth Anime Weekend Atlanta. We talked to lots of people! And yet, only 24 minutes came out of it. So next time I guess we need to talk to more people.
Due to technical-ish things occurring to make this post late, this post was made late. These things, they happen. Basil’s Internet could have been attacked by notorious waves of grizzsquirrles sent by the nefarious Other Kevin.Or perhaps the initial mp3 files did not mater correctly. I dunno!
Maybe it was the Ozone Commandos. Or a secret cabal of moe fanboys.
Who can say?

If the music in this podcast pleased you, perhaps you should make your way to Dou(gai)jin Recordings, where the music came from. We talk about them here from time to time, because they are awesome and people do not talk about them enough. They passed out CDs to the con goers at AWA, and should be uploading their latest said CD online sometime soon.
So by chance you got of these CDs, you should tell them all about it in this thread they made on the AWA forums.
Next week: Bloody. Gory. Ninjas.
It’s Black Lion!
Haha, James is t3h drunk. XD
On our podcast this week, we did a small review of the Renegade Remix Force album, so if you’re interested, give it a listen. 😀
Damn right cops were hauling people off. For instance Alisa wearing a Lum costume. No shirt, no shoes, no service indeed. Haha, James drunk. Hoshizaki party fo life!