From our long and toilsome journey into the VERY HEART OF GEEK MEDIA MAYHEM we bring you, dear listeners, the SEEDY UNDERBELLY of the BEAST known as DRAGON*CON.
But only 20 minutes of it.
So anyway, the OSMcast is going BACK to Atlanta this weekend for Anime Weekend Atlanta! I’m sure we’ll running amok wherever we go, but we’ll definitely be crashing the podcast panel again, and possibly a Gundam panel (since it will be hosted by some guys we know). And I’m pretty sure we’ll be going to these panels.

We’ll probably will be submitting some panels ourselves for next year, but this year there just wasn’t time. BUT! In theory we’ll be wearing our brand new OSMcast T-Shirts, but that’s only if the printer found our shirts. Also our pals at Dou(gai)jin Recordings are releasing their newest CD! For free! And while we say pals, the truth is that two of the members are in fact DJ Inubito and Basil.* Â Our intrepid beatsmith provided a wonderfully oonst-a-riffic rendition of a Blaster Master theme while Basil banged his head at a computer until a cover design came out. So keep an eye out for that!
And although AWA will most likely be our last convention stop this year, that doesn’t mean there aren’t cons that YOU should miss out on!

For those that like Nashville and the whole Tennessee shebang, there’s GMX. It should be exciting, new, shiny, and all around fun! We want to go, they want us to go, but previously planned things like college and weddings and whatnot get in the way. So instead, YOY SHOULD GO. And for the Georgia side, there’s Nerdacon! We had a chance to meet them at Dragon*Con, and they seem like they know how to have a good time. So if you can swing that, it’d be swell.

And speaking of people we met at Dragon*Con, Basil had the chance to be on a future video podcast episode by Channel Z. They read Naruto fanfiction until they could read no more. (As it turns out, it’s about an hour’s worth.) As soon as they get that out, we’ll let you know.
And of course, email us! Call us! Comment!
Or see us AWA! That would be cool, too!
(Now I’m just adding in lines so the formatting is correct.)
*And Dou(gai)jin’s fearless leader, DJ Cynispin, was the secret live audience for our Gundam 00 podcast. Â So this CD is really just crammed with delicious OSM.
Still weird to hear my voice recorded. See you guys this weekend.