Trudging back forth from the cold, cold North to the slightly less cold, cold South, the OSMcast brings you this interview from the always awesome voice actor Jerry Jewell! He has done some greats roles such as Barry The Chopper from Fullmetal Alchemist, Claire Stanfield from Baccano!, and all sorts of stuff.
Super Cool Music Link: The Peach Truck Republic! This is the fact the jamband that Jerry speaks of! The one that he plays bass in and also vocals! Turns out, Jerry plays a pretty mean bass. And the songs, they are rockin’. We played some of their music in the breaks to give you all a taste, but clicking that link can lead you on to even more amazing things like CDs filled to the brim of music, that you can actually buy.
Okay so it’s been a month between updates… again. We’d try and say we promise to not be more like AWO in this instance… But now that they’ve started splitting up their episodes to have a different chuck each week instead of one huge update a month, we can’t even say that! But this really should not be a problem in the foreseeable future. We hope.

Also, welcome everyone from Ohayocon that might be visiting us right now! We are glad you came! You should check out the Index of OSM and see what other podcast goodies we may have lying in wait for you. Or hell, just subscribe to the RSS feed with you podcatcher of choice! You know you want to. We recorded a few different segments at the con, which we’ll be rolling out to you all as time marches forward. In the meantime, you can also email us, comment, or even call the OSMline (which may or may not also be Aaron Dismuke’s phone number)!
But here’s a fun fact! I don’t know if we mentioned it or not in this version of the interview, but Jerry has gotten the most google search hits out of anything ever for this podcast. The only term that’s asked for more is “OSMcast” itself. So we know you like Jerry, folks. We know!
Why did you ask Jerry the same questions you asked him the first time around? I mean, I guess it makes sense for some of the anime-role related stuff, but you’re having him answer the same “OSM 5” questions at the end as he did the first time. He even says at one point “That’s a good question. You didn’t ask me that one last time.”
Well the OSM 5 are always the same for any guest. They’re the same OSM 5 asked for the DeJesuses, Sonny Straight, and Carl Horn. That’s the OSM 5’s gig, man. That’s how they roll.
Also I overall asked the same questions because that’s what I had wrote down to ask. We took up most of our alloted time doing the first interview, and then Audacity crashed so hard we couldn’t even recover the previous take. Sadly that did not give me time to think up whole new questions, although I did on a few as they came to me. That, and you would have never gotten the answers to the initial set anyway had I not asked them, since Audacity had casted them into the Void.
What really sucks about this is that I didn’t realize I had the gain up higher than intended, so everything is extra staticy! Sorry about that folks!