Another two weeks another podcast! They time we deliver our only two-month late con report of Ohayocon 10!
Just fucking go!
Just like how Basil’s now going to get his car worked on that will take a bazillion hours so you get no actual notes this time, Lee please don’t beat me again.
OSMcast: Ohayocon 10 3-22-2010
MTAC is April 30th to May 2nd, so Basil was right.
And Basil tells the viewers to stop right now and listen to an interview that hasn’t even been posted. To quote Rail, “I hope he posts that interview first, or else he’ll sound like a total idiot.”
And you know I only nitpick because I care, Basil 😀
Well… Yes. We decided an interview of that magnitude should be saved for a dire emergency. So I’ll sound like a total idiot. But only this once!