That’s right! AWO isn’t the only podcast doing a “decade in review” podcast months after everyone else did one! We’ve got one too! Although ours is a little different. Basil, Eric, Kevin, and Rail worked up our each individual Top 10s and then we talk about them in a monolithic almost two hours iron-caged deathmatch of DEATH.
While wearing audio-tuxedos.
Because we’re classy.
Hopefully you have found something you liked! If not, that only means you are already us relistening to ourselves talk. So cut it out, will ya?!
As always, comment, email, voice mail! If anyone wants a full listing, I know that I (Basil) have my list that I can post, and I’m pretty sure so does Kevin, and probably Eric and Rail, too. Or I guess we could listen and jot everything down manually… Nah…
Next time, something from the wacky fun-filled world of OHAYOCON!
Good ‘cast.
My top ten, if anyone cares, are, in no particular order:
Macross Frontier
Re:Cutiey Honey
Soul Eater
Azumanga Daioh
Ouran High School Host Club
School Rumble
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (When They Cry)
I wonder if Gurenn Lagann would be as popular if it didn’t have Yoko and/or general fanservice smeared all the fuck over it.
You know what’s funny Sooz is that Yoko is one of my least favorite characters and also (at least in the discussions I’ve had with basil/susie/barry/kevin/brad) one of the least talked about. And believe me I’m not shy about saying “I watch this because it’s got really hot girl with her tits out”. Mostly what makes the series fun is it’s crazy over the top nature , not one woman who inexplicably wears a bikini top and daisy dukes.
I’m not saying folks watch it ONLY for the tits. I’m saying tits/general “OH HEY LOOK SEXYSEXYSEXY owaitwehadaplothappening” is kinda the only thing it seems to have that GaoGaiGar does not, at least in the “attracting fanthings” aspect.
How about Top 10 Video Games of 2000-2009? That way the OSMCast can be behind MORE fellow podcasters with Top 10 of the last decade lists.
Having never seen GaoGaiGar I can’t comment on that one, but I dunno I just really didn’t notice a ton of “HEY LOOK SEXY” going on in GL, especially after Kamina dies and the real plot surfaces.
Maybe I was just ignoring it? I dunno, it had Yoko and that Blonde girl doing the pretty standard anime jello tits that defy the laws of nature thing but I never thought it was distracting, and generally speaking it does not take much in the way of big knockers to get me distracted.
I’m probably more sensitive to it, particularly when it’s treated the way GL did with the whole, “OK check out this girl with a bigass gun! Now watch as we do ABSOFUKKENLUTELY NOTHING with her except make her a romantic interest and constant boobjiggle joke! Have we made it clear yet that only guys are allowed to be totally awesome in this world?”
Like GGG doesn’t have a complete lack of tits and there aren’t any strictly asskicking girls, but it doesn’t pull a bait-and-switch on me. (Also the badass guy is a lot less of an asshole, which is always a plus for me.)
i noticed that in diebuster the females are the ones kicking more ass that males, then its the reverse in gurren lagann
maybe gainax wanted to balance it out? (thankfully there really isn’t a “boob jiggle joke” equivalent for a male character……………………………………….that i know of…)