“It is said that as many days as there are in the whole journey, so many are the otaku and podcasters that stand along the road, each microphone and netbook at the interval of a day’s journey; and these are stayed neither by snow nor rain nor heat nor darkness nor asstons of even more rain from accomplishing their appointed course with all speed.” – Podcaster’s Creed of the PersianÂEmpire (trans. B.A. Berchekas 2010)

That’s right folks, despite the crazy, crazy rains that have plagued Nashville and it’s metropolitan area ss well as the rest of Tennessee, the OSMcast has soldiered on through crappy hotel dives and Dunkin Donuts to bring you our super-omega-omni-cast MTAC Odyssey con review. It’s a whopping knee-slappin’ one hour, twenty fours minutes, and thirty nine seconds of Middle Tennessee Anime Convention Goodness. It has our con reviews spanning all three days, interviews with you the con-goers yourselves, as well as a chat we had with Media Relations and Advertising Director Christi Binkley and Community Relations Director Nicholas Qualls.
podcast had the “magic the gathering” moment twice, was this on purpose?
Yes, yes it was… (not really)
Niko knows what’s up!
Also the audio glitch has been cleaned up.
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