Running with a full four man crew the OSMcast! is BACK and talking about SCOTT PILGRIM. Vs, uh, I dunno, a bunch of stuff! We talk about the graphic novels by Bryan Lee O’Malley, the movie adaption of said graphic novels directed by Edgar Wright, as well as the video game that adapts from both those things made by Ubisoft Montreal. That’s a lot of stuff!
GET YOUR LINKS ON: Anime3000! Empire Building Architect Sean Russell is the man with the plan, and that plan is to have all sorts of podcasts and other sorts of crazy stuff for your perusal. From his A3K Panel and Bonus Round, Reverse Thieves’ The Speakeasy, and Josh Dunham’s AnimÄ“shon Podcast, there is a TON of stuff to listen to. A TON. (Also, a ton of links.)
I GUESS you could go see the movies, but really the best thing you can do is get you some of those BOOKS. Most of the bi ol’ booksellers of the land should have them thanks to to movie, or you could just order then from Amazon.

And hell, the Scott Pilgrim website even has the first few pages up from each book to check out if you are so interested. Or you could not, I guess! THE CHOICE IS YOURS.
And THIS WEEK. AWA. Anime Weekend Atlanta. MAN OH MAN. They even have a PDF OF THE SCHEDULE. It is filled to the BRIM with bombastic anime con panel goodness. And this year we actually are getting to help add to that gumbo of greatness, goulash of grandiose, guacamole of gloriousness. That anime con schedule of anime conisity.

The OSMrenditions Panels of Power both happen on Friday. At 1 in the Special Events room in Kennesaw we’ll be having an Engrish Jamboree! Come celebrate politically incorrect racism as we laugh at Japanese people failing at the English language. Then at 4 in one of Panel Rooms (Galleria 104) we’ll be hosting the AWA Wild World of Sports (Anime). I bet you’ll never be able to tell what we are talking about!
Of course, we could be making surprise appearances at other panels. Say for example at 3:30 on Saturday in Kennesaw there is a Podcaster roundtable, and we just happen to be a podcast! That podcasts a lot about anime! Hmmm! And also on Saturday earlier at 1:00 in Galleria 104 there is a Con DJing 101 panel, and we happen to have a DJ on deck, who tends to spin at anime cons… HMMMM. Â And, as always, one can never tell when Basil is going to assault random con goers with microphones. Good times!
Yeah, I’m still listening. Got a bit of a backlog on it but I checked this one out.
Still working on that webcomic idea. Random bits of Artists Block keep setting me back.
Also, just finished listening… It cut off waaaaay early.
on the next episode of oh nvm….
oh dear Other M