It’s time to kick ass, take names, and chew some gum as the OSMcast wraps up the 2010 OSMawards with 2 hours of video game talk.
Which is a lot.
The OSMcast have been pretty busy lately! Basil guest-started on the one of the latest episodes of the Chainsaw Buffet podcast, where they did even more year in review hijinks! Although, after a total of almost 4 hours of OSMcast yearing in reviewing you’d think we would cover it all, but no. The Chainsaw guys have proven that the Basil Rock of OSM can be squeezed yet for more blood. Of awesome. And perhaps Basil will actually make use of his blog now? Well, Basil certainly has no clue, but he did churn out a post about liking Ghost Trick a lot. And as always, Lee churns out his webcomic Hazard’s Wake like a MADMAN. A hazardous madman.
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More like the Mass Effect 2 Awards Starring Mass Effect 2!
Also, flattered that my RP was named Board Game of the Year by Kevin, even jokingly.