On a whim of a flight of fancy, basil decided to take a quick road trip over to Tuscaloosa to check out PixelCon: A Convention for Gamers, and see what the haps were. Is haps even used nowadays? Hmm. Well, here’s the haps anyway, straight from the con goers mouths, into a microphone, then regurgitated into mp3 format. Share and enjoy!
Okay, so actually Rail drove Basil there, but he was too busy actually playing video games instead of harassing people with a microphone. But we all know what was important here!
So where will the OSMcast journey to next? Why, to Kami-Con! It’s an anime con, also in Tuscaloosa. And rumor has it, that Basil will even have panels there! It will be exciting! Adventurous! Panelriffic! It will be the haps.
lol plz stop the neogeo pocket joke
don’t grind a horse’s corpse into sloppy joe
(Neo Geo Pocket!)