Happy Halloween! But for the OSMcast, it’s just Monday. Another day, another convention. The last con the OSMcast! decided to cover this year was the Geek Media Expo in glorious Nashville, Tennessee. It’s a cornucopia of all things geek, media, and exponential and so we realized we couldn’t do this sort of thing alone. So we drug in the wonderful Chainsaw Buffet dudes and dames to chat with us about the con. We talk about panels, parties, parking, and the most annoying fangirl around. It’s a fun time!
That said, while this the last con the OSMcast! is covering, it’s not the last con the OSMcast! will be at! We’ll be at the HAMACON Holiday Minicon in Huntsville, Alabama  on November 12, 2001! Basil is one of the directors of the con, so we can’t very well objectively cover it. That said, you know it will be awesome. Basil guarantees it! (He kinda has to, as he is the Director of Awesome of the con.)
For background, the “scare” referenced early on is explained here: http://www.dylanwolf.com/etc/196/ . IT’S NOT AS BAD AS WE MADE IT SOUND.
Also, the tests are explained here: http://www.dylanwolf.com/etc/197/
Ha! Now you all feel my pain with the THAT GUY girl at my toku panel.
Hey OSM fans check out the osmcast crew with their look at Mazinkaiser on the anime82 Mecha Madness:Complete Transformation podcast!! p.s Im very sorry it took so long to get your review out guys, much thanks for being apart of what is no doubt the largest mecha review podcast of all timez!!