Itâ’s Catch Up Week* here at the OSMcast where we realize that the Chainsaw Buffet guys posted audio we were in and so we should PROBABLY post that up as well.
So for today’s** Catch Up we have got for you the greatest GMX Vol. 4 topic-ed podcats a podcast could podcast about in a podcast. Basil and Kevin from the OSMcast throw down with John, Charlie, and Dylan-chan* from the Chainsaw Buffet to rap about all things GMX Volumed The Fourth. The guests, the events, the DENZELS, and all the rest, here on OSMbuffet Isle!
*Actually it’s just today.
**We posted both Catch Ups today.
I thought we should point out that the Chainsaw guys are celebrating their FIFTH BIRTHDAY this year and and now that they enter  their Fabulous Fives we hope that they continue on in epic fashion. While at GMX, they filmed several of us recording some of our most loved memories from their fives years of existence, in a documentary that is all 100 percent true and factual. It’s in three parts, and you can find all three here, here, and also here.
Coincidentally. in March the OSMcast will ALSO turn 5! Also, as this is episode 93, next year (hopefully) we will be reaching OSMcast 100! 100 episodes! One hundred!
So please let us know how you think we should celebrate this! Because we have no clue!