What the- A podcast posted by the OSMcast! about a con that is more recent than a year ago, perhaps even posted within the month it actually OCCURRED in?! Could… we be actually getting our act together!? Maybe! Although really it’s with the help of the wonderful, gallant, and lovely gents from the Chainsaw Buffet, our ever awesome OSM compadres from the land of the North (of Alabama, in Tennessee). Once more, we have teamed up our forces to bring you the tales of derring-do! This time, we have dared Momocon: Atlanta’s Anime, Animation, and Gaming Convention. And we have returned to audio spin those yarns!
Speaking of cons, we will be heading out this weekend to the Middle Tennessee Anime Convention, or you know, MTAC. As is his want, Basil will be hosting some panels at the con! They are:
Even More Manga You Need to BUY RIGHT NOW (Friday 10 AM, Fan Panel 2) Manga, the world of Japanese comics. There used to be an absolute ton of these things on the market, but times are changing and not for the better. However, there are still a great many series and one shots that are being published today! And we are going to tell you all about them!
Engrish Jamboree (Friday, 3PM, Panel 2) Rs may not be Ls but when you are speaking English in Japanese the lures go light out the window! The Engrish Jamboree is what happens when you take one language and churn it through another language with hilarious results. Anime and Live-Action clips, music videos, if people are fumbling through English, we got it.
Getting Your Anime Groove Back (Saturday, 9PM, Panel 2) Anime burn out happens all the time. Sometimes life gets in the way and people lose interest in keeping up with the latest shows and news. This panel looks at a few shows that may rekindle that anime fan deep inside that just wants to be free again.
Of course, times for these things can always change.
We’ll see you… next week! Or perhaps… EVEN SOONER?! We have some smaller, more bite sized episodes we can upload. So you will be hearing more from us much sooner than one would normally think.
I heard someone calling me out.