It’s currently raining like mad out here in Alabama so what better time to curl up, grab a beverage of your choosing, and listen to us as we spin the yarn of MTAC 2013, aka MTAC Devil’s Dozen.
The hopes, the dreams, the tribulations, the successes, and all the rest that this con brought to us, nay, the world. Including, not to the fault of the con, the worst panel we have ever, EVER been to! Listen in as Basil gets angrier than he ever does in life. And he works retail! As per Official OSMcast Guidelines, we are joined at the hip by the Chainsaw Buffet podcast.
MTAC’s next year is going to full of LOVE so that should prove interesting! Speaking of love, we are planning to release our interview with Nao Yazawa this upcoming Monday. As I think we mentioned during the podcast it was kinda split into two small segments and Basil is currently figuring how to best handle that. And after that, we’ll have a LONG LOST EPISODE brought forth from the year previous year. It’s about the relaunch of Toonami!
Topical. That’s the OSMcast Guarantee!
So, guess who left con with a 12-pack of Cheerwine.
What was that Basil was singing at the beginning of that podcast. That was the theme song to the Italian Version of the 80’s Cartoon series C.O.P.S. You remember the catch phrase “Fighting crime in a future time.” While on a choir tour Basil and I saw this little gem of pure cheez https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYBK2Glq_0U
Too bad I wasn’t aware of the podcast at the time, but I could have high-fived you. I’m pretty sure I was even in some of the same panels as you nerds.
The tattoo and horror convention was nuts. Seeing all those people just getting tattoos at that place is kinda crazy. Those tattoo dudes were busy, constantly.
I went to the 10 years of anime ’70-’79 and the Go Nagai panel. It was all good fun. I also liked the Leijiverse panel even though it was kind of half-assed.
Worst panel I went to was that “what are these crazy japanese trying to sell” or whatever the hell it was called. That was awful. It felt like a 10 year old trying to show me his favorite YouTube videos.
MTAC was awesome, for sure.