So when we last OSMcast!ed we ended up trying a Japanese animated film from an acclaimed filmmaker, we ended up not liking the film nearly as much as we hoped. This time, we decided to go back to our standard method of talking about something we knew we already really liked. Which, so it goes, ended up being yet another Japanese animated film from yet another acclaimed filmmaker: Mamoru Hosoda’s and Studio Madhouse’s film, Wolf Children.
Of course we talk about many other things beforehand, like how magical farts can be, why dragons need to be kicked, and er, iPhone games?
Also, something or other about Norway? Geez what were we thinking…
Right now, it’s looking like our next update is happening right before April 1st. How… auspicious. But worry you not, OSMfriends. We take every update and podcast incredibly seriously. No joking around here!
Have some Time Cues:
- We start the OSMcast!ing – 00:00
- General Gabbing – 00:36
- Pi Day – 05:41
- iPhone Games- 07:55
- South Park: The Stick of Truth- 11:41
- Dragon Kicker XV – 16:13
- Wolf Children – 26:02
- Spoilers for Wolf Children – 56:11
- Â OSMs Out of OSM – 79:21