There are some things we thought we would never see. One of things being a Dragon Ball Z movie in theaters in America. Furthermore, a Dragon Ball Z movie in a theater in our own town. For that Dragon Ball Z movie to be highly entertaining. We also never thought we would see a movie called Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods.
Another thing that we never thought we would be able to do? To be able to make a podcast about a movie called Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, that was a Dragon Ball Z movie we watched in a theater in our home town.
These are now all things that have happened.
And the world was better for it.
We hoped that everyone has fun at Otakon! It sounded amazing and we totally wish we could have made it. Maybe next year!
But in the mean time, please have some Time Cues!
- We start the OSMcast!ing – 00:00
- General Gabbing – 00:44
- Dragon Quest Minute! – 4:58
- Final Fantasy XIV (A Realm Reborn) Minute! – 6:55
- Moments of OSM
- Elysian Shadows – 16:30
- Terror in Resonance – 20:52
- Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal – 23:40
- Cast Away – 28:15
- Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods
- Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, Sans Spoilers – 32:33
- Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, Full of Spoilers – 54:47
- Questions from Listeners Like You about Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods – 75:40
- OSMs Out of OSM – 91:12
Aldnoah Zero is indeed a much better show than Argevollen, and even a good mecha show of it’s own merits. I didn’t realize there was hate for it, but it’s a clear indication of how stupid the average viewer is if they’re dismissing it.
Like you all, I also really enjoy the new Sailor Moon series even with the spotty frame quality problem. There are some really awkward panels, and I don’t care for the CGI transformation scenes, but otherwise it really is Sailor Moon and still charming. Oh, and I love the background music in a way I haven’t since Fate/Zero’s soundtrack.
I lament the lack of a proper Dragon Quest release for any of the recent titles in the US. There’s a petition cycling around for the 3DS VII remake as well as the Monster and X titles. I’m very hopeful at least one of them will make it’s way here.
Keep up the great work guys.
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