So since we are gearing up for Anime Weekend Atlanta and we know you kids like those Japanese cartoons, we decided to talk about one! This time we decided to talk about Ringing Bell, an anime from the studio that Sanrio built, helmed by Masami Hata and base doff the book by Takashi Yanase. Also released by Discotek and with excellent commentary track by Mike Toole.
We also talk about the normal things we tend to, like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, BUT ALSO pizza. And we cover some crazy allegations about how we are from the southern part of the United States of AMERICA, that SOMEHOW we don’t understand what can make a good pizza. Naturally, we handle this with the grace and aplomb that properly befits southern gentlemen.
Buy some Ringing Bell! If you happen to be at AWA, go ahead and track down Discotek’s booth! They might have it, and usually at, or better than the price that Amazon will have. You cannot go wrong!
Speaking of something you can never go wrong with, Time Cues:
- We start the OSMcast!ing – 00:00
- General Gabbing – 00:37
- The War of Northern Pizza Aggression – 03:43
- Final Dragon: A Realm Quest Reborn Fantasy Minute! – 13:57
- Moments of OSM
- Fairy Fencer F – 24:35
- Even More Minecraft – 27:15
- Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – 32:20
- Anime Weekend Atlanta 2014 – 35:58
- Moments of F.U.
- Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya – 44:07
- Teen Titans Go! – 46:40
- Ringing Bell
- Ringing Bell, Sans Spoilers – 63:25
- Ringing Bell, Full of Spoilers – 87:45
- Ringing Bell, Sans Spoilers – 107:37
- Questions from Listeners Like You about Ringing Bell – 108:01
- Questions from Listeners Like You about things beside Ringing Bell – 117:47
- OSMs Out of OSM – 126:27
And so OSMcast panels at AWA. We have FIVE OF THEM. Please come to them! Here they are:
Getting Your Anime Groove Back (Thursday, September 25 • 8:00pm, Kennesaw): Anime burn out happens all the time. Sometimes life gets in the way and people lose interest in keeping up with the latest shows and news. This panel looks at a few shows that may rekindle that anime fan deep inside that just wants to be free again.
Boys to Men: Shonen and Seinen (Friday, September 26 • 5:00pm, CGC – 105): So what does One Piece, Naruto, Ranma ½, Nichijou, and Blue Exorcist all have in common? Their anime and manga for boys! But what does Ghost in the Shell, Chobits, Mysterious Girlfriend X, and Monster have in common? They’re for men! Wait, what? What does any of this even mean? Don’t worry, it’s fine. Shonen and Seinen are entire worlds of different kinds of anime and manga, and we’re here to show you the way.
Manga You Need to Buy Right Now (Saturday, September 27 • 12:30pm, CGC – 113 & 114): Manga, the world of Japanese comics. There’s a whole lot of them, and it seems like today there are even more ways to buy them than ever. Let us be your guide in this new comic landscape. We’ll show you all the ways to buy your manga, physically and digitally. And hey, we’ll even tell you about some of the neater Japanese comics to have come out lately!
Spice Girls: Shojo and Josei (Saturday, September 27 • 2:45pm, CGC – 106): Shojo are Japanese comics and cartoons for girls, and Josei are the same but for women. But there’s way more to shojo than romance stories and Sailor Moon for shojo, and even more to josei than even that. We’ll be tackling both terms, what they mean, and all the various incarnations therein we can think of. There’s going to sparkles, and tears, and crocodiles, and justice, and who knows what else?
Anime and Manga in the Digital Age (Sunday, September 28 • 3:45pm, CGC – 102): Anime isn’t just discs anymore, and manga isn’t just books! Nowadays, with the advent of smart phones, tablets, Rokus, and other ways of streaming stuff, there are more ways to get your anime and manga fix than ever before! There are, in fact, so many you may have not heard of them all. But we know about most of them, and can tell you where they are and what they’re good for.
Hey Kevin, I think you are a little off base with Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya. If you notice the first season was only 10 episodes as well. I think there general plan with the series has always been 10 episodes seasons.
I’m guessing that Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 3rei!! will be split into 2 seasons as well.
Now you know.
– Alain