Hello world! The OSMcast is back yet again with questions and answers, but we’re asking the questions here this time! That’s our deal! Well, we struck a dark bargain with Erika Harlacher, at any rate. What was that dark, terrible bargain? That we could ask her questions, and she would give us answers! All in all, it was a pretty sweet deal.
Now, you may wonder whom this Erika Harlacher is. Do not fret, for we shall tell you! She is an amazing voice actress, that has done many a cool Japanese animation. Things like oh I dunno… Violet Evergarden in Violet Evergarden? Or perhaps Jeanne d’Arc (Ruler) in Fate/Apocrypha would be more your speed. Netflix folks (aka everyone) would recognize her from her role of Elizabeth Liones in The Seven Deadly Sins? I particularly enjoyed her work as Kurapika in Hunter x Hunter!
But let’s face facts, I’m sure everyone really recognizes her as Ann Takamaki in the smash hit video software known as Persona 5. And that is perfectly fine.