So as you may have noticed, we were at a con recently. That con being MTAC Lunar, a fine lead in to next years already better MTAC Score. Because, you know…
Sports anime theme.
But as you may now realize, a fresh new con trip now can sometimes include a fresh new episode from our new format, Moments of TN OSM. That’s right, we got the Tennessee crew in to talk about all… sorts… of… things. Look, just skip down to the Time Cues.
Here are said Time Cues (I was told by our editor that these must not be edited in any way, so they are not… mostly):
- We start the OSMcasting – 00:00
- General Gabbing – 00:33
- Moments of OSM – 01:09
- Panda Jail – 01:15
- The Illuminate Part 2 – 02:40
- Chaika – The Coffin Princess – 06:11
- Sarazanmai, Ep. 2 – 07:30
- Chi’s Sweet Home manga – 09:00
- Then they just talk about random shit?
- Final Thoughts – 25:09
Special Shout Out to Co-Audio Producer on all of the MTAC 2019 Episodes: Mike! @ViNull
OSMcast! Show #150: Moments of TN OSM (MTAC Lunar)