To further our Halloween tendencies, we decided to rock out with a crazy-long podcast all about Konami’s uber-creepy video games series Silent Hill. Lee takes us on a course of wonder and horror as he details the first four games, while we chime in like the silly fools we are!
This is also the podcast that Refused to Upload, but that’s a story for another time.

Okay so we lied last time.
Well not a lie really, we just temporarily forgot one.
You know how we said we had one more con to hit this year? Well, we are actually going to two!

Not only shall we be attending CrisisCon Halloween weekend in Huntsville, Alabama… But we’ll also be going out to Hampton, Virginia for Nekocon the week after!
Which means a 13 hour+ drive for us. But that means a whole new world of people that will get to exprenice the power, majesty, glory that is us, the OSMcast! … Right?
Does Moe Moe acculmation count if the show’s taken from a (hentai) dating sim?
It may even count double.
Let me know what anime’s awesome, without lots of moe.
I need to play Silent Hill. Someone from the OSMcast should loan it to me :3