In tonight’s episode of the OSMcast! we talk about J.C. Staff’s adaptation of Kiyohiko Azuma’s awesome series: Azumanga Daioh!
With special guest star DJ Inubito as “The guy playing Fable II while we are talking about stuff.”
Thanks to ADV’s awesome habit of making collections of stuff they make, you can not only now own the entire anime in a Thinkpack box set, you can also buy the entire manga run in one giant omnibus edition.

Normally we have this stuff uploaded by Sunday night so it’ll be ready for your listening enjoyment bright and early Monday morning. But we just got back from Nekocon late last night and could not stay conscious enough to make it happen. Hopefully Monday evening will be just as nice! And if you must have it in the morning, I hear Tuesday is also a good day for it!
Speaking of Nekocon, it was a blast.

I’m sure we’ll be doing a con report on it at some point in the near future! Possibly even next week.
If you have any questions about the con, or about Azumanga Daioh, or you know, anything… Just leave us some feedback in one of our many myriad ways. Like for example, the comments section! Or an email! You could also (dare I say it…!) even leave us a voice mail!
Hey, where’s the new content? It’s Monday!