This week we decided to kick it off with our epic-ly long interview with two of the hardest working folks in anime fandom today: Robert and Emily DeJesus of Studio Capsule. They talked about all sorts of things with us, like what it takes to make it out there as an artist and the Best Con Slogan Ever. Did we mention Emily also is the con chair for Ohayocon? Also joining us was (I believe) Richard from Akihabara Renditions.
There are a myriad of ways you can find Robert DeJesus on the Internet. There is his main site, Studio Capsule. But if you want to go where the action is, you want his YouTube page. You can also check out his DeviantArt page as well, if are feeling a little… You know… Devious.

You know, with all of these various Internet sites (and there are actually more if you know where to look), I find it really weird someone had to write a “What ever happened to Robert DeJesus?” page. Did the idea of using Google just never come up?
Of course I’m sure that you can find out about Emily using those same sites, but I’ve heard talk that she runs an mean anime con. Hopefully when 2010 rolls around we’ll get to find out!
Special props goes out to MTAC who arranged for the space and Akihabara Renditions for the tools to make this happen. SUPER special props goes out however to our buddy Elvis, whose quick cell phone action ensured that this interview took place, and for introducing us to the DeJesus duo in the first place.
And of course, thank you once more to Robert and Emily for spending their time with us.

In other news our sound guy, the illustrious DJ Inubito, has teamed up with some fellow DJs and have formed Dou(gai)jin Recordings. Further more, they have already released their first promo EP. It contains four awesome tracks and you should totally check it out.
As always, if you’d like to contact us, you can send us an email at osmcast@gmail.com, check out our forum, leave a comment in the comments section, or even give us a call on the OSMline (206-202-0071).
Finally figured out why I missed the podcast at MTAC. My event reminder was set for this past Saturday.
It was, in fact, me joining you on this interview.