Now you may ask yourself: “I just possibly celebrated the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and/or got some awesome swag from Santa! What could be even better?!”
The answer: A podcast from the OSMcast! all about the anime movie Akira! Listen now in the comfort of your own home! Take it for on the car ride back home from those obnoxious aliens relatives! Or use it to ring in the new year.

This podcast about the movie adaptation of the manga both written and directed by Katsuhiro Otomo is both multi-faceted and enjoyable no matter what the circumstances might be!
It’s not like this movie hasn’t been talked to death or anything!
So after recording this podcast and looking where one might want to pick this movie up, we discovered that while the Blu-ray edition is plentiful and can be bought most anywhere, Bandai (via their Honneamise label) never bothered to release an equivalent DVD version. That means the last DVD version of Akira made on DVD was the Geneon Signature Series one released in 2004.

Yeah, that’s right. Geneon. On the plus side Right Stuf has it for cheap!
Or you could also start buying the manga, as Kodansha has resumed publishing rights the manga series and has put out the first volume, with the rest being released in 2010.
Till next week (hopefully)!
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