What’s this?! A new podcast? INDEED IT IS! And lo and behold, it’s another roundtable episode! We had some really good feedback the last time we did it, so we’ve decided to keep doing them whenever we think up a topic we can round about at a table. This time, we talk about Online or Internet TV, specifically online streaming for the most part.
Okay so sometimes it’s every other other week. It happens! Maybe next time we won’t try and cram two cons in a month… No we probably will! Especially when they are as fun as Hamacon and SeishunCon.
OSMtable: A Roundtable About Internet Television
Couple of Web series I’d like to mention:
Unforgotten Realms: A Flash based series about two guys, Mike and Rob, as they sit in… One of their parents’ basement playing “Unforgotten Realms” the generic stand-in DnD game. http://www.urealms.com
GOLD The Series: On the Drama side of DnD-inspired series. It’s about people who play “Gold and Goblins” professionally as tensions arise during their training for the Annual Tournament. http://www.clarkschpiell.com/csp/gold/