14 years ago, a podcast started. Perhaps you have heard of it? It’s called the OSMcast, your podcast for everything awesome. 14 years later, against all odds, they posted a new episode coincidently on the same day. And that episode? This one. The one you are listening to right now! And this time we are talking about Centaurworld, a cool cartoon for cool people that like cool things created by Megan Nicole Dong, with songs by Dong and Dominic Bisignano. It’s a Netflix show so chances are you can go watch it immediately after listening to this episode.
14 years. Wow. Also, yikes. But wow. Here’s to 14 more? I guess we should point out that this episode was recorded in the distant past, aka in 2021. A month or two before the second chunk of episodes came out for Centaurworld. Therefore, one could imagine that another episode covering the second half will happen. One could. Alas, we also never finished the Legend of Korra, Hellsing Ultimate, and shoot even Steven Universe had a movie and sequel short series after we thought we had wrapped that up. Then again, we did power through all that Evangelion! So hey! It could happen. But now, Time Cues:
- We Start OSMcast!ing – 0:00
- General Gabbing, So how about then Evas? – 0:36
- OSMplugs (Discord, Patreon) – 2:22
- Moments of OSM – 6:33
- Kevin: Get in the Car, Loser! – 6:57
- Dylan: Old Gods of Appalachia – 11:33
- Basil: Lost Judgement – 16:07
- John: Melty Blood: Type Lumina – 19:21
- Doug:
- Free Guy – 23:25
- Chicken People on CuriosityStream, also on Amazon Prime – 24:38
- Centaurworld (Season One)
- Centaurworld (Season One), Sans Spoilers – 28:41
- Centaurworld (Season One), Full of Spoilers – 48:42
- OSMs Out of OSM and Final Thoughts – 1:37:54
And as always, feel free to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! And if you still use Spotify, go ahead and get on that mobile device and throw us some five starts there too. Tell your friends! As well, just like we mentioned in the OSMplugs, you can also join the Discord and support us on Patreon!