So, it’s not often that Basil gets to con other OSMcasters into a sports anime. Usually he watches them alone in the lofty mountains like a hermit, waiting upon the call from Kory to descend upon the Earth for an episode of the Taiiku podcast. However, this time it is different. This time… he has acquired not only Kevin, but also Douglass for this most righteous of causes. This time, it is time for the endless. The never ending. The limitless. The sports anime… about skateboarding. Down a death canyon of terror. For kicks. A completely realistic portrayal of skateboarding. Yep. That’s what this is. It’s time for SK8 the Infinity, from the anime studio Bones. Finally.
What should Bones tackle next? Maybe an adaptation of EA Sports It’s in the Game BIG It’s Tricky to Rock a Rhyme to Rock a Rhyme That’s Right on Time It’s SSX Tricky? Who knows! Anyway, Time Cues:
- We Start OSMcast!ing – 0:00
- General Gabbing: That Final Fantasy XVI “Dominance” Trailer! – 00:38
- OSMplugs (Discord, Patreon, TeePublic) – 08:07
- Moments of OSM – 09:43
- Kevin: First Kill – 09:58
- Basil: Hajime no Ippo – 14:07
- Doug: Air Conditioning – 19:24
- Sk8 the Infinity
- Sk8 the Infinity, Sans Spoilers – 23:28
Sk8 the Infinity, Full of Spoilers – 1:05:35 - Questions from Listeners Like You about Sk8 the Infinity – 1:26:23
- OSMs out of OSM and Final Thoughts – 1:39:3222
- Sk8 the Infinity, Sans Spoilers – 23:28
And as always, feel free to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! Oh, and if you still use Spotify, go ahead and get on that mobile device and throw us some five stars there too. Tell your friends! As well, just like we mentioned when we do the OSMplugs, you can also join the Discord and support us on Patreon! PS If you have ever wanted some OSMmerch, feel free to check out our TeePublic page! PPS We appreciate you.