From 1988 to 1989, the anime studio Gainax gave us a six episode OAV(OVA?) series known as Gunbuster. It had it all: Giant robots, space aliens, ladies from an all-girls school training in giant robots to fight the space aliens, the whole nine yards! Then in 2023, Discotek Media gave an outstanding Blu-ray release of that show complete with a brand new English dub handled by Sound Cadence Studios. And then in 2024, the OSMcast! gave the world a podcast about Discotek Media’s Blu-ray release of the anime Gunbuster by Gainax. But also joining us to talk about Gunbuster is Melissa Sternenberg, the voice of Kazumi Amano from the Sound Cadence Studios English dub production for the Discotek Media Blu-ray release of the anime Gunbuster by Gainax. We also talk about Glass Mask way more than expected, but not unappreciated.
Gunbuster! You should go watch it. There’s a really good Blu-ray you can buy! Or stream it on Crunchyroll (as of this posting)! And big thanks to Melissa and Tobias for joining us on the show! But before we forget, Time Cues:
- We Start OSMcast!ing – 0:00
- OSMplugs (Discord, Patreon, TeePublic) – 02:30
- Gunbuster
- Gunbuster, Sans Spoilers – 03:34
- Gunbuster, Full of Spoilers – 55:55
- OSMs Out of OSM & Final Thoughts – 01:23:15
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