Sorry folks! When Basil was sick last week, we ran with our last MTAC piece so he wouldn’t get everyone else sick. So what happens? They all caught it from someone else. I blame Murphy. But I think we have
OSMcrap: “The REALLY real real MTAC Ninja Experience”
Man, just when you thought it was safe to listen to podcasts, we had go and post this. It’s our long lost MTAC episode! Okay, so it was never really lost, but I guess it is kind of long! It’s
OSMcast: Fanboys 05-25-2009
Here on the OSMcast, we thought what better way to celebrate Memorial Day than to remember all those wonderful, brilliant thoughts and dreams that were snuffed out so many years ago when we all thought Episode One was going to
OSMcast: Star Trek (2009 Movie) 05-18-2009
It’s taken a few movies this year to get to it, but we finally got it. A really good geek film. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? It’s called Star Trek, and it’s the topic of this week’s episode of the
OSMcast: They Were Eleven 05-11-2009
Since out last podcast was on stuff that was really new, we decided to check out something that’s a little bit older. So in honor of Cinco de Eleven we talked about They Were Eleven*, an anime adaption of the
OSMcast: The Spring Anime 2009 Preview 05-04-2009
So we heard that a whole bunch of new shows just started airing in Japan last month, so we thought we’d talk about the shows we’ve started keeping up with. Hence, the Spring Anime 2009 Preview. Or as Inubito called
OSMcast: Fallout 3 04-27-2009
In this week’s episode of the OSMcast, we’re joined by the Anime World Order‘s Daryl Surat to talk about Fallout 3. It’s Bethesda Game Studios’ take on the classic video games series Fallout by Black Isle Studios. So of course
So it looks like the cat’s out of bag?
So I guess AWO just updated and Daryl Surat (like Saji Crossroad you have to say both parts of his name every time or else it doesn’t count), mentioned that our next episode will be featuring him. This is completely
OSMinterview: Sonny Strait @ MTAC Ninja
This week we bring you our super-short interview with voice actor and artist Sonny Strait that we got at MTAC. He’s done many roles, like Krillin from Dragon Ball Z, Maes Hughes from Fullmetal Alchemist, Lupin the 3rd from… Lupin
OSMinterview: Robert and Emily DeJesus @ MTAC Ninja
This week we decided to kick it off with our epic-ly long interview with two of the hardest working folks in anime fandom today: Robert and Emily DeJesus of Studio Capsule. They talked about all sorts of things with us,