Well just gosh golly gee do we have a podcast-a-rooney for you! Wait, was any of those actual words? And based on what AWO says, should we have called it a podcast-a-rooni? Either way, one of the shows that has
OSMcast! Show #174: WandaVision

Well just gosh golly gee do we have a podcast-a-rooney for you! Wait, was any of those actual words? And based on what AWO says, should we have called it a podcast-a-rooni? Either way, one of the shows that has
Plans are made. Then life happens! Plans are dashed. New plans are made. And while all that is happening, a whole lot of news happened! So we decided to talk about those things. Think of them like the friends we
The OSMawards for 2020 continue! Movin’ right along, in this episode we cover our faves in anime and TV from last year. Oh, and Gundam Wing. Look, it makes more sense when you get to it. So please get right
Remember back in the day, when you could throw a bunch of people into the same space together? Just bunch a people all grouped up into rooms, to be able to get some education? Yeah, it was a fairy tale
It’s a podcast from the OSMcast in 2016! About… 2015! How exciting! So, we thought we were back, only we weren’t. Whoops! But we are here, with an episode. That we recorded all the way back in January! It’s the
Oh snap! It’s time for the 2014 OSMcast OSMawards! AKA the not so much awards, more like we just talk about the stuff we liked from the last year. Since last time we did it in the order of Video
Lo and Behold we have returned. It is now the year of 2014. But 2013 had a lot of cool stuff in it, so we have brought back the OSMawards! In the first part of our two episode saga of
As we all know, the first thing you do in a new year is to look back at the previous year, unless you have a decade to deal with. So to ring in 2011 we have got the first half