Or as most people would refer these to as, Guest Spots! There have been from time to time, other podcasts that have graciously allowed us to ramble on various topics. Sometimes, more than once! These are those episodes.
Anime World Order
- Anime World Order # 237 – Triv-ia! Don’t Give It Up, Ba-sil! Triv-ia! Don’t Give It Up Ger-ald! (With Basil)
GME! Anime Fun Time
- Episode 10: Redline (2009) (With Basil)
Manga in Your Ears
- Inside Mari (With Basil)
Moogle Go Round Radio
- Moogle Go Round Radio 146 with OSMcast! (With Basil)
- Moogle Go Round Radio 195 its all casters (With Basil)
Ninja Consultants
Oldtaku no Radio
One Pixel Jump
Otaku Melancholy
The Reverse Thieves’ Speakeasy Podcast
- The Speakeasy #018: Ghostbuster, A Kekkaishi Introduction* (With Basil)
- The Speakeasy – Crime Scene Investigations #002: Otakon 2011* (With Basil and Kevin)
The Taiiku Podcast
- Seven Samurai and Hanebado (With Basil)
- Nosferatu and Mix (With Basil)
- Dersu Uzala and Cross Manage (With Basil)
- Madadayo, The Quiet Duel, and Ahiru no Sora (With Basil)
- Eraserhead and Iwakakeru (With Basil)
- The Elephant Man and Ace of Diamond Act II (With Basil)
- Seven Samurai and Hanebado (With Basil)
- Nosferatu and Mix (With Basil)
- Dersu Uzala and Cross Manage (With Basil)
- Madadayo, The Quiet Duel, and Ahiru no Sora (With Basil)
- Eraserhead and Iwakakeru (With Basil)
- Twin Peaks season two (episodes 10 through 22), Dune, and Burning Kabaddi (With Basil)
- Lost Highway and RE-MAIN (With Basil)
- Inland Empire, Backflip!!, and Dance Dance Danseur (With Basil)
- Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces, Twin Peaks: The Return Parts 1-8, Tribe Nine, and Hajime no Ippo (With Basil)
- Twin Peaks: The Return Parts 9-18, PuraOre! ~Pride of Orange~, Sorairo Utility, and BIRDIE WING -Golf Girls’ Story- (With Basil)
- David Lynch: The Art Life, Futsal Boys!!!!!, and Fanfare of Adolescence (With Basil)
- REDLINE (With Basil)
- Aoashi (With Basil)
- Love All Play (With Basil)
- Ippon Again! (With Basil)
- Basquash (With Kevin)
- Blue Lock (With Basil)
- BIRDIE WING -Golf Girls’ Story- season two (With Basil)
Third Impact Anime
- Episode #77 – Farewell, Hamacon (With Basil)
- Episode #85 – Black Jack: The Movie (1996) feat. Basil from OSMcast! (With Basil)
- TIA Holiday Special! Episode # 104 – Sailor Moon S: The Movie (With Anna)
- Third Impact Anime Episode # 125 – Glass Mask (1984) (With Basil)
*These episodes feature podcasts that are now defunct, or their episodes are no longer hosted. Due to a quirk of RSS feeds changing over to a new hosting services, we happened to have these episodes hosted locally. So in the interests of preservation, we still have them listed. Now if the folks that made these original episodes would rather they be taken down, let Basil know and he’ll get it taken care of.