Hello Adventurers! We have once again braved the wilds of Eorzea and Norvrandt to bring you latest in all things awesome in Final Fantasy XIV. Last time, we broke down the latest Liver Letter and got hyped for Patch 5.3. This time, we break down the latest event in game, starting today! It’s the latest in the Itinerant Moogle series, where you can run old content, and get cool loot.
It’s a dog eat dog world out there! Or rather, a wolf eat rabbit world? At least a predator could eat prey world, expect that’s looked down upon and really just a bad idea to do. At least that’s the world of BEASTARS, the latest Netflix craze from the anime studio Orange based off the manga by Paru Itagaki. Which coincidentally, is the topic of this episode! Crazy how that works.
Anyroad, also don’t forget Momocon is doing online things all this month! On Thursdays and Saturdays for the this week from 7pm to 10pm EST via their Twitch channel, they’ll be playing some of the best moments from past Momocons. And from May 21 thru the 24th check out the Virtual Big Show. MomoConline! You may even see some OSMcast panels while you are there…
(Oh, and buy some sweet Momocon swag, while you still can!) And now, Time Cues:
We start the OSMcasting – 0:00
General Gabbing – 0:33
Moments of OSM – 05:31
Final Fantasy VII on the Switch – 05:44
Final Fantasy VII Remake- 10:33
Persona 5 Royal (but really more FF7R*) – 14:53
The Lighthouse Question that Gerald asked, is finally answered! – 19:07
BEASTARS, Sans Spoilers – 20:58
BEASTARS, Full of Spoilers – 42:49
Questions from Listeners Like You about BEASTARS – 51:41
Final Thoughts – 72:22
OSMs out of OSM – 75:15
*Editor’s note: Oh my god you guys are doing this as a whole show next week get on with it!
Hello Adventurers! Warriors of Light Darkness! Welcome to the latest addition to the OSMcast! Family: The Carbuncle Chronicle, our dedicated Final Fantasy XIV podcast! Every other week, we’re gonna tackle a different subject about FFXIV. In this episode, we cover the recently released Letter from the Producer LIVE from Naoki Yoshida and the FFXIV team.
They talk about the impact that COVID-19 has had, causing development delays. They also read a wonderful letter from a doctor who plays FFXIV, and a preview of the eventual Patch 5.3: Reflections in Crystal. If you would like to read along with us chattering away, the dev team just released their text digest of the Live Letter!
We hope you enjoyed this new podcast series! Next time, we’re gonna talk about a more personal topic, about our experience with Final Fantasy and MMOs in general.
When I listen up at The wide-stretched plain of podcasts, Is the audio the same That peach on Mount Momocon In the land of Taiiku?
We never thought we would have the excuse to talk about the anime Chihayafuru again, but here we are! Based off the manga by Yuki Suetsugu, we are talking about the third season of Chihayafuru, animated by studio Madhouse, directed by Morio Asaka. Joining Basil this time is once again Jess from Momocon, as well as first time guest Kory from the Taiiku and Manga In Your Ears podcasts!
Get some Chihayafuru in your life! Streaming all of anime? It’s on Crunchyroll! And if you want to order the first two seasons of anime on disc, Sentai Filmworks has got you covered. Oh, would you like the manga? Kodansha has got that going on!
And while you cannot check out Momocon in person this year, you can check them out online! On Thursdays and Saturdays for the next few weeks from 7pm to 10pm EST via their Twitch channel, they’ll be playing some of the best moments from past Momocons. And maybe even some cool newer stuff soon as well! Oh, and buy some sweet Momocon swag, while you still can!
Our boy John is back with yet another amazing interview! This time, he sits down virtually with the wondrous Deva Marie. You may recognize her voice best as the role of Flayn, from Fire Emblem: Three Houses!
We want to thank Deva Marie once again for taking the time to chat with us! Anna probably put it best:
Currently editing the interview @J5isLive did with @deva_marie for the @OSMcast and can I just say I love her? She sounds like such an awesome and sweet lady and someone I would love to hang out with!
— ðŸ¹ðŸŽ¶Anna B.🎶🹠(@Angeldrkfire) April 20, 2020
And hey, we know this year is a tough time. One of the ways it’s been tough is that a lot of us go to cons throughout the year, and right now there are no cons. That’s a bummer! So Momocon is trying their best to keep that spirit alive through the internet.
On Thursdays and Saturdays for the next few weeks from 7pm to 10pm EST via their Twitch channel, they’ll be playing some of the best moments from past Momocons. And maybe even some cool newer stuff soon as well!
And speaking of Momocon, next week’s show is already in the bag! We’ll be talking about the latest season of Chihayafuru, with Jess of Momofame and Kory from the Taiiku and Manga in Your Ears podcasts. Hope to see you back!
WELP. This has sure been a thing. You see, the OSMcast has always been a “folks in person in front of a microphone” kind of podcast. With world events being what they are, that wasn’t gonna fly anymore. So we decided to try something new. Recording via the Internet. Which is very exciting!
So, we tested our recording with asking, receiving, and now answering questions from Listeners Like You! As well as some Moments of OSM. Hope you all enjoy!
We also want to give big props to our wondrous comrades in arms, Third Impact Anime! Not only are they an awesome podcast and blog in their own right, but they also host an outstanding Discord! Which everyone should join and talk anime and video games and other things with us. Also whenever Denpa puts out a book, just buy it!
And as always, after the OSMnotes, are some Time Cues:
We start the OSMcast!ing – 0:00
General Gabbing – 0:35
Moments of OSM – 3:06
Animal Crossing: New Horizons – 3:16
Behind the Curve; You Are Not So Smart – 9:42
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Re;surrection – 15:48
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing / Not so Mobile Suit Gundam Tiger King – 17:30
Oh, hello there! Fancy world we live in now. It’s sure has had a lot of ups and downs lately! And what better way to make your way through it all, than to watch Ride Your Wave, by Science Saru, directed by Masaaki Yuasa? There isn’t, so thankfully we have a podcast for you all about it! Also… other things.
So yea! Of course, you can always hit up GKIDS Films’ website for potential future theater viewings, although really you may be best off waiting for the home release. But until then, Time Cues~
We start the OSMcasting – 0:00
General Gabbing – 0:32
REDACTED – 02:30
Black Clover – 05:44
Moments of Awesome – 08:52
Final Fantasy VII Remake, the Demo – 09:01
Doom Patrol (TV series) – 18:02
Mother! – 23:04
Hunters (2020 TV series) – 25:33
Ride Your Wave
Ride Your Wave, Sans Spoilers – 32:26
Ride Your Wave, Full of Spoilers – 47:10
Questions from Listeners Like You about Ride Your Wave – 61:22
Hey folks today is Super Tuesday so if you are reading this today and you are in a state that’s doing that whole voting thing then please GO VOTE! And while you are waiting in line at the polls, we have an episode for you to listen to! Recorded at Seishun Con 2020, we kick back with the Tennessee Crew and talk about, well… all sorts of things.
And here are some of those things! Also known as Time Cues:
Boy, this episode sure went places, didn’t it? Also please go vote. And our hearts and thoughts are out for all our Tennessee peoples who go caught in the terrible tornadoes that just hit the state today. If you can help at all, we have heard that The Community Foundation is a great place to donate to.
So this past few weekends ago, Seishun Con happened. And it was fun! One of the fun things was yet another attempt at an OSMcast LIVE! show. This time, we planned on doing a podcast about Crusher Joe with our pals over at Akihabara Renditions. Only… Funny thing! Communication failed, and half of us did not watch Crusher Joe in time for this panel. So, this is the audio you get instead.Â
Next time, a slightly more planned episode recorded at Seishun Con, along with our Tennessee compatriots.
Whoa what’s this craziness this is not the normal OSMcast?!? Nope this is a whole new OSMcast-produced thing, we’re calling Touched by a Duelist! It’s a new weekly, show where we are covering the anime series Touched and Yu-Gi-Oh!
Touch being the baseball anime, based on the manga by Mitsuru Adachi, and Yu-Gi-Oh! being the card battling anime, based on the manga by Kazuki Takahashi.
This episode we are covering the Touch episode 1, “No matter what everybody says, we’re twins!!” And the Yu–Gi-Oh! episode 1, The Fearsome Blue-Eyes White Dragon.