OSMinterview: Deedee Magno Hall @ Momocon 2019

So if you haven’t noticed yet, we had a ton of interviews at this past Momocon! In this one, we chatted with Deedee Magno Hall! Not only is her name amazing, she herself was also amazing as Pearl, in a cartoon people like to call Steven Universe. As… that is the cartoon’s name.

She was also Princess Jasmine in Disney’s Aladdin: A Musical Spectacular for many years, as well as Nessarose in Wicked! She knows how to carry a tune, is all we are saying here. 

OSMcast! Show #151: The Indie Video Games of Momocon 2019

So sure. maybe some other major video games expo may be happening right now, but what about what has happened before? Like, say, Momocon a few weeks back. We were there, and played an absolute non-literal ton of indie video games. These are those stories.


Man, that was a bunch of neat games! Mostly. But hey, if you need even MORE independent coverage of independent games, Basil has made an independent post over at itsbasiltime.com to talk about some of the games that he enjoyed that were submitted to the Momocon Indie Awards Showcase, but were not on the show floor. That said, here’s the Time Cues for all the games we covered that were:

OSMinterview: Monica Rial @ Momocon 2019

We’re back from Momocon, and here to serve you with one of many interviews we got take part in during the con! In this episode, we got the chance to speak with Monica Rial.

You may know her best as Bulma from Dragon Ball and the letters that come after, but’s she done a ton voices throughout the years. So many, her own website even says Hey, check out ANN for a really good list. That said, you should totally check her out on Twitter!

OSMinterview: Micah & Ayu Interview… Us?! @ Hamacon 8

OK… Hmm… Well, uh, this a weird one? Back in time, when Hamacon 8 was happening, we sat down to interview Micah Solusod and Ayu Sakata. Only, they decided since we have interviewed them a few times, they turned the table to interview us. Us mostly being John and Charlie. So, enjoy this one!

Micah and Ayu are both super accomplished folks. They have an amazing webcomic called the Ties That Bind, they create games over at sakevisual. Oh, and they voice all your favorite characters, too! Too bad they decided to ask us the questions, huh?

OSMcast! Show #150: Moments of TN OSM (MTAC Lunar)

So as you may have noticed, we were at a con recently. That con being MTAC Lunar, a fine lead in to next years already better MTAC Score. Because, you know…

Sports anime theme.

But as you may now realize, a fresh new con trip now can sometimes include a fresh new episode from our new format, Moments of TN OSM. That’s right, we got the Tennessee crew in to talk about all… sorts… of… things. Look, just skip down to the Time Cues.


Here are said Time Cues (I was told by our editor that these must not be edited in any way, so they are not… mostly):

  • We start the OSMcasting – 00:00
  • General Gabbing – 00:33
  • Moments of OSM – 01:09
  • Panda Jail – 01:15
  • The Illuminate Part 2 – 02:40
  • Chaika – The Coffin Princess – 06:11
  • Sarazanmai, Ep. 2 – 07:30
  • Chi’s Sweet Home manga – 09:00
  • Then they just talk about random shit?
  • Final Thoughts – 25:09

Special Shout Out to Co-Audio Producer on all of the MTAC 2019 Episodes: Mike! @ViNull

OSMinterview! Sarah Anne Williams @ MTAC Lunar

Hi everybody! It’s time for our second installment of the MTAC Lunar podcast trilogy! We had the opportunity to chat with the amazing Sarah Anne Williams!

She has done a bunch of voice-over roles over the past eight years for both anime and video games. Some of those include Sayaka Miki in Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Nonon Jakuzure in Kill la Kill, Jack Frost in Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse, Chihaya Mifune in Persona 5, Chiara Rocino / Lily in Valkyria Chronicles 4, and a whole bunch more!

Thank you so much to both MTAC as well as Sarah for sitting down with us! It was a blast. Also thanks goes out to Charlie Grace for giving us that extra spice to liven things up!

OSMinterview! Martin Billany aka LittleKuriboh and Marianne Miller @ MTAC Lunar

OK sure, MTAC Lunar just wrapped up, but we could not wait to get you this episode! We got the chance to sit down and chat with both Martin Billany AND Marianne Miller, it was such a delight. Martin is better known online as “LittleKuriboh,” the creator of Yu-Gi-Oh The Abridged Series. Marianne is better known as… Marianne! But she is also the voice of many a wonderful character, like Amanda O’Neill from Little Witch Academia, or Mossan from FLCL Alternative!

We chat about all sorts of topics, like Star Wars, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, wrestling, how to try to be better people, Final Fantasy XIV, just all kinds of things.


Here’s a bunch of places you can find Martin and Marianne:

Once again, big ol’ thanks to both Martin Billany and Marianne Miller for chatting with us, andto MTAC for hosting us all! It was a great con to attend, and we aren’t done with MTAC content yet! We’ll see you all soon~

OSMcast! Show #149: Mob Psycho 100

Happy Monday, everybody! Let’s kick off the week with something wholesome. And you can’t spell “wholesome” without “Mob Psycho 100,” the anime by Bones adapted from the manga by ONE. OK you probably can spell wholesome without Mob… But you should really give it a try. We’ll tell you why!


MTAC is so close! Like, it starts this week close! And while we don’t have any panels this time, we’ll be doing out best to get some sweet interviews on the books for your listening enjoyment. Until then, have some of that latest dance craze that is sweeping the nation, Time Cues:

  • We start the OSMcasting – 00:00
  • General Gabbing – 00:39
  • Moments of OSM – 04:23
    • The Illuminate – 04:39
    • Aquaman – 15:16
    • The Tick, Season 2 – 16:16
    • Drifting Dragons – 17:10
  • Mob Psycho 100
    • Mob Psycho 100, Sans Spoilers – 19:34
    • Mob Psycho 100, Full of Spoilers – 43:10
    • Questions from Listeners Like You about Mob Psycho 100 – 61:37
    • Favorite Moments and OSMs out of OSM – 71:15