OSMcast! FINAL FANTASY XIV Fan Festival 2016 Las Vegas 10-29-2016

Oh hi! The OSMcast (and friends!) went to the latest Final Fanatsy XIV Fan Festival in Las Vegas, to check out all the sweet surprises they had in store! And boy did they! A new expansion, and lots of teases as to what’s coming up next. But we did as much of the Festival as we could, so we could bring it all back to you here. In audio form, no less!


Oh, we know why you are still reading! You want them Time Cues~

  • We start the OSMcast!ing – 0:00
  • General Gabbing – 00:51
  • FINAL FANTASY XIV Fan Festival 2016 Las Vegas
    • Day 0 and Speculation – 01:27
    • Overall thoughts on the FanFest – 19:48
    • Day 1 – Friday – 35:54
    • Day 2 – Saturday – 73:21
    • Final Thoughts (WITH SUPER ULTRA HYPER SPECIAL GUEST) – 91:26

But we also have BONUS PICTURES for you as well!


OSMcast! 2015 OSMawards Part One of… er… One 8-29-2016


It’s a podcast from the OSMcast in 2016! About… 2015! How exciting! So, we thought we were back, only we weren’t. Whoops! But we are here, with an episode. That we recorded all the way back in January! It’s the first half of the 2015 OSMawards, that now is in fact, the entirety.


So yes. While this is the latest OSMcast, this is also the last… To update on a Monday! In the future, we are going to update on every other Friday, and see how that works out. And we should have things coming, as we have recorded a whole new episode last week, and have some interviews from MTAC. But until then, show some time cues~

  • We start the OSMcast!ing – 0:00
  • General Gabbing – 00:55
  • Dragon Quest Minute! – 13:06
  • The 2015 OSMawards!
    • Movies – 17:08
      • Jupiter Ascending – 17:17
      • Furious 7 – 21:00
      • Avengers: Age of Ultron – 22:01
      • Mad Max Fury Road – 25:44
      • Star Wars The Force Awakens – 28:49
      • Person of Interest – 34:55
      • Ant Man – 35:44
      • Inside Out – 38:21
    • TV Shows
      • Bojack Horseman – 45:16
      • Marvel & DC TV shows – 45:57
      • Going Deep with David Reese – 46:45
      • Jessica Jones – 50:03
    • Video Games – 58:08
      • Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. – 59:33
      • Shovel Knight – 60:00
      • Life is Strange – 64:15
      • Final Fantasy XV Episode Duscae – 66:26
      • Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain – 68:01
      • Fallout 4 – 69:56
      • Xenoblade Chronicles X – 71:15
      • The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky – 73:21
      • Undertale – 78: 36
      • Indivisible Demo – 84:29
      • Game of the Year – 85:18

OSMcast! Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward 1-11-2016


Huh. So… It’s 2016, huh? Man, how time flies!

Especially when you are playing Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward, the amazing expansion to that MMO we here at the OSMcast has been horribly addicted to! In honor of our addiction, please have a podcast all about it.


Don’t worry! Our podcast New Year’s Resolution for 2016 is to get back into the swing of things. For real this time. We are gonna podcast like it’s 2014!

Until then, have some cues.

  • We start the OSMcast!ing – 0:00
  • General Gabbing – 00:34
  • Dragon Quest Minute! – 03:59
  • Moments of OSM – 07:51
    • Dragon Quest Heroes – 08:01
    • Fate/Grand Order – 11:27
    • The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky – 14:28
    • Indivisible Indiegogo (SORRY IT’S OVER NOW) – 21:59
    • Observations about Canada- 24:35
  • Questions from listeners like you – 30:42
  • Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward – 44:35

OSMcast! The Indie Video Games of Momocon 2015 10-26-2015


So speaking of Momocon, this was the first year where they really blew up their video gaming to something truly huge. Something special. they called it the MGX, or Momocon Gaming Experience. Not only was there tons of tabletop gaming to be had, or console gaming, or even an arcade, as they had all of these things. But what Momocon also had, was an indies space for video games. And along with our pals from Chainsaw Buffet, we played almost all of them.

These are those stories. As recorded late at night during some night at Momocon.


GOOD GRAVY there were a bunch of games at Momocon this year! Frankly, I have no idea how those actual video game sites cover even bigger shows like E3! Wait, I think they get paid though… huh. Oh well! Of course, thanks to the Chainsaw Boys for helping us cover all these games! But you did not come here for this part of the OSMnotes, clearly. What you want, are those Time Cues:

That… was a lot of links. Please, go click on them! Find something new to play! And bug the wonderful C63 folks to make that sweet sweet train game I know is secretly in their hearts.

Next time, something fresh off the microphone! We are kicking a few ideas around. If you have any ideas of topics of things to cover, feel free to hit up Basil on Twitter. Or Kevin! Or hey, even the OSMcast account itself. We are not picky.

OSMinterview! Greg Weisman @ Momocon 2015


Long time, no podcast? Well, let’s fix that! We’re going to start with an OSMinterview we did with Greg Weisman during this year’s Momocon along with the Chainsaw Buffet podcast.

Greg Weisman was one of the co-creators of Disney animated series Gargoyles, and also worked on Young Justice, as well as Star Wars Rebels. We talk to him about all those things, but we also chatted about his books Rain of the Ghosts, as well as it’s sequel book Spirits of Ash and Foam.


Firstly, big thanks to both Greg Weisman and Momocon for making the interview possible. You should all check out his books! Basil sure did, and will probably report back in on those soon enough. Secondly, hi we’re back! And we even have a second episode being prepped for next week! So that’s exciting.

OSMinterview! Erica Mendez @ MTAC 15 to Life


In our final interview of the MTAC 15 to Life Series, we got found out who Erica Mendez’s Love Live is! Oh, I guess we should mention that Erica Mendez is the voice over artist of Aladdin in the Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic series as well as Ryuko Matoi in Kill la Kill. But importantly, we find out who her favorite Love Live is.

Because We Know What Anitwitter Wants™.

Of course we talk about her adventures in the acting of voices over things, as well as video games, and Mobile Fighter G Gundam! You know, all the finer things in life. This happened at MTAC 15 to Life, in a press conference style sort of the affair along with the Chainsaw Buffet and some other wonderful folks. Please, have a listen.


We have switched hosting! The OSMcast is now powered by simplecast.fm. What this means is that in May/June we will be switching RSS feeds! So if you would like to switch your RSS now, that might make things easier for the future!

That said, we have been able to switch it already over at Sticher. They’re good folks, that Sticher. In fact, if you use Sticher, could you leave us a review? It would be most appreciated!

OSMinterview! Tiffany Grant @ MTAC 15 to Life


In our second interview of the MTAC 15 to Life Series, we had the wonderful chance to chat with Tiffany Grant. While best known for her role in Neon Genesis Evangelion, as Asuka, she has also been a ton of other roles! From as early as Kome Sawaguchi in Blue Seed (1996), to even Lune from The World God Only Knows (2015), Tiffany Grant is one of the most decorated Voice Over Artists around.

So it was extremely thrilling to gotten to have talked with. About all sorts of things, from Hello Kitty, to speaking German, to Hello Kitty some more. Possibly while speaking German. Oh, and some things about voice acting in anime, too. Sure. This happened at MTAC 15 to Life, in a press conference style sort of the affair along with the Chainsaw Buffet and some other wonderful folks. Please, have a listen.


We have switched hosting! The OSMcast is now powered by simplecast.fm. What this means is that in May/June we will be switching RSS feeds! So if you would like to switch your RSS now, that might make things easier for the future!

That said, we have been able to switch it already over at Sticher. They’re good folks, that Sticher. In fact, if you use Sticher, could you leave us a review? It would be most appreciated!

OSMcast! Steven Universe, Season One 5-18-2015


Sometimes, you just gotta talk about cartoons. And in this latest, greatest episode of the OSMcast, we do just that! This is the episode where we talk about Rebecca Sugar’s and Cartoon Network’s Steven Universe. It’s a show about a boy and his three awesome magical moms. Or aunts. Or, something. It’s pretty great.

We also remissness about that MMO we are always playing, as well as MTAC (next year they’re going 16-bit!), video games, and some silly piece of cloth that Doug adores but will never let anyone ever see. Ever.


Wow! Honestly we had no clue it’s been so long since we did a normal, everyday podcast about a thing we thought was awesome. Thankfully, Steven Universe is pretty amazing, so that works. In other news, Basil was recently on an episode of GME Anime Fun Time, talking about some Redline. It was pretty fun, as Redline is incredible fun and very easy to talk about.

Speaking of talking and things that are fun, we’ll be at Momocon! Well, Basil and Kevin shall be. Not only that, but we’ll be present a slew of panels. A slew! Like… four or five of them. Enough we may just have a post just about that itself. Basil will have to work on that.

Also, we have switched hosting! The OSMcast is now powered by simplecast.fm. What this means is that in May/June we will be switching RSS feeds! So if you would like to switch your RSS now, that might make things easier for the future!

But until then, have some Time Cues:

  • We start the OSMcast!ing – 0:00
  • General Gabbing – 00:31
  • Dragon Quest Minute! – 06:11
  • Final Fantasy XIV (A Realm Reborn) Minute! – 07:14
  • Moments of OSM – 17:58
  • Sentinels of the Multiverse – 18:34
    • Super Robot Wars/Z3.2 – 21:37
    • MTAC – 24:21
    • Vintage Handkerchief – 34:19
    • Altruism – 38:22
  • Steven Universe
    • Steven Universe, Sans Spoilers 41:52
    • Steven Universe, Full of Spoilers – 85:47
    • Questions from Listeners Like You about Steven Universe – 124:01
    • OSMs out of OSM – 140:38

OSMinterview! Micah Solusod @ MTAC 15 to Life


Waaaaaaaaaay back in the earlier days of the OSMcast!, we met a young man named Micah Solusod. Turned out he was the English Voice Over Artist for the role of Soul in Soul Eater. Since then, the man has gone to do a whole lot more of that Voice Over Stuff! Guy’s been in Wolf Children, Kamisama Kiss, and just recently was one of the main guys in the English adaption of Ping Pong: the Animation!

So we decided it was time to get back in touch with the kid, and see what was going down lately. This happened at MTAC 15 to Life this year, in a press conference style sort of the affair along with the Chainsaw Buffet and some other wonderful folks. Please, have a listen.


We have switched hosting! The OSMcast is now powered by simplecast.fm. What this means is that in May/June we will be switching RSS feeds! So if you would like to switch your RSS now, that might make things easier for the future!

That said, we have been able to switch it already over at Stitcher. They’re good folks, that Stitcher.

OSMcast! Kami-Con Season 7 4-17-2015


The OSMcast has returned! We have come back to to talk about all sorts of things! But primarily, Kami-Con, a fun anime con in Birmingham, Alabama. We talk about our adventures there, as well as things like Dragons and Monsters on Quests and Strikes. With a side of science and goofin’ off.


Long time, no podcast! But now we are back! And you should be seeing more episodes on a more frequent as well as more reliable schedule.

That said, we have switched hosting! The OSMcast is now powered by simplecast.fm. What this means is that in May/June we will be switching RSS feeds!

But until then, Time Cues!

  • We start the OSMcast!ing – 0:00
  • General Gabbing – 00:38
  • Basil & Anna Are Getting Married Minute! – 03:06
  • Dragon Quest Minute! – 05:04
  • Final Fantasy XIV (A Realm Reborn) Minute! – 08:03
  • Moments of OSM
    • Dragonball Xenoverse – 22:04
    • Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate – 27:53
    • Monster Strike – 30:22
    • My Neighbor Seki – 31:45
    • SCIENCE – 32:25
  • Kami-Con Season 7
    • Friday – 36:54
    • Saturday – 55:40
    • Sunday – 86:01
    • Final Thoughts – 96:17