Sometimes, you just gotta talk about cartoons. And in this latest, greatest episode of the OSMcast, we do just that! This is the episode where we talk about Rebecca Sugar’s and Cartoon Network’s Steven Universe. It’s a show about a boy and his three awesome magical moms. Or aunts. Or, something. It’s pretty great.
We also remissness about that MMO we are always playing, as well as MTAC (next year they’re going 16-bit!), video games, and some silly piece of cloth that Doug adores but will never let anyone ever see. Ever.
Wow! Honestly we had no clue it’s been so long since we did a normal, everyday podcast about a thing we thought was awesome. Thankfully, Steven Universe is pretty amazing, so that works. In other news, Basil was recently on an episode of GME Anime Fun Time, talking about some Redline. It was pretty fun, as Redline is incredible fun and very easy to talk about.
Speaking of talking and things that are fun, we’ll be at Momocon! Well, Basil and Kevin shall be. Not only that, but we’ll be present a slew of panels. A slew! Like… four or five of them. Enough we may just have a post just about that itself. Basil will have to work on that.
Also, we have switched hosting! The OSMcast is now powered by simplecast.fm. What this means is that in May/June we will be switching RSS feeds! So if you would like to switch your RSS now, that might make things easier for the future!
But until then, have some Time Cues:
- We start the OSMcast!ing – 0:00
- General Gabbing – 00:31
- Dragon Quest Minute! – 06:11
- Final Fantasy XIV (A Realm Reborn) Minute! – 07:14
- Moments of OSM – 17:58
- Sentinels of the Multiverse – 18:34
- Super Robot Wars/Z3.2 – 21:37
- MTAC – 24:21
- Vintage Handkerchief – 34:19
- Altruism – 38:22
- Steven Universe
- Steven Universe, Sans Spoilers 41:52
- Steven Universe, Full of Spoilers – 85:47
- Questions from Listeners Like You about Steven Universe – 124:01
- OSMs out of OSM – 140:38