OSMcast! Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods 8-11-2014

If there was a bingo card for all that is good about Dragon Ball, this movie would win all the Dragon Balls.

There are some things we thought we would never see. One of things being a Dragon Ball Z movie in theaters in America. Furthermore, a Dragon Ball Z movie in a theater in our own town. For that Dragon Ball Z movie to be highly entertaining. We also never thought we would see a movie called Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods.

Another thing that we never thought we would be able to do? To be able to make a podcast about a movie called Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, that was a Dragon Ball Z movie we watched in a theater in our home town.

These are now all things that have happened.

And the world was better for it.


We hoped that everyone has fun at Otakon! It sounded amazing and we totally wish we could have made it. Maybe next year!

But in the mean time, please have some Time Cues!

  • We start the OSMcast!ing – 00:00
  • General Gabbing – 00:44
  • Dragon Quest Minute! – 4:58
  • Final Fantasy XIV (A Realm Reborn) Minute! – 6:55
  • Moments of OSM
  • Elysian Shadows – 16:30
    • Terror in Resonance – 20:52
    • Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal – 23:40
    • Cast Away – 28:15
  • Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods
    • Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, Sans Spoilers – 32:33
    • Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, Full of Spoilers – 54:47
    • Questions from Listeners Like You about Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods – 75:40
    • OSMs Out of OSM – 91:12

OSMcast! The Legend of Korra: Book Two, Spirits 7-28-2014

Still cartoons! Cartoons are still great!

And lo, a year has passed since we all watched the second season, or Book as the kids call it, of the Legend of Korra. But what does that MEAN. Was it worth it? Were they able to write themselves out of the hole that was the complete story arc of Book One? And by that we mean that Book One ended in a way that really didn’t need another season, so the hole we are talking is more the fact there was no hole? But can we DIG IT. Can we place our hands into the ground of The Legend of Korra: Book Two, Spirits and just DIG IT?

Short answer: Yeah pretty much, we are still doing an OSMcast all about after all.

Long answer: Once again, you can have that long answer by click on that episode, and either streaming it RIGHT NOW or download and listen at your earlier convenience. We did spend all that time talking and pontificating all over this here audio file. I’m adding more text here to make the answer longer.

TL;DR: This episode of the OSMcast is about The Legend of Korra: Book Two, Spirits. It’s a pretty cool cartoon made by Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino and the second series to the first book and is in general a sequel to Avatar: the Last Airbender. You can go listen to us yap on about how cool we think it is. Which it was. At times. Eh, you’ll find out!


Firstly, here’s a link to the Blu-ray of the second season. Here’s a link to the DVD version.

Now have some delicious whole grain Time Cues:

  • We start the OSMcast!ing – 00:00
  • General Gabbing – 00:45
  • ‎Final Fantasy XIV (A Realm Reborn) Minute!: 05:31
  • Moments of OSM
    • Aldnoah.Zero – 18:44
    • Total Drama series – 21:00
    • Bob’s Burgers – 24:06
    • Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun- 28:21
  • The Legend of Korra: Book Two, Spirits
    • The Legend of Korra: Book Two, Spirits Sans Spoilers – 35:16
    • The Legend of Korra: Book Two, Spirits Full of Spoilers – 63:48
    • Questions from Listeners Like You about The Legend of Korra: Book Two, Spirits – 89:04
    • OSMs Out of OSM – 108:41

OSMcast! The Great Muppet Caper 7-14-2014

You probably watched this a bunch when you were kids, but you may discover that you never truly watched it at all! Ooooo deep.

So our last “normal” podcast about a movie reinvention of an old franchise. Therefore we decided to go back to an entirely different franchise, and talk about one of their earlier movies.

That franchise is Jim Henson’s Muppets, and that movie is 1981’s The Great Muppet caper, directed by Jim Henson and filled to the brim with muppets. Which make sense as it is a Muppets movie. With Jim Henson at the helm.

We also talk about being among wolves, shovels, knights, how to protect yourself against the mosquito menace, and even some Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy X|V: A Realm Reborn Minutes.


On Netflix | Blu-ray on Amazon | DVD on Amazon

YEA. Podcast! and Time Cues!

  • We start the OSMcast!ing – 00:00
  • General Gabbing – 00:51
  • Dragon Quest Minute! – 05:38
  • Final Fantasy XIV (A Realm Reborn) Minute! – 07:52
  • Moments of OSM
    • The Wolf Among Us – 14:45
    • Shovel Knight – 17:04
    • Final Fantasy 9 – 20:16
    • Doug’s Mosquito Jacket – 24:48
    • Edge of Tomorrow/All You Need Is Kill – 27:44
  • The Great Muppet Caper
    • The Great Muppet Caper (Warning, we go straight into spoilers for this 1981 movie!) – 33:57
    • Our Favorite Muppet Moments – 65:37
    • OSMS out of OSM – 71:27

OSMinterview! Chii Sakurabi @ MTAC In Love

Chii Sakurabi

Yes, you thought we were done with MTAC! But as it turns out, we were able to get out one last interview. This one is with Chii Sakurabi, an international J-POP singer, recording artist, and lolita fashion enthusiast from Tokyo, Japan.

We got to talk to her about her music, fashion, as well as her latest album: Moon Princess.


Chii Sakurabi’s website | Chii Sakurabi’s Facebook | Chii Sakurabi’s YouTube | Moon Princess

So, OK. We had this audio that we did with an interview with J-Pop vocalist Chii Sakurabi at this past MTAC. When we got home, our files were being all corrupted and stuff. Not so good, since Chii Sakurabi did talk to us, so we really wanted to get that audio out. BUT THEN, we figured out a way to make it work so yay here have said audio!

We want to give a gigantic thanks to both Chii Sakurabi and MTAC for the chance for the interview. And since it was more press conference style, we weren’t the only ones there asking the questions! You also heard questions from Charlie from the Chainsaw Buffet, as well as Andrew from A Man and His Pod, among others. So big shout outs to them as well.

Next time we will have a normal OSMcast for you, likely yet another one about an American movie blockbuster based of a Japanese thing.

OSMtable: A Roundtable About Waifus and World Cups

This is pretty much sums up this past weekend.

Recorded just this past Saturday while at SeishunCon, here’s a ramblin’ and wonderin’ everywhere we go kind of podcast. We’ve got Basil and Kevin from OSMcast proper, Charlie and Dylan from the Chainsaw Boys, and Niko and Jon from MTAC.

We talk about lots of things. Some of the highlights are in the OSMnotes!


Time Cues!

  • We start the OSMcast!ing – 00:00
  • General Gabbing – 00:39
  • SeishunCon’s Arcade (Mostly about Magical Drop and Tokimeki Memorial Taisen Puzzle-Dama) – 5:45
  • 2014 FIFA World Cup™ – 13:57
  •  SeishunCon’s Guests – 18:40
  •  Ask a Character Panels, aka Everyones’ Favorite Panels! – 20:50
  •  Tomodachi Life – 33:14
  •  Final Fantasy XIV (A Realm Reborn) Minute! – 46:58
  •  Divergent – 51:20
  •  Dragonball Evolution X Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods – 53:02
  •  Closing Remarks – 62:21

So there. Have an episode. Enjoy!

OSMinterview! Martin Billany aka LittleKuriboh @ MTAC In Love

Martin Billany aka LittleKuriboh
Martin Billany aka LittleKuriboh

Wrapping up our MTAC in Love interviews we did, here’s the one we recorded with Martin Billany! Although most people know him as LittleKuriboh, creator of Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series. We here at the OSMcast know the name as the name that Basil cannot pronounce, ever.

Thankfully, this interview is nothing about that.

It’s instead about more fun, or Billany-esque topics.


We want to give a gigantic thanks to both Martin Billany and MTAC for the chance for the interview. And since it was more press conference style, we weren’t the only ones there asking the questions! You also heard questions from Charlie from the Chainsaw Buffet, as well as Andrew from A Man and His Pod, among others. So big shout outs to them as well.

However the Chainsaw Boys do get extra shouts outs for their awesome presence at Hamacon. Hamacon of course being the con where we at the OSMcast were so busy helping make happen, that we are really lucky to have this interview to release instead of an actual episode!

But we’ll be back with an actual episode… At some point!

OSMinterview! Marianne Miller @ MTAC In Love

Marianne Miller

Wait what, you thought we were done with MTAC in Love yet? Not quite! This latest interview is with Marianne Miller, who has voiced in a several anime like Sword Art Online, Squid Girl, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, and a few others!

They’re also really into Dragon Age, which worked out because we are, too! We also talk about squid stuff, and tattoos, and well a whole bunch of stuff. Like poop!

It’s good stuff, so you should probably go listen. Right now. Not sure why you are still reading this text. Other than the fact that I’ve already typed it, and you are looking for catharsis. If that’s the case, I’m done. Feel relieved. Now go listen to Marianne Miller!


We want to give a gigantic thanks to both Marianne Miller and MTAC for the chance for the interview. And since it was more press conference style, we were’t the only ones there asking the questions! You also heard questions from Charlie from the Chainsaw Buffet, as well as Andrew from A Man and His Pod, among others. So big shout outs to them as well. Yes, we gave them shout outs before, and will likely do so again. In, you know, about a week or two.

Not a lot to say right now otherwise, as we here at the OSMcast have a whooooole bunch of work left to do to get ready for Hamacon! Why is time still moving, we need to get these things done oh noooooo

OSMcast! Godzilla (2014 Movie) 5-26-2014

I GUESS you could see it in 3D but we didn’t!

So. Podcast. Gozilla. 2014.

What else is there to say?

Well a bunch actually as this is a pretty packed OSMcast! We introduce a brand new segment all about this MMO that the whole crew is playing aka Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn! Sure we say it’s a minute do is it ever? We also bring back the love as well with the hate, and then top it all off with a movie that the cew general loved, but Basil was a sourpuss about.

What’s with that Basil anyway hatin’ on Norway like that!


Oh no! There goes you go go going to see Godzilla? Perhaps! Or maybe you want to hop on Leviathan server on Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn and play with the OSMcast? We’ll allow it! Just send us a message if you do, through email or whatever social media you’d like.

Or perhaps you are getting hyped about Hamacon? You should it’s going to be AMAZING.

And hey Time Cues yeah we got those right here:

  • We start the OSMcast!ing – 00:00
  • General Gabbing – 00:34
  • Final Fantasy XIV (A Realm Reborn) Minute! – 13:09
  • Moments of OSM
    • Transistor – 22:18
    • Las Vegas- 27:01
    • Doug’s Sister is Having a uh Wait a Minute… – 33:01
    • Surface Pro 2 – 33:30
    • Kirby Triple Deluxe – 36:02
  • Moments of F.U.
    • Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars – 40:48
    • Bed-Shaped Torture Ditches- 42:53
    • Nega-Basil – 49:56
  • Godzilla in the Year of Our Godzilla 2014
    • Spoiler-free Godzilla (2014 Movie) – 55:39
    • Spoilers for Godzilla (2014 Movie) – 91:34
    • OSMs Out of OSM – 118:35

OSMinterview! Vedetta Marie & ScatterDOTFashion @ MTAC In Love

Vedetta Marie

Sometimes, you gotta spin the wheel, play the cards, hit the Greed button in an MMO and hope you come out of the dungeon with a pretty cool new thing. At this past MTAC (that MTAC In Love con you’ve been hearing so much from us about?), we took a chance. We had an interview that we seriously had no clue what was going to happen.

Thankfully, we came out of it with a pretty cool new thing! And that thing is this interview. We got the chance to sit down and chat with Vedetta Marie and ScatterDOTFashion, a cosplay and Japanese fashion due par excellance.

Now, you may think that the OSMcast is nothing but glamor, pizazz, and fashionability, but really all we know about fashion comes from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures and Paradise Kiss. Which isn’t nearly enough keep up with these fashionista kids.

However, they are totally cool people and it ended up being a really fun talk. Would chat with again! Five stars (Out of OSM, obviously)!


We want to give a gigantic thanks to both Vedetta Marie, ScatterDOTFashion, and MTAC for the chance for the interview. And since it was more press conference style, we were’t the only ones there asking the questions! You also heard questions from Charlie from the Chainsaw Buffet, as well as Andrew from A Man and His Pod, among others. So big shout outs to them as well. Yes, we gave them shout outs before, and will likely do so again. In, you know, about a week or two.

Next week, what could it be?! Well we haven’t recorded yet, buuuuuuut it’s probably Godzilla.

OSMcast! Samurai Flamenco 5-12-2014

JUST ONE uh… something? Just one.. Yeah…

What happens when you get a starry-eyed fresh cut vigilante paired up with an only slightly-nonsense cop? Oh, and make it an anime?

You get Samurai Flamenco, animated by Manglobe.

What happens when you get some people talking into a microphone about an anime about a starry-eyed fresh cut vigilante paired up with an only slightly-nonsense cop?

You get a podcast about Samurai Flamenco.


Watch Samurai Flamenco on Crunchyroll and stuff. You should get on that.

And have some Time Cues, while you’re here:

  • We start the OSMcast!ing – 00:00
  • General Gabbing – 00:37
  • Moments of OSM – 4:49
    • Dragon Quest Minute – 5:12
    • Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars- 6:38
    • The Green Dragon Public House – 8:17
    • Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn – 12:37
    • Season of Spoooorts: Haikyu!! – 18:14
  • Samurai Flamenco
    • The Not So Spoilery Flamenco 22:27
    • The Spoilery Flamenco – 42:42
    • The Oh So Spoilery Flamenco – 61:22
    • Questions from Listeners Like You about Samurai Flamenco – 75:42
    • OSMs Out of OSM – 93:05