Podcasting to be the very best, like no one ever was, the latest OSMcast! is all Nintendo’s and Game Freak’s latest duo of RPGs, Pokemon X. Oh, and also Y. For you see, as it turns out, Basil, Doug, and Kevin all ended up getting Pokemon X. So we brought in our buddy Barry to represent the Y.
But not the Ys. That would be different game entirely. Still a pretty awesome one, though.
HOWEVER, this episode is all about the awesomeness that is Pokemon X (and also Y). And whatever else we talked about!
You can buy Pokemon X and Y pretty much anywhere video games are sold! 3DSes, too. You can also listen to only the most premium Pokemon raps via Shofu on YouTube.
And the return of Time Cues, as provided by WinampRIP:
We start the OSMcast!ing – 0:00
General Gabbing – 0:39
PlayStation 4- 3:17
Season of Spoooorts: Ace of Diamond – 7:35
Gundam Build Fighters – 10:50
How I Met Your Mother – 14:05
Kill La Kill – 19:30
The fact that there is more One Piece than the Simpsons – 23:30
Tonight, on the OSMcast we plumb the depths and crack open the case of one Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies. A lawyer-esque video game for your 3DS Nintendo Portable Entertainment System.
And by we, I mean Basil aka uh… Basil aka Ed Chavez fan #1 from said OSMcast as well as one Alain aka Hisui aka Saber fan #1 from the The Reverse Thieves blog as well as The Speakeasy podcast.
But you should listen on as we share the dual destinies as guys who likes video games about being lawyers that can tackle even the greatest of yokai crazes!
Later folks, later. Right now I (Basil) am about to be drug into some Dr. Who THING and who knows how this will turn out! I assume lots of flashy lights on sticks that people will SWEAR to me that they are screwdrivers. Even though they don’t have neither orange juice OR vodka so what use are they?!
So with Hamacon’s Minicon going on this past Saturday (Which went very well thank you for asking!), we did not have a chance to record an OSMcast proper. However, we didn’t want to leave you hanging and as it just so happens… Basil was on the latest episode of the Chainsaw Buffet talking about GMX, Tennessee’s Geek Media Expo.
Why hello there! Would you like a podcast? Because we have one! The story of this podcast is thus: Basil was super busy and did not have to plan or assemble a normal OSMcast, and so enlisted the mightiest warriors from throughout the land.
And ended up with John and Dylan from the Chainsaw Buffet. And as we had more Buffet than OSM this time, the podcast runs the gambit of wild and crazy things such as TV shows, anime, tabletop gaming, and more. It’s a cornucopia of a scattershot of topics that will be sure to please one and all.
Or at least Hisui.
LOOK YOU ARE LUCKY TO GET A PODCAST, ALRIGHT?! We’ll try to get some time cues in here, but no promises.
So here we are. A podcast about Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013. A podcast about Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013 with Basil and Kevin as well as Charlie and Dylan from the Chainsaw Buffet. A podcast about Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013 with Basil and Kevin as well as Charlie and Dylan from the Chainsaw Buffet where they talk about many things, from the sudden convention’s growth to food trucks, to what they did, panels that we were, lines that were long, fun that was had, some food trucks again, and just how big of a Carl Horn fanboy really is Basil, anyway?
This was recorded on Sunday, edited all night on Monday, and released before we went to sleep. Therefore, no matter when you see this, or what the website may or may not say: We are calling this episode Up On Time. Throwing it up on the board. Claiming victory over defeat. Editing a photoshop file in our favor. This was the time it was ordained to be.
“When what you want to do and ought to do are one and the same, you can hear the OSMcast! speaking to you,” as they say.
Well, they do when you when what you want- nay- OUGHT to do is listen to this latest podcast! This time we cover the show Star Driver, the anime created by the studio Bones, directed by Takuya Igarashi and written by Yoji Enokido.
You know, as they say. And by they, I mean we. As  in the OSMcast! We say that. We also say a whole lot more!
So, you may have heard about this Korra cartoon THING that just had its second season opener and you may wonder if you should go back and catch the first season. But hey, if you ARE wondering that, well we have the answer for you!
Short answer: Yes, of course you should. We even did an OSMcast all about it.
Long answer: You listen to our latest episode that tells you all about it. That’s right here. You can just click about or download it or maybe you have done one of those things. In that case you should have already begun watching the first season. If you haven’t, I guess just  listen to the podcast again.
TL;DR: This episode of the OSMcast is about The Legend of Korra: Book One, Air. It’s a pretty cool cartoon made by Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino and a sequel to Avatar: the Last Aibender. You can go listen to us yap on about how cool we think it is.
Spoilers for The Legend of Korra: Book One, Air – 81:45
OSMs Out of OSM – 111:00
Yeah buddy! Those sure are some TIME CUES. Now how about some PANEL CUES?!
Panel Cues for Anime Weekend Atlanta, as told to Basil by way of AWA unless things change which they totally can!
Manga You Need to Buy Right Now! (9/27/13 3:30 PM-4:30 PM | CGC – 104): Manga, the world of Japanese comics. There used to be an absolute ton of these things on the market, but times are changing… and not for the better. However, there are still a great many series and one shots that are being published today. And we’re going to tell you all about them!
Petals and Penguins: The Work of Kunihiko Ikuhara (9/28/13 5:00 PM-6:00 PM | CGC – 106): The creator and director of Revolutionary Girl Utena, Kunihiko Ikuhara is a man who loves imagery. And metaphor. And messing with your mind. His works make you think, make you feel, and usually not in the ways you’re probably meant to when you started your day. But yet, we always keep coming back for more. From his start in the anime adaption of Sailor Moon, to Penguindrum and beyond, we look into the twisted body of work that has defined Kunihiko Ikuhara.
Getting Your Anime Groove Back (9/29/13 11:00 AM-12:00 PM | CGC – 104): Anime burn out happens all the time. Sometimes life gets in the way and people lose interest in keeping up with the latest shows and news. This panel looks at a few shows that may rekindle that anime fan deep inside that just wants to be free again.
The Weird Side of Go Nagai (9/29/13 2:30 PM-3:30 PM | CGC – 106): While Go Nagai is easily one of the most prolific and influential anime and manga creators of our time, not everyone knows his stranger side. Sure, some anime fans may know the popular stuff like Cutie Honey or Mazinger Z, but what about Aztechkaiser; a tokusatsu pro-wrestling live action show where the hero beats his enemies by turning into animation? Now that’s weird!
Con season* is upon us again folks and this time the OSMcast went to one of the biggest anime cons of them all: Otakon! The anime con SO big the city it is in can barely contain it. And so big, the OSMcast alone could not handle it. Well, we probably could but we thought it would be fun to chat about the con with some friends.
And what better friends could we have asked than Daryl and Gerald of the Anime World Order podcast!? True friends, you know the kind that make sure to get their burger orders right, so that nothing terrible can happen.
… As you listen, you may discover that we may not be the best judge of character, at least with THAT criteria! But all that, and more, so much more on this episode of the OSMcast!
Here is the Otakon 2013 mug. The Chi’s Sweet Home is used for scale.
Sorry for the couple of days hiccup, folks! But things are back on track!
Yikes, time moves forward what’s the deal with that.
5 years and change ago, three idiots with a microphone sat down and started talking into it. Then, they turned that microphone on. And plugged it into a computer. And conned a friend to edit the audio. And created a podcast.
Today, those same idiots release their 100th full-featured episode. This the OSM100, where the OSMcast looks back to the eerie past of the five years ago, to today, and to the future. We thank you all for this most amazing and well, awesome ride, and thank you for sticking with us for so long.
Sorry folks there are no more blockbusters now, this one took all the blocks.
Well, when when we decided to podcast about monsters we created a monster podcast. Clocking in with 2 hours and change, the OSMcast returns with a rousing episode dedicated to Guillermo del Toro’s love letter all things giant, monster, and robot, the movie Pacific Rim.
We also talk about comments and emails and things! BUT NOT ONLY THAT, we also dig into Shin Megami Tensei IV, Shadowrun Returns, Free!!, The Eccentric Family, and more.
And by more we mean Overdrift, which will make more sense at the end than at  the beginning.
So strap in and get ready to drift into some OSMcast~
SO GO SEE THIS MOVIE ALREADY OKAY thanks a bunch folks.
As we said, Basil and Kevin will be at Otakon maybe we shall see you there! But at any rate, please feel free to send us comments, and emails, Facebook us, or whatever correspondence you like to send our way. We always appreciate it.