OSMcast! Otakon 2013 9-2-2013

OTAKON 2013 AUGUST 9-10-11, 2013

Con season* is upon us again folks and this time the OSMcast went to one of the biggest anime cons of them all: Otakon! The anime con SO big the city it is in can barely contain it. And so big, the OSMcast alone could not handle it. Well, we probably could but we thought it would be fun to chat about the con with some friends.

And what better friends could we have asked than Daryl and Gerald of the Anime World Order podcast!? True friends, you know the kind that make sure to get their burger orders right, so that nothing terrible can happen.

… As you listen, you may discover that we may not be the best judge of character, at least with THAT criteria! But all that, and more, so much more on this episode of the OSMcast!


Here is the Otakon 2013 mug. The Chi’s Sweet Home is used for scale.

Sorry for the couple of days hiccup, folks! But things are back on track!

We would once again like to thank Otakon for their kindness and generosity for letting us cover their convention, and to thank Gerald and Daryl for taking the time to chat with us! Also we’d like to thank Ink for letting us use his picture of Basil before the Yoko Kanno concert! By the way, he did a great write up about the concert for Ani-Gamers that you should check out!

*No not the webcomic GEEZ although it’s pretty cool you should check it out.

OSMcast! OSM100: The 100th Episode and 5 Years of Podcasting of the OSMcast! 8-19-2013

Yikes, time moves forward what’s the deal with that.

5 years and change ago, three idiots with a microphone sat down and started talking into it. Then, they turned that microphone on. And plugged it into a computer. And conned a friend to edit the audio. And created a podcast.

Today, those same idiots release their 100th full-featured episode. This the OSM100, where the OSMcast looks back to the eerie past of the five years ago, to today, and to the future. We thank you all for this most amazing and well, awesome ride, and thank you for sticking with us for so long.

Here’s to 100 more.

OSMcast! Pacific Rim 8-5-2013

Sorry folks there are no more blockbusters now, this one took all the blocks.

Well, when when we decided to podcast about monsters we created a monster podcast. Clocking in with 2 hours and change, the OSMcast returns with a rousing episode dedicated to Guillermo del Toro’s love letter all things giant, monster, and robot, the movie Pacific Rim.

We also talk about comments and emails and things! BUT NOT ONLY THAT, we also dig into Shin Megami Tensei IV, Shadowrun Returns, Free!!, The Eccentric Family, and more.

And by more we mean Overdrift, which will make more sense at the end than at  the beginning.

So strap in and get ready to drift into some OSMcast~


SO GO SEE THIS MOVIE ALREADY OKAY thanks a bunch folks.

As we said, Basil and Kevin will be at Otakon maybe we shall see you there! But at any rate, please feel free to send us comments, and emails, Facebook us, or whatever correspondence you like to send our way. We always appreciate it.

OSMcast! Level E 7-22-2013

And when you see Micah at conventions, make sure you ask him for that Fresh Tokyo Smile. He’ll appreciate it!

In a world where ALIENS live on EARTH and listen to podcasts that no HUMANS know about… That’s right in our latest episode of the OSMcast we are chatting about Studio Pierrot’s and David Production’s anime adaption of Yoshihiro Togashi’s Level E. We are joined by our fellows the Chainsaw Buffet as well as the man, the myth, the LEGEND (in our own minds) Micah Solusod.

Who also happens to be the voice actor for the up and coming baseball player Yukitaka Tsutsui, and much like character is known for his Fresh Tokyo Smile.


BUY IT. STREAM IT. STREAM IT SOME MORE. It’s Good Stuff. One might even say… Â OSMstuff.

And once again, much thanks for Micah for coming on and chatting with us this year. You should immediately go read his webcomic Ties That Bind right now.

Two updates on the correct updating schedule MY word what have we gotten ourselves into?! Now people will start to expect things from us oh man what have we done…

Thankfully, Otakon is coming up and we going again this year! This should provide plenty of chances for recording goodness, if the last time is any indication. So if you see, well hear, us, say hi!

OSMcast! Penguindrum 7-8-2013

Thanks a bunch for coming back to anime, Kunihiko Ikuhara. We appreciate it.

In the latest, greatest, and most Fabulous Max episode of the OSMcast! to date, we talk about all sorts of things. But by far the most important thing we talk about in this episode is all about Kunihiko Ikuhara’s (with studio Brain’s Base) latest project, Penguindrum. Or as the cool kids liked to call it, Mawaru Penguindrum. And we talk about it. A lot! You might even say we liked the show, or something. But probably not. It’s not like this show is over two hours long. Why would we ever do that?!

Spoilers: You can totally say we like the show.


As we mentioned during the podcast, Sentai Filmworks has released the show on Blu-ray and DVD and Amazon has it for $45-$35 a set at the moment. Which is a pretty awesome deal, befitting of an awesome show.

Set 1 on Blu-ray | Set 2 on Blu-ray | Set 1 on DVD | Set 2 on DVD

Unleash your walle- I’m sorry I can’t go through with that pun. but please check out Shaintar: Legends Unleashed. It’s a good time.

In other news, if you like tabletop role-playing games, fantasy, and portraying awesome characters in a fantasy setting tabletop role-playing experiences, boy do we have a link for you! Sean Patrick Fannon’s magnum opus, Shaintar: Legends Unleashed, is being kickstarted right this very second and you still have time to give him your cash by way of Amazon Payments. Basil has called Shaintar “It’s like Lord of the Rings meets Die Hard,” and it’s about as awesome as it sounds. It uses Savage Worlds as the tabletop system, which is a pretty great one. The system was born from Deadlands, which was this awesome horror-western game. As it turns out, it’s just as good for epic high fantasy. You should check it out!

Speaking of awesome tabletop games, Shadowrun 5th Edition is hitting soon and we are so hyped you have no idea. Also the Shadowrun Returns PC game is imminent and that could destroy us.


Because, we already have the next episode recorded! So be back in a week after next as we talk about space aliens and baseball.

OSMinterview! Nao Yazawa @ MTAC Devil’s Dozen

Nao Yazawa
Nao Yazawa

This episode of the OSMcast! is one of those chances that when presented to you, you just have to take. It’s a truly rare thing to get to interview a creator of something that you love, and even rarer for it to be someone from another country. In this case, it was manga and a manga creator from Japan.

Specifically, we had the most wondrous opportunity to talk with Nao Yazawa, who has created such things as Wedding Peach, Nozomi, and most recently a series called Moon and Blood. We got to chat about her experience at cons, creating manga, and more. It was conducted at this year’s MTAC. Some may even know it as MTAC Devil’s Dozen.


Once again, gigantic thanks for MTAC and Nao Yazawa for this opportunity to chat with her.

While Wedding Peach is out of print, it’s currently not the hardest thing to track down. That said, Moon and Blood is very much in print, very shojo-riffic, and is a pretty enjoyable read. This is coming from Basil, who normally can tolerate vampire stuff only as Castlevania and Hellsing.

You can click on this for a larger sized version!
The manga page in question that Kevin asked about.

And as a favor we would like to ask the world: Like we mentioned in our previous MTAC podcast, when you have a chance to see a panel or talk to the creator of something? Take it. When it comes down to it, it’s that craziness that rests beneath their cranium that gives all the awesome in the world. The shows, games, comics that we get to experience and talk about in tweets, blogs, audio recordings set loose upon the internet. In many ways they are unsung heroes and heroines, and they are some of the most important people around in geekdom.

In other OSMnews, we already have the next episode mostly ready, so you should see an actual update next Monday! It is the last long lost episode we had left in the Pile of Shame that was last year, a roundtable about Toonami with the Chainsaw Buffet and Voice-Over Actor Supreme Micah Solusod. It’s only almost a year out of date! That’s still fresh, right? RIGHT?

So anyway look forward to it!

OSMcast! MTAC Devil’s Dozen 4-11-2013

MTAC Devil's Dozen March 29-31, 2013
MTAC Devil’s Dozen March 29-31, 2013

It’s currently raining like mad out here in Alabama so what better time to curl up, grab a beverage of your choosing, and listen to us as we spin the yarn of MTAC 2013, aka MTAC Devil’s Dozen.

The hopes, the dreams, the tribulations, the successes, and all the rest that this con brought to us, nay, the world. Including, not to the fault of the con, the worst panel we have ever, EVER been to! Listen in as Basil gets angrier than he ever does in life. And he works retail! As per Official OSMcast Guidelines, we are joined at the hip by the Chainsaw Buffet podcast.


MTAC’s next year is going to full of LOVE so that should prove interesting! Speaking of love, we are planning to release our interview with Nao Yazawa this upcoming Monday. As I think we mentioned during the podcast it was kinda split into two small segments and Basil is currently figuring how to best handle that. And after that, we’ll have a LONG LOST EPISODE brought forth from the year previous year. It’s about the relaunch of Toonami!

Topical. That’s the OSMcast Guarantee!

OSMinterview! Mark Meer @ Momocon 2013

(That's kinda rude...)
It’s like he’s pointing at himself!

In tonight’s ACTION PACKED episode of the OSMcast!. we team up with the Chainsaw Buffet to interview one Mark Meer at Momocon 2013. You probably have heard him giving voice to the male half of everyone’s favorite Commander on the Citadel, Commander Shepard of Mass Effect*. As it turns out, he’s worked with BioWare for much longer than one might be aware!

*Not that the OSMcast has liked the Mass Effect series of games or anything.


We’d just like to thank Momocon and Mark Meer for letting him chat it up with us, even if all it did was make us wish we could have talked with him more!

Also, hey did you see the new website? We have one! It’s looks all NEW. Unless this is your first time, in which case it probably looks all old. Or at least normal, I guess.

Either way, welcome! If you haven’t checked us out lately, please peruse our Index of OSM, the archive of all our audio to date. As it turns out we have been running on and on for five years and you tend to accumulate a bunch of stuff in that time! In fact, we are dangerously close to hitting episode 100! If you have any ideas for that, let us know! We’re plumb out.

OSMcast! Momocon 2013 3-35-2013

Momocon 2013

What the- A podcast posted by the OSMcast! about a con that is more recent than a year ago, perhaps even posted within the month it actually OCCURRED in?! Could… we be actually getting our act together!? Maybe! Although really it’s with the help of the wonderful, gallant, and lovely gents from the Chainsaw Buffet, our ever awesome OSM compadres from the land of the North (of Alabama, in Tennessee). Once more, we have teamed up our forces to bring you the tales of derring-do! This time, we have dared Momocon: Atlanta’s Anime, Animation, and Gaming Convention. And we have returned to audio spin those yarns!


Speaking of cons, we will be heading out this weekend to the Middle Tennessee Anime Convention, or you know, MTAC. As is his want, Basil will be hosting some panels at the con! They are:

Even More Manga You Need to BUY RIGHT NOW (Friday 10 AM, Fan Panel 2) Manga, the world of Japanese comics. There used to be an absolute ton of these things on the market, but times are changing and not for the better. However, there are still a great many series and one shots that are being published today! And we are going to tell you all about them!

Engrish Jamboree (Friday, 3PM, Panel 2) Rs may not be Ls but when you are speaking English in Japanese the lures go light out the window! The Engrish Jamboree is what happens when you take one language and churn it through another language with hilarious results. Anime and Live-Action clips, music videos, if people are fumbling through English, we got it.

Getting Your Anime Groove Back (Saturday, 9PM, Panel 2) Anime burn out happens all the time. Sometimes life gets in the way and people lose interest in keeping up with the latest shows and news. This panel looks at a few shows that may rekindle that anime fan deep inside that just wants to be free again.

Of course, times for these things can always change.

We’ll see you… next week! Or perhaps… EVEN SOONER?! We have some smaller, more bite sized episodes we can upload. So you will be hearing more from us much sooner than one would normally think.