And our first actual episode of 2013! Recorded in 2012! It is the interview we had with some of the wonderful people that run MTAC we recorded on site last year. Sadly the file is the most tsun tsun file we have ever had and as such is mostly unedited.
But the staff we got to talk to are anything but dere as they tell us all sorts of things about last MTAC and this upcoming MTAC.
Welcome to 2013! The usher in this bold new year, we decided to run content that we were in as an update so you know that we are not quite yet out of the game. And by we, I mean Kevin. He joined up with the Chainsaw Buffet guys at this past GMX to talk to “That Guy With The Glasses” himself, Doug Walker, to talk about his past, present, and upcoming projects. Or so UNDERSCORE JOHNNY GO claims.
Next week, something no one HAS EVER HEARD OF BEFORE!!!!!!!!!
Itâ’s Catch Up Week* here at the OSMcast where we realize that the Chainsaw Buffet guys posted audio we were in and so we should PROBABLY post that up as well.
So for today’s** Catch Up we have got for you the greatest GMX Vol. 4 topic-ed podcats a podcast could podcast about in a podcast. Basil and Kevin from the OSMcast throw down with John, Charlie, and Dylan-chan* from the Chainsaw Buffet to rap about all things GMX Volumed The Fourth. The guests, the events, the DENZELS, and all the rest, here on OSMbuffet Isle!
*Actually it’s just today.
**We posted both Catch Ups today.
I thought we should point out that the Chainsaw guys are celebrating their FIFTH BIRTHDAY this year and and now that they enter  their Fabulous Fives we hope that they continue on in epic fashion. While at GMX, they filmed several of us recording some of our most loved memories from their fives years of existence, in a documentary that is all 100 percent true and factual. It’s in three parts, and you can find all three here, here, and also here.
Coincidentally. in March the OSMcast will ALSO turn 5! Also, as this is episode 93, next year (hopefully) we will be reaching OSMcast 100! 100 episodes! One hundred!
So please let us know how you think we should celebrate this! Because we have no clue!
It’s Catch Up Week* here at the OSMcast where we realize that the Chainsaw Buffet guys posted audio we were in and so we should PROBABLY post that up as well.
So for today’s** Catch Up we have got for you the audio from the press conference the wonderful people at GMX Â set up for Rob Paulsen. Chances are, Rob has voiced everyone from cartoons you cared out that wasn’t done by Steve Blum*** or John DiMaggio***. He’s the the voice behind Raphael from the 1987 cartoon of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Yakko Warner and Dr. Otto Scratchansniff from Animaniacs, Pinky from Pinky and the Brain and Animaniacs, and ALSO voice of Donatello from the NEW Ninja Turtles cartoon. And he’s also pretty amazing. But chances are you know that already****!
*Actually it’s just today.
**We posted both Catch Ups today.
****You know that already because you already listened to this thanks to the Chainsaw Buffet podcast. Right? RIGHT??
This is ACTION PACKED episode full of DRAMA AND PATHOS we interview voice over artist Jessica Straus! She has done many a voice from many a thing, like Juri from Super Street Fighter IV, the Amazon in Diablo 2, Gidget from Eureka 7, Sasha from Infamous 2, and a whole bunch more. And we should point out, while we are known far and wide throughout the land as the podcast that asks HARD HITTING questions, we don’t think you have heard questions asked quite like some of these.
This could be both our greatest and worst interview ever done to date.
An update?! On a Monday! What is this…?
I dunno but maybe it will continue…???
This interview is dedicated to Dylan of the Chainsaw Buffet podcast and website au gratin, the Habe of My Heart and Soul <3
OK so you would THINK we would release the MTAC podcast before the AWA but that would make sense now wouldn’t it? WELL TOO BAD DEARIES. The Habe of My Heart, Dylan edited this up so it goes up now! He even posted a description I’m gonna totally steal but then edit so why did I bother who knows:
Basil, Kevin, and Mike from the OSMcast and Hamacon join Charlie, Dylan, and John from the Chainsaw Buffet at Anime Weekend Atlanta in the wee hours of the morning to talk about the con, the experience of the frequent con-goer, running panels, and… a lot of other things. We forget. It was really late, OK?
And here it is, the long lost episode that is now waaaaaay out of date, but still contains messages and meanings most dire. And the message is all about Neveldine/Taylor’s Nicolas Cage-starring blockbuster of a Marvel film, Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance. We also discuss other things, like Mass Effect 3, Street Fighter X Tekken, Tales of the Abyss, Knights if the Old Republic, and Doritos tacos. Joining us on this epic take is Daryl Surat from AWO, Niko from CineGeek, and Basil’s buddy Caleb. Oh and I guess I was there, too.
So we have not updated in forever… Sorry about that! Meanwhile, while you wait for the more traditional OSMcast podcastion (we even have a few episodes recorded already!), here’s something that may interest you.
This is the entire press conference that Jason David  Frank, power ranger, master of the red white and green, and mixed martial arts extraordinaire, answered questions for us at MTAC Omega. The OSMcast was not alone in asking questions, we were in fact merely one of many. Wondrous other media shindigs that were asking questions alike where groups such as 2ShotsofGeek, One Pixel Jump, HJU Radio, Space Gypsies, CX2 Media, NickiDtv, and more! Probably much more. If we missed anyone please let us know so we can fix that.
And extra props goes out the Chainsaw Buffet guys for recording and editing the audio for us!
OK! So we have some episodes recorded that are in dire need of editing before they get exposed out into the world wide web. But here is the intended order of release.
Ghost Rider 2: Best Superhero Movie of 2012
A Podcast Roundtable about Toonami
MTAC Omega
OSMinterview with Jessica Straus
After that who knows what craziness will ensue. Probably podcasts.
We did a podcast for the beginning. We did a podcast for middle. It is now time to release our podcast for the end.
Of Mass Effect 3, anyway!
Basil and Twitterless Kevin is joined up with Hisui from the Reverse Thieves to cover the highs, the lows, and everything in between on defeating the Reapers once and for all. And yes, we even cover the ending.
Ok folks I always keep promising that I’ll list out everything I panel about at cons… then never do. Soooooo here they are~
Getting Your Anime Groove Back
I have a bunch of anime I throw into a folder and pick out as I’m feeling it. So the line up changes up on occasion. I end up digging into episodes and pulling out bits for a quick overview for each, so you only get 4-5 shows a panel.
This list is set in stone but in no particula order. It’s a PowerPoint-esque thing that works because there’s no video! I’m sure that if I do another panel, I can fill it it in with even more manga though~