OSMinterview: Richard Epcar @ MTAC Omega

The Man Who Voices It All: Richard Epcar

So there we were at MTAC Omega, and I (Basil) looked at Kevin and said, “OK, we GOTTA interview Richard Epcar. This is a thing that must occur.”

Kevin responded, “Uh, ok! But I have no clue what to say I mean I don’t really follow US voice actors and-”

“Kevin,” I then expertly cut him off, ” Trust me. You’ll understand once we do.”

I then proceeded to drop kick like 15 ninjas then got a sweet hair cut. Man my hair so light and fluffy now!

But the important part of the story was the Sunday of MTAC Omega. I sadly I had to educate the masses via panel form while Kevin got to interview people. We met up afterwards and I asked, “So how did it go?”

“Basil.” Kevin gallantly stated, “We GOTTA interview Richard Epcar again. This is a thing that must occur. That man is amazing.”

This is that interview.

OSMcast! Redline 2-27-2012


When you have a podcast dedicated to everything awesome, you gotta put your best foot forward. To the peddle. So far forward you break the peddle, but you keep the foot down anyway because by god that makes you go even faster. Yeah that’s right, we’re talking about Redline by Takeshi Koike and animated by studio MADHOUSE. We also talk about the merits of Blue Exorcist, why you check out some streaming anime sites, and just a hint of Star Driver discourse.

All this and more, on the latest greatest most currently updated episode of the OSMcast!


BUY THIS NOW. On Blu-ray! On DVD! It doesn’t really matter! Buy two, give one to a friend! Hell, you can even stream it as a rental if you so choose.

It really is that good.

OSMcast: Much Apodcast About Nuthin’ 2-13-2012

BEHOLD! The logo Basil was making for the Chainsaw guys that they didn’t know about and never finished.












Yes we are back and in 2 weeks we may even have another new episode! Exciting times my friends.

ANYWAYS special shout-outs to the OSMfriends that made this episode possible. John, Dylan, Pat, Niko. They are all amazing and wonderful people.

And not out to get me like Charlie is.

I’m on to you and your double spaces after periods!

OSMcast: GMX Volume 3 10-31-2011

GMX Volume 3, October 21-23. 2011

Happy Halloween! But for the OSMcast, it’s just Monday. Another day, another convention. The last con the OSMcast! decided to cover this year was the Geek Media Expo in glorious Nashville, Tennessee. It’s a cornucopia of all things geek, media, and exponential and so we realized we couldn’t do this sort of thing alone. So we drug in the wonderful Chainsaw Buffet dudes and dames to chat with us about the con. We talk about panels, parties, parking, and the most annoying fangirl around. It’s a fun time!


That said, while this the last con the OSMcast! is covering, it’s not the last con the OSMcast! will be at! We’ll be at the HAMACON Holiday Minicon in Huntsville, Alabama  on November 12, 2001! Basil is one of the directors of the con, so we can’t very well objectively cover it. That said, you know it will be awesome. Basil guarantees it! (He kinda has to, as he is the Director of Awesome of the con.)

OSMcast: Anime Weekend Atlanta 2011 10-17-2011

Anime Weekend Atlanta
Anime Weekend Atlanta, September 28th – 30th, 2012

It’s that time again! The OSMcast continues its tradition of being a podcast where we cover conventions lately and occasionally some other stuff by going over the latest and greatest Anime Weekend Atlanta. The panels we ran, the panels we went to. The thrills, the parties, the giant robots, it’s all here!

Warning: Our wonder and amazing producer, DJ Inubito, is currently studying for a pretty major certification test, so Basil ended up hacking this episode into shape. Don’t worry though, it will never happen again! For all our sakes.


You’ll have noticed that the very same Ninja Consultants podcast we mentioned has already released and you can find it at the very post below this one! Also not mentioned, but totally should have, is the fact we got to meet Guy from DEEP Hurting and Jeff from Colony Drop. They are both awesome dudes and if you haven’t checked out DEEP Hurting or Colony Drop yet, you really should! The latest DEEP Hurting is Guy talking with Dave Merrill and Steve Harrison about Lensman and was probably the greatest audio thing to actually have come out of AWA.

Next time on the OSMcast, we finish out our con coverage for the year by talking about GMX in Nashville! Whoo, cons!

BONUS: Ninja Consultants Show #99 – Anime Weekend Atlanta 2011 Part 2 with AWO and the OSMcast

They can be kinda sneaky. Expertly.

So. Funny story. Possibly even a cool story, bro kind of story. It’s really up to you to decide. ANYWAY. While we were recording our AWA podcast tonight, mentioning how we somehow ended up (I blame Daryl) on a future episode of the Ninja Consultants that was also about AWA (in theory), they went ahead and posted it!

… Maybe they are ninjas.

Also wow they are already at 99! Good job guys! And congrats st AWO for finally breaking 100 “real” episodes!

That said, we’re at 85 “official” episodes so far. Which means we are dangerously close to hitting 100 next year. That’s kinda scary…

BONUS: Podlabor Episode 8 – We Are Hell

Mazinkaiser SKL

The OSMcast is back from another great time at AWA! However, we were SO busy this year we didn’t have time to record anything about it yet. So in the meantime, you should instead listen in on the latest episode of Podlabor! In this episode Basil got to chat with Pat Sutton of Insert-Disc and David Cabrera of Colony Drop, Astro Toy, and Subatomic Brainfreeze to talk about Mazinkaiser SKL. Mazinkaiser SKL is the latest work by Go Nagai’s studio Dynamic Pro and is one of the best things out on DVD today.

You should go out and buy it right now! Or just order it online and listen to us blab on about it while you wait.

OSMcast: Children Who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below 9-19-2011

Dunno if it wins the award for Longest Anime Title Ever, but it at least deserves an honorable mention.

During our wondrous Otakon escapades we got the chance to see a couple of their premiers, and since Otakon was nice enough to have them so we decided to review them. The second premier we wanted to talk about is Children Who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below by Makoto Shinkai. You probably know it better as “That New Makoto Shinkai Movie” as the title is just so gosh darn long! Joining us through the magic of the internet is Gerald from Anime World Order, who also gives us his run down on Anime Festival Orlando 2011.


Now, no one knows when this film will reach American shores. We hope it’s soon, as we’d love to see this movie again! But you never know. Knowing how the Japanese anime industry seems to roll, it’s much more likely that they’ll instead take the time to farm out the movie to movie festivals for a couple of years, then release the DVD and Blu-Ray in Japan at inflated prices and refuse to allow it to be sold in America for another year to reduce the chance of reverse importation, which only causes everyone to pirate it then forget about it, sabotaging US sales. Not that this is has ever happened before or anything.

AWA Fun Times are a comin’! What kind of OSMcast panels are we throwing out for AWA this year?! Well here they are:

  • Engrish Jambore II – Engrish Haldel: Basil and Drew started this panel at AWA last year, and we are returning once again to deliver tlue rove for all that rove engrish.
  • Anime’s Creepy Uncle – Go Nagai At A Glance: Basil and Kevin gush how awesome Go Nagai is and why you should think he is awesome too.
  • Getting Your Anime Groove Back: Think you might be getting out of anime? Well Basil just might have some shows to get you back in the game, as it were. And is an excuse to show off the first 13 minutes of Redline.

OSMcast: Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos 9-5-2011

The gang’s all… here?

Just when you thought we were going to post our review of the new Makoto Shinkai movie first, we double back and release our FMA movie one instead! That’s right, this time the OSMcast tackles the movie Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos, animated by Bones and directed by Kazuya Murata. We’re joined by Daryl Surat of Anime World Order, Otaku USA, Crunchyroll News, and wherever there is justice to be found. We also delve into the nature of the reoccurring shonen film staple, and Trigun: Badlands Rumble. It’s a fun time!


When will Funimation out  Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos? Chances are, as soon as they can. They know how to strike while the iron is hot, unlike some other studios (Anchor Bay!). However, Trigun: Badlands Rumble is hitting September 27th!  You can tell Basil’s opinion of Trigun: Badlands Rumble as he keeps referring to it as Trigun: Badass Rumble. And Basil didn’t even like the original Trigun that much! So it should be a pretty safe buy. If you know, you like awesome stuff. Which we assume you do since well, you’re on our site.

AWA Fun Times are a comin’! What kind of OSMcast panels are we throwing out for AWA this year?! Well here they are:

  • Engrish Jambore II – Engrish Haldel: Basil and Drew started this panel at AWA last year, and we are returning once again to deliver tlue rove for all that rove engrish.
  • Anime’s Creepy Uncle – Go Nagai At A Glance: Basil and Kevin gush how awesome Go Nagai is and why you should think he is awesome too.
  • Getting Your Anime Groove Back: Think you might be getting out of anime? Well Basil just might have some shows to get you back in the game, as it were. And is an excuse to show off the first 13 minutes of Redline.

We’ll probably have actual times and places for these panels closer to the con itself. Next time, we’ll actually post our review of the latest Makoto Shinkai film Children Who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below, along with AWO‘s Gerald.

OSMcast: Otakon 2011 8-22-2011

Continuing our Otakon podcast extravaganza, on the OSMcast proper we are joined by Hisui of Reserve Thieves fame as we talk about Otakon on a Saturday. The sights, the sounds, the movie premiers. The on-air crushing of a hearts as news of Satoshi Kon’s last work remains in limbo. We even get to talk to a few con goers to see how con was shaping up for them, at the con itself. All these and more await you in this episode of drama and pathos and being recorded waaaaay too late at night!

Otakon: July 29 – July 31, 2011 Baltimore, Maryland


Just a glimpse from the Art of Akira exhibit

In case you have forgotten or somehow missed it (How you could have we have no clue, UNLESS YOU ARE IGNORING US. You jerks.), you can check out our guest appearance on The Speakeasy talking about Friday at Otakon here. You may have noticed we also got to talk to the guy that has brought the Art of Akira to the world. Let me tell you folks, seeing that stuff up close and hands on was quite amazing. Honestly, while Basil did take some shots of the Otakon exhibit on his phone, the stuff on the website is 10x more amazing and you should look at all of them. You can check out his website here, but if you can make it out to DragonCon and AWA this year please so check out the actual exhibit. You’ll be glad you did.

On the next OSMcast, we’ll be talking about one of the premiers we were able to partake of at Otakon. We’ll be reviewing Makoto Shinkai’s Children Who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below along with Gerald from the AWO. It’ll be fun!