BONUS: The Speakeasy – Crime Scene Investigations #002: Otakon 2011

Otakon: July 29 – July 31, 2011 Baltimore, Maryland

Kicking off our Otakon podcast extravaganza is this episode of the Reverse ThievesThe Speakeasy Podcast, where Basil and Kevin got join hop on along with Patz from Insert-Disc and Podlabor, and Carl from Ogiue Maniax to discuss Otakon on Friday. Revel in the sounds and more sounds as we detail Hisui’s glorious battles in the Otakon Game Show! GASP as Basil learns all about the place where memes are born! All this and more, in this action-packed episode!


And next week, we’ll be back with the OSMcast episode of Otakon, where we talk about Saturday with Hisui! You could think of this bonus episode as part 1, and the actual OSMcast episode as a part 2.

But if you need even more hot, steamy Basil action, you can always check out the latest episode of the Sestren Dreamcast!

OSMinterview: Chris Cason @ HAMACON 2

It's like Chris Cason is going, "Here. have a podcast. On me."

Back in the ye olden days of June 2011, we got to talk to one Chris Cason at HAMACON 2. Who is this mysterious Chris Cason, you ask? Why he’s a voice actor and ADR Director for Funimation Entertainment. He’s done several roles for Funimation, such as Gluttony in Full Metal Alchemist, Mr. Popo in Dragon Ball Kai, and Holy Roman Empire in Hetalia: Axis Powers, among others. He’s also done ADR work on such series as School Rumble, Birdy the Mighty: Decode, and YuYu Hakusho. It’s good times. But don’t take our word for it! Have a listen.


Hope you all enjoy the interview, and once again thanks to Chris Cason for talking to us. But that’s not all! Next Monday we’ll be linking to the Reverse Thieves‘ Crime Scene Investigations podcast segment all about the Friday at Otakon, as sort of the precursor to when we’ll be talking about Otakon on Saturday night on the OSMcast proper with guest podcast buddy and No. 1 Saber fan, Hisui. But wait you say? You want to hear that NOW?! Well you can! For you see, the Reverse Thieves have already posted it! We’ll just be re-posting on Monday as a crazy double dip scheme.

OSMcast: House of Five Leaves 7-25-2011

Because a house certainly cannot have four, or six leaves. That just wouldn’t do.

What’s this?! A podcast releasing on schedule?! Why yes… yes it is! The OSMcast! once again returns faithfully to your audio-listening side as we discuss Natsume Ono’s House of Five Leaves, with the manga being released by Viz Media and the anime being streamed online by FUNimation. Joining us for this not so action packed episode is the voice actor extraordinaire that is Micah Solusod, and Charlie from PodcastSuperFriends,  the Chainsaw Buffet podcast. It’s 41+ minutes of podcast fun!


House of Five Leaves is a thing that should be read! Or watched! So we expect that you all will be getting to that immediately. If you are already a smart, lovely, and amazing person that already knew about the wonders of House of Five Leaves, then would you like to try an awesome visual novel-styled game that isn’t porn? Perhaps a murder mystery? Might we suggest you take a look over at sakevisual? While you folks are working on that, we’ll be heading out to super hot and also steamy Baltimore, Maryland this weekend for an exciting adventure at Otakon. It will be exciting! And adventurous!

And at some point I’m sure we’ll be telling you all about it. In podcast form.

OSMcast: MTAC Goes To 11! 5-2-2011

It’s a con that knows how to rock out with it’s uh, anime out!

THE OSMCAST IS BACK! And we have brought back with us the motherload of Middle Tennessee Anime Convention con report in audio form goodness. You can even tell it was even recorded at the con4! (Some parts, more than others. Also we originally planned on releasing this much, much earlier.) Since MTAC decided this year to Go to 11, so did we. We start off being all self absorbed and talked about our panels with the wonderful gentlemen of Akihabra Renditions (and SeishunCon). Then we drug in the guys from Tennesse’s own Chainsaw Buffet podcast to talk about the convention itself. Finally, we get to have a chat with Nicholas Qualls (Senior Director of Public Relations), Christi Binkley (Director of Media Relation), and the big man himself Lucas Leverett (Convention Chairman, Senior Director of Venue & VIP Affairs). And in-between all these bits are on the spot and off the cuff interviews we had with the con goers themselves.

FUN FACT: We would have called this the MTAC Omegacast, but their name for next year is MTAC Omega! So I guess we’ll have to wait until next year as well. Darn! Also, this is probably now officially our longest podcast ever.


Sorry that we have been away so long! But rest assured, we are back and ready for action!

And by action, we mean Otakon. It’s going to be exciting!

BONUS: The Speakeasy #018: Ghostbuster, A Kekkaishi Introduction

This is the stuff!

It’s BONUSPALOOZA! This time, Basil goes to digitally chill with the intrepid, dashing, and always classy Reverse Thieves on their Speakeasy podcast as we talk about Kekkaishi. You know, the greatest and most awesome shonen series you people still aren’t paying attention to! See, we know this, because we talked about this show on the OSMcast waaaaaay back in show #11. That was back in June of 2008 (holy crap we’ve been doing the OSMcast longer than I thought!), before the anime was licensed and only the manga was coming out under people’s noses.

Three years later, it’s been on Hulu, Cartoon Network, and soon to DVD.



The Reverse Thieves: Fightin’ crime and bloggin’ about anime and manga.



I meant to get this bonus up sooner, but work intervened. And Infamous 2. And the new Zelda 3DS game. And three volumes of Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service. And a volume of 20th Century Boys.

… Maybe I was lazy. (Nah!)

BONUS: OPJ Podcasts! E3 2011: “This is the Second Coming of Hats!”

For those keeping track from the previous BONUS, the PSN won. 🙁

The MTAC podcast is on it’s way, but in the meantime here’s a podcast where Basil joins the fine fellows of  One Pixel Jump and talk about this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo, aka E3. Listen on as they discuss the conferences, the Cheetos, the Reggies, the Vitas, the Kinects, the dramas, the pathos of video games.

And by pathos I mean ModNation Racers, and also Dragon Quest.

Because that’s what you get when you let me (and by me I mean Basil) talk about video games.

OK look. ModNation Racers is awesome, and so is Dragon Quest, alright? Really, it’s a shame we never got around to doing a Dragon Quest IX podcast. Maybe one day I’ll hound down Greggo and force him to talk about it for an hour with us. Ah, dreams~

OSMcrap: Well, er, how about…Late and Uncut?


Basil releases a podcast a week and a half late! Not only is it late, but it’s fractured, depressed husk of a glorious experimental OSMcast that failed to be realized.

In other words, pretty much you get Basil, Rail, and Kevin talking about some cool stuff then we tell you all about this awesome local anime con that has now already happened. That said, most of that time was spent getting ready for the con, working said con, the recuperating after previously stated con.

So anyway, roughly 20 minutes of it is worth listening to, more or less.


This Wednesday Night, the OSMcast will be LIVE & UNCUT

So with our intrepid producer off in the far reaches of Alaska doing super secret squirrel work for the government, we have been unable to get our MTAC review mastered yet. But we still wanted to get some something out there for everyone. So what we’ve decided on was to try something crazy: A live and uncut recording where we’ll take people Skype-ing in. Who will be the Skypers? Our wonderful listeners, of course! Here what you need:

  • A USB Microphone of some sort
  • Skype, with an account
  • Available Wednesday night around 7:30-8:30 Central time.

The topic is going to be “Moments of OSM.” Same thing as in the show proper, something cool you have read, watched, or played lately that you want people to talk about! Here’s how it’s going to work:

  • You get on Skype.
  • Add the user “thebasilskype” to your friends list.
  • Once the clock strikes 7:30, send a message to thebasilskype. There will be a call in progress, please do not try to join in. We’ll bring you in!
  • If there is multiple people on, I’ll make a list and it will be first message first called. If you are not immediately on, sit tight! We have not forgotten you.
  • We’ll add you to the call, and we will talk of awesome things. Probably for around 10-15 minutes or so. Unless you only want 5. But that’s silly, take the 10.

And that’s pretty much it! If you’d like for us to add your user name ahead of time, you can email us your user name at

See you Wednesday!

BONUS: Sestren Dreamcast Episode 3 – PSN Gets 6.9′d

Now let’s see who gets back online first, the OSMcast! or PSN!

So, unfortunately due to the nature of our producer’s job constantly sending him out of state as bookends to the natural disaster that hit Alabama, we haven’t had a chance to get our MTAC podcast mastered yet. However, Basil has also been pulling regular duty on another podcast, a video game podcast by the name of the Sestren Dreamcast. So here’s the latest of the said podcast! We talk about concept and usefulness of video games reviews, the new Nintendo Console, and the PSN being down.

If you’d like to check out the Sestren forums, here’s a link to that place too!

Podcast delayed a week, THANKS A LOT MOTHER NATURE.

Soooo yeah. OSM Central is located in scenic Huntsville and Madison Alabama. Where thanks to all those wonderful tornadoes, we have been out of power for the week. Which means we had no way at all to master a podcast.

But to let you know, it is about MTAC Goes to 11. It will be con report of epic proportions, with us teaming up with two other podcasts and an interview with the con chair.

However, it will now be out next week. Sorry about that!

PS: Everyone is safe and sound, and power is finally returning to us. So yay for that!