Soooo yeah. OSM Central is located in scenic Huntsville and Madison Alabama. Where thanks to all those wonderful tornadoes, we have been out of power for the week. Which means we had no way at all to master a podcast.
But to let you know, it is about MTAC Goes to 11. It will be con report of epic proportions, with us teaming up with two other podcasts and an interview with the con chair.
However, it will now be out next week. Sorry about that!
PS: Everyone is safe and sound, and power is finally returning to us. So yay for that!
When I was running my Getting Your Anime Groove Back panel at this past MTAC, I received several requests to post the list online. So I went ahead and posted it in the MTAC Forums, but here it is again just in case:
So there you go! If you were at the panel, I hope you had a great time and found something that you like! If you weren’t at MTAC, well check some all of these out anyway. You might just like one, or two!
Maybe even three!
*I’m the only one that posts on the webapge, so I guess I’m always here, huh?
Hey when you get to watch animation looking this good, your jaw is going to drop it like it’s hot as well.
Since last time we talked about a movie that was awesome and incredibly hard to find at a decent price, we decided to instead talk about a movie that is awesome and quite readily available! So here’a s a podcast all about Mamoru Hosoda’s and studio MADHOUSE’s Summer Wars.
The internet is down and I’m having to update this from my phone, sooooo here’s some copy and paste about our plans for MTAC:
And as you no doubt may have heard on said recording, we are doing a variety of panels at MTAC! From teas to engrish to Go Nagai, we’ve pretty much going to have you covered about what’s important in life.
(Note: The times are of course tentative and subject to change at MTAC’s needs and/or whims!)
Engrish Jambore (Panel 3, Friday 2PM): Basil and Drew shop off a bunch of Engrishy-clips.
Tea: Green and More! (Panel 4, Friday 6PM): the elusive Doug throws down on the haps in tea.
Anime’s Creepy Uncle:Â Go Nagai At A Glance (Panel 4, Friday 9PM): Basil and Kevin look through the works and craziness of anime and manga creator Go Nagai.
Getting Your Anime Groove Back (Panel 3, Saturday 5:30PM): Think you might be getting out of anime? Well Basil just might have some shows to get you back in the game, as it were.
So what happens when Mamoru Oshii decides to stretch his directing chops with a Rumiko Takahashi property? You get the excellent film Urusei Yatsura 2: Beautiful Dreamer. What happens when you get two anime geeks in a room with a microphone to talk about said film? You get this podcast.
You know, back when I bought this film last year, I paid around $20 for it. Now it’s $80-150. That’s pretty crazy! It makes Crusher Joe seem kinda reasonable online in comparison.
And as you no doubt may have heard on said recording, we are doing a variety of panels at MTAC! From teas to engrish to Go Nagai, we’ve pretty much going to have you covered about what’s important in life.
(Note: The times are of course tentative and subject to change at MTAC’s needs and/or whims!)
Engrish Jambore (Panel 3, Friday 2PM): Basil and Drew shop off a bunch of Engrishy-clips.
Tea: Green and More! (Panel 4, Friday 6PM): the elusive Doug throws down on the haps in tea.
Anime’s Creepy Uncle: Go Nagai At A Glance (Panel 4, Friday 9PM): Basil and Kevin look through the works and craziness of anime and manga creator Go Nagai.
Getting Your Anime Groove Back (Panel 3, Saturday 5:30PM): Think you might be getting out of anime? Well Basil just might have some shows to get you back in the game, as it were.
This podcast was in fact so angry, we had to let it cool down for an extra two weeks just so we could get it out here. It’s all about Nicolas Cage’s latest vehicle of awesomeness, Drive Angry. Always angry special guest Daryl Surat joins us for this drive-filled action packed people talking exciting episode of excitement. We talk about all sorts of things that seemed really important at the time! And quite possibly still do!
Sadly, as it turned out that even two weeks ago, Drive Angry was already out of our local theaters. It’s a real shame. But these things do tend to come out in home media form, so when it does, you should watch this film, 3D or no!
Also, Momocon has already happened, but it was fun! A good time was had by all. Next up on the OSMcast Road Show? MTAC! We’ll be present two lovely panels for your education and also possibly amusement! We’ll be rocking out with the Getting Your Anime Groove Back panel that was discussed IN THIS VERY EPISODE. And also, Anime’s Creepy Uncle, a Glance at Go Nagai, which may or may not have been mentioned, I can’t remember. Still, it’s gonna be fun. It’s gonna be crazy.
Kami-Con’s mascot, Kosho. Apparently the con has sister mascots, and she’s the dark one. I think.
The con season has already kicked into full swing and lo, we bring you once more the REAL SHIT about a recent convention, specifically Kami-Con, in the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa that happened this past weekend.
So here it is, a whole lot of on the spot audio interviews.
At Kami-Con.
I swear we will have a regular podcast at some point! Really! Also, several people asked me (Basil) what clips I showed at the Pain Train at Kami-Con. I’ll probably bang out a new post with that stuff later. (Edit: No he won’t.)
On a whim of a flight of fancy, basil decided to take a quick road trip over to Tuscaloosa to check out PixelCon: A Convention for Gamers, and see what the haps were. Is haps even used nowadays? Hmm. Well, here’s the haps anyway, straight from the con goers mouths, into a microphone, then regurgitated into mp3 format. Share and enjoy!
Okay, so actually Rail drove Basil there, but he was too busy actually playing video games instead of harassing people with a microphone. But we all know what was important here!
So where will the OSMcast journey to next? Why, to Kami-Con! It’s an anime con, also in Tuscaloosa. And rumor has it, that Basil will even have panels there! It will be exciting! Adventurous! Panelriffic! It will be the haps.
The OSMcast have been pretty busy lately! Basil guest-started on the one of the latest episodes of the Chainsaw Buffet podcast, where they did even more year in review hijinks! Although, after a total of almost 4 hours of OSMcast yearing in reviewing you’d think we would cover it all, but no. The Chainsaw guys have proven that the Basil Rock of OSM can be squeezed yet for more blood. Of awesome. And perhaps Basil will actually make use of his blog now? Well, Basil certainly has no clue, but he did churn out a post about liking Ghost Trick a lot. And as always, Lee churns out his webcomic Hazard’s Wake like a MADMAN. A hazardous madman.
According to Lee: “The blue lines aren’t because I drew it on notebook paper. They are in fact the enemy robot’s barrier shield that the OSMrobo is ripping through.”
As we all know, the first thing you do in a new year is to look back at the previous year, unless you have a decade to deal with. So to ring in 2011 we have got the first half of the 2010 OSMawards! In this just-shy-of-two-hours BEHEMOTH of a podcast we tackle the “passive” media of 2010. TV shows, movies, anime, novels, stuff you consume but don’t interact with… pretty much everything expect video games. Â So strap in, get some nice hot cocoa a warmin’, and listen to us yammer for a while!
Bonus: And gaze up the MAJESTY that is OSMrobo that Lee drew while recording. His fists are fists of JUSTICE. And awesomeness.
Bonus props to Narutaki of Reverse Thieves for rising to the challenge letting us know her picks via Twitter to help us fill in the gaps! If you also like to your thoughts in on a particular subject before we record, just keep an eye out for Basil’s twitter feed. Usually the day of recording or so, he’ll be asking for input.
Speaking of asking for input, Basil was invited onto the Chainsaw Buffet podcast to further talk about the year 2010, which he did with gusto. Keep an eye for it!
To finish off the year, we here at the OSMcast decided to give the gift that keeps on giving: chest puppies a podcast! In this case, we talk about Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier, from Atlus by way of Banpresto and Monolith Soft. And in the spirit of fan service, for the second half of the podcast where we actually TALK about the boobalicious video game that gives us our episode title, we’re joined by Gerald from the always awesome AWO, who got roughly five minutes warning to be on the show. Because Gerald is a man of ACTION.
And just in case you need a visual aid about the subject matter at hand (hurr hurr), here you go: