OSMtable: A Roundtable About Christmas Specials

You kids still like that Soul Eater, right?

The OSMcast returns somewhat triumphant from our holiday hiatus with an episode all about holiday Christmas Specials! So warm up some eggnog, curl up at the fire, and do whatever holiday things that you do while we spin you a yarn of holiday cheer and bullets.


We tried something off the cuff with Basil asking for comments from his Twitter. It seemed to go well, so expect for such tom foolery in the future. Thanks to every one that responded!

OSMcast: Cross Game 11-8-2010

It’s time to hit another OSMcast out of the park as we talk about Mitsuru Adachi’s Cross Game! That said, the only actual OSMcast player on this one is Basil, as everyone else was brought in from other podcasts. We’re joined by the Reverse Thieves: Hisui and Narutaki, as well as by Drew of Akihabra Renditions. So one could say it’s an All-Star team this episode. Also, it’s two hours long, probably because there was no one to keep Basil in check.

Musical Interlude: Girl Talk! Drew’s Moment of OSM becomes the soundtrack to which this episode rocks to. Considering the mash-up nature of this episode, it is somewhat appropriate!


You can stream Cross Game in anime form via Hulu, and you can purchase Cross Game in manga form from Amazon, among other retailers. And you should! It is amazing stuff, that will harm your heart and crush you soul, if you’d just let it!

Also watch Sym-Bionic Titan. And Star Driver. Both are quality mecha-fied experiences that deliver top-notch giant robot but also kids in high school action.

And if you happen to be in Huntsville, AL this weekend we’re helping throw a pretty awesome minicon on Saturday, where Basil will be running panels and DJ Inubito will be spinning beats.

OSMinterview: Micah Solusod @ HamaCon

Micah Solusod

Back in June at HamaCon here in Huntsville, AL we got the chance to talk to one of Funimation’s freshest talents, Micah Solusod! He’s probably best known for his work as Soul Eater Evans in Soul Eater. However he has already been in several roles, including stuff from Birdy the Mighty Decode, Big Windup!, and Corpse Princess. He recently has reopened his website which you should totally check out.

Protip: When conducting podcast interviews, do not record them right beside air conditioning units. This is very important!

OSMcast: RIN-NE 10-11-2010

dollar dollar bill y’all

Some people say that today is Columbus Day, where some dude in 1492 took an unexpected vacation to the Bahamas. Some others will tell you that today is National Coming Out Day, a day of civil awareness and discourse about LGBT, in which I have discovered is NOT the acronym for Legend of the Galactic Heroes, I just always get those confused! BUT NO. Today is actually the OSMcast Releases a Podcast about RIN-NE Day! This Awesomely Recognized holiday (recognized by all human beings that like awesome things, and also puppies) is so called because today was the day we released an episode about Rumiko Takahashi’s latest manga work, RIN-NE.

How exciting!

OSMcast: Anime Weekend Atlanta 16 09-27-2010

Anime Weekend Atlanta – September 17th-19th, 2010

Another year, another AWA. Another AWA, another podcast about AWA! So here is our con-report on Anime Weekend Atlanta 16, recorded late late Saturday night in our secret lair within the confines of the Renaissance Waverly Hotel. It covers Friday and Saturday since at the time of recording, Sunday hadn’t even officially happened yet! We are joined by the most dapper of gentlemen that are the Chainsaw Buffet podcast. So come listen in on the THRILL that is us talking about panels! The EXCITEMENT as Basil talks about locking his keys in his car! The WONDER of anime fans in Atlanta!


As always, AWA was a grand ol’ time. We could type out all the awesome things we went to, but chances are you just listened to all of it! So instead I’m going to tell you all to go check out Dave Merrill’s webcomic ZERO FIGHTER. It’s pretty good stuff!

OSMcast: Scott Pilgrim 9-13-2010

When in doubt, video games.

Running with a full four man crew the OSMcast! is BACK and talking about SCOTT PILGRIM. Vs, uh, I dunno, a bunch of stuff! We talk about the graphic novels by Bryan Lee O’Malley, the movie adaption of said graphic novels directed by Edgar Wright, as well as the video game that adapts from both those things made by Ubisoft Montreal. That’s a lot of stuff!

GET YOUR LINKS ON: Anime3000! Empire Building Architect Sean Russell is the man with the plan, and that plan is to have all sorts of podcasts and other sorts of crazy stuff for your perusal. From his A3K Panel and Bonus Round, Reverse Thieves’ The Speakeasy, and Josh Dunham’s AnimÄ“shon Podcast, there is a TON of stuff to listen to. A TON. (Also, a ton of links.)


I GUESS you could go see the movies, but really the best thing you can do is get you some of those BOOKS. Most of the bi ol’ booksellers of the land should have them thanks to to movie, or you could just order then from Amazon.

And sure, we have absolutely nothing to do with Anime Hell, but it’s always, always a highlight of the show.

And hell, the Scott Pilgrim website even has the first few pages up from each book to check out if you are so interested. Or you could not, I guess! THE CHOICE IS YOURS.

And THIS WEEK. AWA. Anime Weekend Atlanta. MAN OH MAN. They even have a PDF OF THE SCHEDULE. It is filled to the BRIM with bombastic anime con panel goodness. And this year we actually are getting to help add to that gumbo of greatness, goulash of grandiose, guacamole of gloriousness. That anime con schedule of anime conisity.

The gameplay is as good as the plot is generic. That’s Ys!

The OSMrenditions Panels of Power both happen on Friday. At 1 in the Special Events room in Kennesaw we’ll be having an Engrish Jamboree! Come celebrate politically incorrect racism as we laugh at Japanese people failing at the English language. Then at 4 in one of Panel Rooms (Galleria 104) we’ll be hosting the AWA Wild World of Sports (Anime). I bet you’ll never be able to tell what we are talking about!

Of course, we could be making surprise appearances at other panels. Say for example at 3:30 on Saturday in Kennesaw there is a Podcaster roundtable, and we just happen to be a podcast! That podcasts a lot about anime! Hmmm! And also on Saturday earlier at 1:00 in Galleria 104 there is a Con DJing 101 panel, and we happen to have a DJ on deck, who tends to spin at anime cons… HMMMM. Â And, as always, one can never tell when Basil is going to assault random con goers with microphones. Good times!

OSMcast: Black Jack 8-30-2010

Black Jack. He’s a REAL DOCTOR.

For this episode of the OSMcast! we decided to tangle with Osamu Tezuka’s Black Jack, being released by Vertical. But frankly the dark doctor was more than we could handle alone, so we had to call in some back up. Who in the world could save us? None other than Clarissa from the Anime World Order podcast! So come listen in as we talk about the surgical sweetness that is Black Jack.


While I know locally it’s not terribly hard to track down volumes of this manga, I also know you can always pick up a copy on Amazon. So buy it. You’ll thank us later.

You hear that, you’re ALL going DOWN. … With Laughter. At AWA.

And yes, that’s right in a mere matter of weeks the OSMcast! shall be taking our annual sojourn to greatest anime con of the southeast, Anime Weekend Atlanta. There will be thrills, chills, excitement, PODCASTING. Worlds will be rocked. Minds, BLOWN. Also, we have panels. Basil will be teaming up with Drew from Akihabara Renditions for two action-packed riveting panels of amazement. Now, if you listened to the podcast, and why wouldn’t you, you already know what’s going down. But for those of you that for some reason are reading this instead of immediately clicking on that arrow for audio epiphany, he’s some spoilers.

Okay I’ll admit it. I just wanted an excuse to post this amazing poster.

For one, we’ll be hosting an Engrish Jamboree. Yeah, a whole panel of Japanese people trying to speaking English and failing spectacularly. It’s incredibly politically correct! And THEN, or perhaps before (I have no clue which panel comes first), we’ll he hosting AWA’s Wide World of Sports (Anime). In case you haven’t figured it out yet, it’s a panel on sports anime, and why it’s awesome. And if you disagree, why you’re WRONG.

And speaking of being wrong, the Expendables was awesome and you like stuff being blown up, shot at, or stabbed and hearing wonderfully horrendous dialog you should have already seen it. Oh wait, I guess everyone already did. So uh, go see Scott Pilgrim! Apparently no one has gotten around to doing that yet.

OSMcast: ModNation Racers 8-16-2010

Truly, only on the master system that is the PS3 can one truly enjoy the Spirit of the Driftâ„¢.

In this fast and FURIOUS episode of the OSMcast! we decided to take the best kart racer around for a spin. And in case you haven’t read the title yet, that game is United Front Games’ ModNation Racers.


You can buy ModNation Racers everywhere video games are sold! And also PS3s, in case you need one of those. And you would like some free entertainment, our pal Victor has started updating his website with his brand new novella Chairshot: A Love Story. It’s an exciting tale of triumph, anguish, and wrestling. You can start reading it here.

OSMinterview: Travis Willingham and Laura Bailey @ MTAC Odyssey

It’s a veritable two for one interview bonanza here on the OSMcast as we interview not one, but two awesome voice actors at once while we were hanging out at this year’s MTAC. Travis is probably best known for his work as Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist: (Nazi-verse as well as the superior Brotherhood persuasion) and Guile from Street Fighter IV. Not be out done, Laura played the role of Lust in the Fullmetal Moneymakers as well as Chun-li form Street Fighter IV.

OSMcast: A Drifting Life 7-18-2010

Gekiga: The Other White Meat, if Meat was Manga, and not Meat

After going two months, almost to the day, of not having a podcast with an actual date in the title, we bring it back old school with a podcast about something really old school. We speak of a most super-hyper-mega-awesome manga A Drifting Life, by Yoshihiro Tatsumi: A Drifting Life. It’s his autobiography but done in manga form.

Since you know, he creates manga and all.

It’s awesome.

This is Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies of Awesome You Should Play This The Video Game


A Drifting Life is just under $20 at Amazon at the time of this post. You should go buy it! You can also buy Dragon Quest IX from Amazon, but I’m pretty sure you can buy that wherever video game are being sold. It’s a pretty good one!

But seriously, make sure you get A Drifting Life. The manga is an inspiring work, and anyone with a love for manga is sure to come away a better person for having read it. A work like this is honestly an incredibly rare treat for us, and something that everyone should indulge themselves in.

Because sometimes even webcomics needs a shot of espresso.

And if you are interested in reading things like online comics, Eric and Lee have kicked off a brand new webcomic called Affogato Style. And if you are not, then uh… Go anyway. It’s got coffee, and explosions, and sometimes, it’s even funny.

*Since manga doesn’t exactly have a soundtrack, our stupendous soundman picked out some tracks for the breaks. They are: Gabriel & Dresden Ft. Molly – Tracking Treasure and DownPaul van Dyk – We are alive (DJ Iceys Arctic Bass Mix).