Hulu has lots of things on it, that you can watch. Like House of Five Leaves. You should watch that. It’s pretty great.
What’s this?! A new podcast? INDEED IT IS! And lo and behold, it’s another roundtable episode! We had some really good feedback the last time we did it, so we’ve decided to keep doing them whenever we think up a topic we can round about at a table. This time, we talk about Online or Internet TV, specifically online streaming for the most part.
Okay so sometimes it’s every other other week. It happens! Maybe next time we won’t try and cram two cons in a month… No we probably will! Especially when they are as fun as Hamacon and SeishunCon.
Carl Gustav Horn in all his glory, representing the Big D. H.
When we started the OSMcast!, there were a few people we knew we just had to interview. This is one of them! So we decided to finally dust off our interview from Ohayocon 10 and present to you The Life and Times of Carl Gustav Horn, Dark Horse’s most baddass manga editor. the man has worked on such titles as the manga version of Neon Genesis Evangelion, The Shinji Ikari Raising Project, Clover, and others. He talks to us on how he got started in the industry, he thoughts on the importance of buying anime and manga in the US, and more.
I don’t know why you are reading this and not listening to Carl Horn talk. I mean all we had to REALLY do is just say “Start!” and the man whisked us away on a tale of adventure and manga editing.
Normally on the OSMcast!, we tend to try and talk about the things that we like. Things that are awesome. Sometimes awesomely good, sometimes awesomely bad. Occasionally however, we decide to get our hate on. This is that kind of show. HOWEVER, what we DO bring along with this (2 HOUR) cornucopia of bile and anger is an awesome guest: Gerald of Anime World Order!
Haters Gonna Hate WARNING: This is a podcast about griping. Sometimes on things we have gone on the record of saying that are awesome! It happens! Nothing is perfect, not even Giant Ro- Okay ASIDE FROM GIANT ROBO, everything has it’s issues. And we will be talking a lot about those things. Please realize that we also do like many, many things, that you can find in other the OSMcast’s Index of OSMs Past, and AWO’s Review Index.
THERE. DONE. OVER. Now nothing more can be said that hasn’t about the 2000s! We just finished it off! Boo-yah! Well, OK. Perhaps that is not the case. But nevertheless, we should look our eyes upon to THE FUTURE! And the future is the OSMcast will be in TWO count ’em TWO anime cons in June. INSANITY. Those two cons? Why had you read the entry for the previous podcast, you’d know! They are HamaCon (June 4-6, Huntsville, AL) and Seishun-Con (June 25-27, Atlanta, GA). We will be doing a bazillion panels and things there. You should check them out if at all possible!
With summer comes summer movies. Comic book movies. We tend to like both these things so we have a podcast for people who like comic book movies. In particularthis go-around, Kick -Ass!
PROMO:Anime82! Host, mad-man, genius Regan Strongblood had a dream. He would talk about anime, and then get a bunch of other podcasters to talk about anime on his same show. The results, they are substantial.
Speaking of the Anime82 podcast, the last third of the OMEGA-MECHA-THON-2000 should be posted soon, and will have Basil, Kevin, and Lee blabbing on about Mazinkaiser. Pretty good stuff!
And in OSMcast news, June is filled with ACTION-PACKED PANEL EXCITEMENT. DJÂ EXCITEMENT. We are going to two cons. Same month. MADNESS. HamaCon, and Seishun-Con.
What’s this?! A bonus episode out of nowhere?! Say it ain’t so! You see, at MTAC Odyssey we teamed yup with the wonderful gentlemen of the Chainsaw Buffet podcast to interview Spike Spencer. Spike, has done many a role in anime and video games, but is most likely best known for doing the voice of Shinji from Neon Genesis Evangelion. And since the Chainsaw Buffet guys have already released their version of interview, we decided to use the magic of RSS feeds to let you in on the action! So if you notice the completely different opening song, that’s why.
“It is said that as many days as there are in the whole journey, so many are the otaku and podcasters that stand along the road, each microphone and netbook at the interval of a day’s journey; and these are stayed neither by snow nor rain nor heat nor darkness nor asstons of even more rain from accomplishing their appointed course with all speed.” – Podcaster’s Creed of the PersianÂEmpire (trans. B.A. Berchekas 2010)
MTAC Odyssey
That’s right folks, despite the crazy, crazy rains that have plagued Nashville and it’s metropolitan area ss well as the rest of Tennessee, the OSMcast has soldiered on through crappy hotel dives and Dunkin Donuts to bring you our super-omega-omni-cast MTAC Odyssey con review. It’s a whopping knee-slappin’ one hour, twenty fours minutes, and thirty nine seconds of Middle Tennessee Anime Convention Goodness. It has our con reviews spanning all three days, interviews with you the con-goers yourselves, as well as a chat we had with Media Relations and Advertising Director Christi Binkley and Community Relations Director Nicholas Qualls.
Since we are about to go to a whole other new con in a matter of weeks, it’s high-time we finish what we started with Ohayocon and bring to you The REALLY real real Ohayocon 10 Experience! That’s right, REAL podcasters talking to REAL con-goers. It’s so real, you’ll probably not want to listen to it the car, for fear of wrecking due to the high amounts of Real involved.
And not because since it was stuff recorded on the show floor its kinda hard to make it out sometimes NOPE.
20th Century King: A look at Naoki Urasawa: the OSMcast! will be looking at one of the most awesome manga and anime creators of our time, Naoki Urasawa. Perhaps you may have heard of him! We’ll be looking stuff from as early as Yawara! A Fashionable Judo Girl (Maybe even Beta!!!), through Master Keaton and Monster, and even his latest stuff like 20th Century Boys, PLUTO, and Billy Bat. We’ll also be coving the various forms his works have taken, like the Monster anime (that has been running on SciF- I mean, SyFy, and the 20th Century Boys live action films.
Tsundere: Why do we love the ones that hate us most?: The panel we ran at Ohayocon returns, bigger, badder, slightly less out of our asses! Ah, tsunderes. You know they lov- hate you! But I love you! But I hate you! But possibly type is best exemplified by say, Akane from Ranma 1/2. This is a panel dedicated to those wonderful ladies (and guys in some cases) that can go from raging demon to moe moe in under six seconds. We, the intrepid risk takers and go getters here at the OSMcast! will be talking about this most classic of anime tropes. The history, the whys, the hows, and we’ll probably even get pissed off at you, before secretly showing that we actually like you.
The Works of Rumiko Takahashi: This is a panel borne from the hot fiery shounen brolliance that is the OSMrenditions (OSMcast! + Akihabara Renditions) this is a panel where we talk about Rumiko Takahashi. And probably argue about her stuff a lot. It should be pretty entertaining!
It’s a new month! To celebrate the OSMcast! decided to talk about a game from the even more not-too distant past than the last time. So here’s a podcast where we talk about BioWare’s scifi RPG/shooter hybrid sequel Mass Effect 2!
The OSMcast! is once again going to MTAC! And, craziness of craziness, we are running panels. Several, in fact!
20th Century King: A look at Naoki Urasawa: the OSMcast! will be looking at one of the most awesome manga and anime creators of our time, Naoki Urasawa. Perhaps you may have heard of him! We’ll be looking stuff from as early as Yawara! A Fashionable Judo Girl (Maybe even Beta!!!), through Master Keaton and Monster, and even his latest stuff like 20th Century Boys, PLUTO, and Billy Bat. We’ll also be coving the various forms his works have taken, like the Monster anime (that has been running on SciF- I mean, SyFy, and the 20th Century Boys live action films.
Tsundere: Why do we love the ones that hate us most?: The panel we ran at Ohayocon returns, bigger, badder, slightly less out of our asses! Ah, tsunderes. You know the “I hate you! But I love you! But I hate you! But I-” types best exemplified by say, Akane from Ranma 1/2. This is a panel dedicated to those wonderful ladies (and guys in some cases) that can go from raging demon to moe moe in under six seconds. We, the intrepid risk takers and go getters here at the OSMcast! will be talking about this most classic of anime tropes. The history, the whys, the hows, and we’ll probably even get pissed off at you, before secretly showing that we actually like you.
The Works of Rumiko Takahashi: This is a panel borne from the hot fiery shounen bro-lliance that is the OSMrenditions (OSMcast! + Akihabara Renditions) this is a panel where we talk about Rumiko Takahashi. And probably argue about her stuff a lot. It should be pretty entertaining!
Another two weeks another podcast! They time we deliver our only two-month late con report of Ohayocon 10!
Just fucking go!
Just like how Basil’s now going to get his car worked on that will take a bazillion hours so you get no actual notes this time, Lee please don’t beat me again.
That’s right! AWO isn’t the only podcast doing a “decade in review” podcast months after everyone else did one! We’ve got one too! Although ours is a little different. Basil, Eric, Kevin, and Rail worked up our each individual Top 10s and then we talk about them in a monolithic almost two hours iron-caged deathmatch of DEATH.
While wearing audio-tuxedos.
Because we’re classy.
Hopefully you have found something you liked! If not, that only means you are already us relistening to ourselves talk. So cut it out, will ya?!
As always, comment, email, voice mail! If anyone wants a full listing, I know that I (Basil) have my list that I can post, and I’m pretty sure so does Kevin, and probably Eric and Rail, too. Or I guess we could listen and jot everything down manually… Nah…
Next time, something from the wacky fun-filled world of OHAYOCON!