See it’s from a webcomic and it has a round table! That’s COMEDY!
In this episode we try something new and exciting! In this episode Eric, Sooz, Lee, and Mysterious Racer X talk about webcomics. The Whats, Hows, Whys, all that jazz!
Or perhaps not. The only way to find out, however, is to listen!
I stole Lee’s image Promo Link: HAZARD’S WAKE! It is a comic. That Lee does. It makes RPG jokes. Usually they are pretty good ones. You should read it. And laugh.
I stole Sooz’s image last time Promo Link:Reliquary! This is also a comic. That Sooz does. It tends to not make RPG jokes. You should read this too.
So in lieu of these exciting experimental times, you should also break tradition and tell us what you think! Comment! Email! Call!
Although as we said in the opening bit, the first 14 minutes will be somewhat choppy, but totally listen-able. SO LISTEN.
This photo of Jerry Jewell is evidence that all photos taken in Texas must look like they come from old Westerns. It’s true!
Trudging back forth from the cold, cold North to the slightly less cold, cold South, the OSMcast brings you this interview from the always awesome voice actor Jerry Jewell! He has done some greats roles such as Barry The Chopper from Fullmetal Alchemist, Claire Stanfield from Baccano!, and all sorts of stuff.
Super Cool Music Link: The Peach Truck Republic! This is the fact the jamband that Jerry speaks of! The one that he plays bass in and also vocals! Turns out, Jerry plays a pretty mean bass. And the songs, they are rockin’. We played some of their music in the breaks to give you all a taste, but clicking that link can lead you on to even more amazing things like CDs filled to the brim of music, that you can actually buy.
Okay so it’s been a month between updates… again. We’d try and say we promise to not be more like AWO in this instance… But now that they’ve started splitting up their episodes to have a different chuck each week instead of one huge update a month, we can’t even say that! But this really should not be a problem in the foreseeable future. We hope.
The Peach Truck Republic, serving out pipin’ hot tunes since 1993
Also, welcome everyone from Ohayocon that might be visiting us right now! We are glad you came! You should check out the Index of OSM and see what other podcast goodies we may have lying in wait for you. Or hell, just subscribe to the RSS feed with you podcatcher of choice! You know you want to. We recorded a few different segments at the con, which we’ll be rolling out to you all as time marches forward. In the meantime, you can also email us, comment, or even call the OSMline (which may or may not also be Aaron Dismuke’s phone number)!
But here’s a fun fact! I don’t know if we mentioned it or not in this version of the interview, but Jerry has gotten the most google search hits out of anything ever for this podcast. The only term that’s asked for more is “OSMcast” itself. So we know you like Jerry, folks. We know!
Friday at 4PM in Panels 6 (Grant/Harding) we’ll be running the panel Tsundere: Why We Love the Ones That Hate Us Most. This will be a look at the popular character archetype, where did it come from, and why it works. This one will most likely have pictures and PowerPoint and snazzy stuff like that. In other words, we have to work at actually making this panel happen, with research and stuff! This is very scary!
On Saturday at 1PM in Panels 3 (Union D-3) we’ll be hosting the Podcast Jamboree! It will be a panel about podcasting. We’re pretty sure you what that is.
And sorry for the lack of episode. -_- Different people have different files and somehow we failed to get them all in the one place so Inubito can edit it.
Wrex: This is why you play Mass Effect. (He also has way more porn drawn of him than any other character. Think about that.)
It’s a new year! To celebrate the OSMcast! decided to talk about a game from the not-too distant past. So here’s a podcast where we talk about BioWare’s scifi RPG/shooter hybrid Mass Effect!
Protip: Also the sequel is coming out super-soon so you have to get prepared! Therefore, if you have already played Mass Effect consider this podcast a primer as for why the series is awesome. (Like you need reminding, right?)
Folks, this game is everywhere you want to buy it. You can even just download the game straight to your Xbox 360. Or straight to your PC via Steam. NO EXCUSES PEOPLE.
I guess since Zero is actively USING his geass, we don’t HAVE to watch. Yeah.
So it’s a new year and you may have noticed we are now officially Bi-weekly! In the “New podcast every two weeks” sort of way, and not “Two new podcasts every week” sort of way. While we would love to blab at you that much, between school, work, and everything else under the sun, it’s just not feasible. BUT things are also on track where we will should be hitting that wondrous and wooshy-sounding deadline for the vast foreseeable future. That’s good, right?
As always! You can email us, call us, comment at us, what have you!
The next OSMcast! will be a strange new kind of episode! So different, so strange, so bizarre, even I, Basil, Lord Prophet of OSM and also, sometimes commas, do not know it’s contents.
Yes only the latest and greatest anime here on the OSMcast!
Now you may ask yourself: “I just possibly celebrated the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and/or got some awesome swag from Santa! What could be even better?!”
The answer: A podcast from the OSMcast! all about the anime movie Akira! Listen now in the comfort of your own home! Take it for on the car ride back home from those obnoxious aliens relatives! Or use it to ring in the new year.
The manga is pretty good stuff, too!
This podcast about the movie adaptation of the manga both written and directed by Katsuhiro Otomo is both multi-faceted and enjoyable no matter what the circumstances might be!
It’s not like this movie hasn’t been talked to death or anything!
So after recording this podcast and looking where one might want to pick this movie up, we discovered that while the Blu-ray edition is plentiful and can be bought most anywhere, Bandai (via their Honneamise label) never bothered to release an equivalent DVD version. That means the last DVD version of Akira made on DVD was the Geneon Signature Series one released in 2004.
Or you could also start buying the manga, as Kodansha has resumed publishing rights the manga series and has put out the first volume, with the rest being released in 2010.
Direct from the Echo Chamber, deep as Heino’s voice, the OSMcast returns! In this thrill-packed episode of thrills, chills, and excitement we talk about butts, ninjas, and movies. And also a manga and anime series called Skip Beat! by Yoshiki Nakamura.
Skip Beat can be obtained in one of two ways! You could A.) Buy the manga being released by Viz or B.) Watch the anime based on the manga via Crunchyroll. Of course there is only so much anime and so much more of the manga, one’s mileage may vary. That is, as long as you are man enough for it! And as long as you made it to the end of the podcast, you should be! Go you!
Edit: Oh hey! I guess I should edit this further, huh?
Live the Creed
It appears to be that I have completely forgotten what I was going to type about. These things happen when you work retail during the holidays. So instead you should go see two movies: Ninja Assassin, which I talked about on the podcast you should totally go see. But also Disney’s Princess and the Frog. It’s very good, easily one of my favorites.
And now… Â a Lee’s List!
Aren’t they so WACKY?!
Let’s ignore that one.
Lee’s List: The Best Gift to Give to an Immortal who’s marrying your Best Friend’s evil twin? The entire series of Seinfeld. It’s something they’ll either appreciate, or hate you forever for. Either way, the evil twin will think you’re cool.
And as always, email us! Send us some love on the OSMline! Comment!
Next week we’ll be amazed that a film that is hailed as one of anime’s greatest works in movie form wasn’t half bad!
Sorry for the lack of updates, folks! The holiday season has turned violent upon us. And by us I mean me. And by me I mean Basil. Of course I’m the only one that writes on the site so there you go.
You see a week or so ago (on joyous Black Friday) I screwed up the rotator cuff on my right shoulder. These things are not normally screwed up-able, or at least it’s not easy. The fact of the matter that being a Prophet of the Awesome Word of OSM is a very Dangerous profession and one fraught with peril and grizz-squirrels and moe fans and Gonzo fans. It’s a battle of attrition where eventually one side had to give away, and it ended up being my shoulder. BUT FEAR NOT. While battle was won, the war is far from over. I have seen doctors. I have undergone treatments. I will emerge from this stronger and more powerful than they could possibly imagine.
I have also been confirmed to have sleep apnea which means I am also a cyborg when I sleep.
This means they’ll never catch me off guard.
Soon they’ll learn to fear.
I’m coming.
TLDR: The OSMcast! will be back as soon as we can.
For this TWO HOUR BEHEMOTH of an OSMcast!, we are once again joined by Daryl Surat of Anime World Order and Otaku USA to talk about STUFF. We talk about anime, video games, the State of The Mecha Genre, but really we mostly talk about Shin Mazinger Z, the awesome new re-imagining of the classic Go Nagai series, as the director Yasuhiro Imagawa only knows how: By making it really, really awesome.
Protip: Due to magical and mystical nature of audio processing Daryl sounds a touch softer than Kevin and Basil. It makes us feel more important than we actually are. Also we trip over each over a little bit, as while Daryl is used to talking via the Internets, Basil and Kevin are not. You have been warned!
Promo: THIS IS NOT AN ANIME PODCAST! Those liars! They talk about anime ALL THE TIME. We met these guys at AWA and thought they are pretty cool. These dues talk about anime and video games and other neat nerd stuff that means they tend to cover similar stuff as us. Which again, means they are pretty cool. Â They will be even cooler when they get an RSS feed! (Just sayin’.)
Durarara!!, It’s like BACCANO! only in modern day and less caps lock, but extra punctuation.
First off, technically we are releasing late on Monday but it’s still Monday so it counts! The file initially exported to mp3 wrong so we had to reprocess it. after DJ Inubito got home from work. Crazy, I know.
Sadly right now the only way to get this show is via fansubs. This would probably be a good place to start. And if we ever get a retail release you can be sure that we will be preaching it from the mountain tops.
Before this episode went up I (Basil) asked for suggestions to fill the text space up. After a few posts of nothing (well Cleavland has an idea) Lee then bombarded me with 15 bazillion ones. I suppose he must have been really bored at work today. I was going to delete post once I had a good topic but since he gave me SO MANY topics the post will stay up so I’ll have a list of options whenever I need to fill up space. I’ll call it Lee’s List. Like so~
Dragon Age: Orgins AKA Baldur’s Gate III. This is a Good Thing. Also Ogres turn out to be wusses in this game. FYI.
Lee’s List: Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People – I don’t know I only play good games. I kid, I kid! I haven’t played it. Too many other games I want to play before I get to before I lose myself into the land of Telltale Games.
Well. That was too short. Okay how about…
PS: While Pad is still the worst name ever in the history of ever, you can’t actually change names in Nostalgia so just accept it and find better things to complain about. Like Gonzo! But that’s pretty much beating a dead horse. Hmm…
Chances are, if you are looking up from the ground at this man... You're already toast.
After talking about Black Lion and Brutal Legend we felt, “Why stop here?” So we decided to watched what on it’s DVD box cover proclaims as “The most violent, action packed animated film of all time!”
And that is the 1986 anime film adaptation of Fist of the North Star by Tetsuo Hara and Buronson.
Savvy shoppers can find this DVD pretty easily for around $20-25. If you want to watch the TV show, you can stream it. All 152 episodes. And from what we hear, it is very entertaining.
As long as people exploding in amazing fashion along with equally amazing 80’s fashion is your thing (How can that NOT?!}.
You may also consider on picking upNostalgia, if the idea of a classic turn-based J-RPG on the go sounds appealing to you. Which you should find compelling, because it’s awesome.
How did this happen?
And awesome is kind of what we do around here.
(We also talk into a microphone.)
However you do not need a microphone to talk to us! Just a phone that’s capable of dialing 1-209-OSM-LINE. Or perhaps (209) 676-5463. If you would rather type to us, you can always just comment down below, or send us an email at I suppose there is also our forum link on the sidebar, too! While you do have to sign up for it, there is a world of message boarding goodness inside!
It's as fun as it looks. (We mean that in a good way!)
BUT BEFORE I FORGET! The illustrious renegade remixers at Dou(gai)jin Recordings have finally released their latest album, Renegade Remix Force, up for download! They guys over at This is Not an Anime Podcast! seemed to dig it in their review, so perhaps you shall as well. You can go straight to their Releases page and download the album, or you can be EXTRA lazy and download from our mirror. (The one plus from our mirror is that Basil went through and re-tagged everything to work properly with his Zune. So if something like that matters, go ahead and suck our bandwidth dry! At the moment we have plenty.)
Until next week! … Or maybe the week after! We aren’t what’s getting recorded yet or not.