OSMcast: Brutal Legend… And Friends! 10-19-2009

You want to talk Brutal? I had to edit this in Paint. Makes it all jaggy and shit.
You want to talk Brutal? I had to edit this in Paint. Makes it all jaggy and shit.

While a day late and a dollar short, the OSMcast! returns with some slightly less than hot off the presses podcasting action! Since the latest season of anime hitting Japan pretty much blows, we’ve discovered that we’ve ended up playing a lot more video games than usual! So we took the whole Moment of OSM/Whatcha Been Playing segment into the entire podcast. ISN’T THIS EXCITING!?!

In the end we talk the most about Brutal Legend, but we cover the bases from Uncharted 2 to Phantasy Star IV and a whole bunch  inbetween. Old, new, we don’t care!


This was supposed to have shown up on the 19th, sure. But Basil’s flash drive died. So we had to find another way to transfer the files (Which ended up being a new flash drive). Â Then Basil installed Windows 7! Which means all his programs went bye bye and he didn’t realize quite what all that meant until he had to upload and format the podcast for publication and stuff.

So you can forward all complaints to osmcast@gmail.com. Or any other comments you may have! It’s all good.

OSMcast: Black Lion 15 10-05-2009

Black Lion
Black Lion

A podcast that primarily deals with anime (and video games) talks about an anime? Shocking! This time, we take on Go Nagai’s BLACK LION!


Black Lion is cheap as hell online. Just check the Amazon listing. Really, unless you hate violence and gore, why aren’t you buying this right now?

Next week’s episode is up in the air, as schedules are being worked out and what not. However! We have some good stuff hopefully down the pipe in the near-ish future so keep a look out!

Until then: Comment. Email. OSMline. You know the drill.

OSMcrap: “The REALLY real real AWA 15 Experience (abridged)”

The Ozone Commandos also keep things real
The Ozone Commandos also keep things real

Once again we bring the real scoop on what really goes down at anime cons. This time we went to the fifteenth Anime Weekend Atlanta. We talked to lots of people! And yet, only 24 minutes came out of it. So next time I guess we need to talk to more people.


Due to technical-ish things occurring to make this post late, this post was made late. These things, they happen. Basil’s Internet could have been attacked by notorious waves of grizzsquirrles sent by the nefarious Other Kevin.Or perhaps the initial mp3 files did not mater correctly. I dunno!

Maybe it was the Ozone Commandos. Or a secret cabal of moe fanboys.

Who can say?

Dou(gai)jin Recordings CD 001: Renegade Remix Force
Dou(gai)jin Recordings CD 001: Renegade Remix Force

If the music in this podcast pleased you, perhaps you should make your way to Dou(gai)jin Recordings, where the music came from. We talk about them here from time to time, because they are awesome and people do not talk about them enough. They passed out CDs to the con goers at AWA, and should be uploading their latest said CD online sometime soon.

So by chance you got of these CDs, you should tell them all about it in this thread they made on the AWA forums.

Next week: Bloody. Gory. Ninjas.

It’s Black Lion!

OSMcast: Anime Weekend Atlanta 15 09-21-2009

Hell, I dunno either!
Hell, I dunno either!

This latest podcast is all about the anime con that just happened. It’s called Anime Weekend Atlanta. It was pretty awesome. And so here are two nightcap sessions we recorded on Friday and Saturday night. Aside from the usual crew of OSM Central, we also have our ever-present buddies over at Akihabra Renditions. And add that extra something with just adding Basil won’t cut it, Chad Bonin of GaijINside on Friday’s section and Niko of MTAC and GMX fame on Saturday’s section. Oh! And some guy named Dusty who happened to be on the room Friday night. We get the BIG NAMES here folks!

MAJOR SCREW UP: And once again, we apologize for mixing up names on the first half. When we say Rikki Simons, we actually meant Jonathan Tarbox. These two gentlemen are both awesome guys and we feel bad for mixing up names. We blame the fact that it was really late at night. Because honestly, Tarbox is a freakishly amazing name and I have no idea how we could forget such name. I mean, Tarbox. Man.


Do you?Do you?

AWA was amazingly awesome! Most excellent panel shout outs go out to Drew, Richard, and Dave Merrill for the great Classic Mecha panel. Clarissa’s Blackjack panel was also kickass, and major thanks for joining us for the Podcaster’s Roundtable. Gerald’s History of Hentai and AIC (Darius was awesome too!) panels were wondrous. And, of course, I do in fact Believe in Daryl Surat. Helen McCarthy’s Unknown Tezuka Panel was illuminating. Carl Horn’s and Jonathan “Completely not Rikki Simons “Tarbox’s State of the Manga Industry was excitingly candid.

And any other panels I’m not thinking of, were also probably amazing.

Id like to say Rail took the picture at this angle. So I will.
I’d like to say Rail took the picture at this angle. So I will.

… Like Vertical’s which has helped me start working on my Xmas list. See, there was just too much stuff to remember it all.

Speaking of the Podcaster’s Round table, I know one or two new podcast start-ups were there talking to us after the panel was over. EMAIL US. Basil commands this! It is osmcast@gmail.com. Anyone else, they can do this too! But especially the ones I’m talking about you know who you are.

Also, everyone can always call us on the OSMline: (209)-OSM-LINE aka (209) 676-5463.

And before I forget! Basil was a guest on the Channel Z podcast from Dragon*Con, and this one is video. Where we read Naruto fanfiction. Terrible Naruto fanfiction. You have BEEN WARNED.

Next week we’ll get real about AWA.

Really real.

OSMcrap: “The REALLY real real Dragon*Con 2009 Experience (abridged)”

Somewhere underneath all that text? Theres a dragon.
Somewhere underneath all that text? There’s a dragon.

From our long and toilsome journey into the VERY HEART OF GEEK MEDIA MAYHEM we bring you, dear listeners, the SEEDY UNDERBELLY of the BEAST known as DRAGON*CON.

But only 20 minutes of it.



So anyway, the OSMcast is going BACK to Atlanta this weekend for Anime Weekend Atlanta! I’m sure we’ll running amok wherever we go, but we’ll definitely be crashing the podcast panel again, and possibly a Gundam panel (since it will be hosted by some guys we know). And I’m pretty sure we’ll be going to these panels.

Because by god SOMEONE HAS TO
Because by god SOMEONE HAS TO

We’ll probably will be submitting some panels ourselves for next year, but this year there just wasn’t time. BUT! In theory we’ll be wearing our brand new OSMcast T-Shirts, but that’s only if the printer found our shirts. Also our pals at Dou(gai)jin Recordings are releasing their newest CD! For free! And while we say pals, the truth is that two of the members are in fact DJ Inubito and Basil.*  Our intrepid beatsmith provided a wonderfully oonst-a-riffic rendition of a Blaster Master theme while Basil banged his head at a computer until a cover design came out. So keep an eye out for that!

And although AWA will most likely be our last convention stop this year, that doesn’t mean there aren’t cons that YOU should miss out on!

The question should be not What is GMX? It should be, Why not GMX?
The question should be not What is GMX? It should be, Why not GMX?

For those that like Nashville and the whole Tennessee shebang, there’s GMX. It should be exciting, new, shiny, and all around fun! We want to go, they want us to go, but previously planned things like college and weddings and whatnot get in the way. So instead, YOY SHOULD GO. And for the Georgia side, there’s Nerdacon! We had a chance to meet them at Dragon*Con, and they seem like they know how to have a good time. So if you can swing that, it’d be swell.

Giant robots and signs with the letter N just go well together.
Giant robots and signs with the letter N just go well together.

And speaking of people we met at Dragon*Con, Basil had the chance to be on a future video podcast episode by Channel Z. They read Naruto fanfiction until they could read no more. (As it turns out, it’s about an hour’s worth.) As soon as they get that out, we’ll let you know.

And of course, email us! Call us! Comment!

Or see us AWA! That would be cool, too!

(Now I’m just adding in lines so the formatting is correct.)

*And Dou(gai)jin’s fearless leader, DJ Cynispin, was the secret live audience for our Gundam 00 podcast.  So this CD is really just crammed with delicious OSM.

OSMcast: Webcomics de la Pimp Edition 08-31-2009

Alcolla: Worst alarm clock? Or BEST ANNOUNCER? I think we all know the answer!

In a stunning return of returningness, Lee has returned! Returning with him are Sooz and Basil as we talk about a bunch of webcomics we read!


PS: Did we say a bunch? We meant millions.


The original plan was that we had this great written list that we were going to use make a virtual one here, one that you could click on things.

And then Basil, in his infinite majesty, lost the list. Oops!

However we can tell you that the image to your right is from Reliquary, Sooz’s awesome webcomic. You should check that out! Along with Lee’s webcomic, Hazard’s Wake. It is also, most awesome.

Some of us at the OSMcast have twitter accounts! Like, Basil and also Brad. If you are into the whole twitter thing, you should check that out.

And finally, the OSMcast is at Dragon*Con! … Right now! (It was the first chance Basil has had to edit this post. Crazy times!)

OSMcast: inFAMOUS 08-17-2009


This week we decided to change things up a bit and talk about a video game! You kids like video games, right? The game in question is Sucker Punch’s inFAMOUS on PS3.

And with all the goofy capitalization that it implies! Not that the OSMcast! knows anything about that… Well, about as much as we know about being punctual lately.


You know I was going to be responsible and get some sleep so I can start classes tomorrow on time… But screw that!

So, inFAMOUS. You can buy it, in stores! Right now! And now that PS3s are affordable-ish it’s a great game to pick up with that shiny new system. Or if you wait I guess you could get a matte  and slightly slimmer system. Either way, it still looks like a George Foreman Grill.

This is a totally legit mock up I spent HOURS making! ... Or minutes.
This is a totally legit mock up I spent HOURS making! … Or minutes.

But really all I ever dream about now is of Next Gen aka Current Gen But We Call It Next Gen Anyway Wing Commander. I mean just look at that image to the right, and imagine that in HIGH DEF. In fact, you don’t have to! Just click on it and I’ll show you my vision. Of the future.

It’s bright.

You know what else is bright?

  • Emailing us:  osmcast@gmail.com.
  • Calling us: 209-OSM-LINE/(209) 676-5463
  • Hitting up our forum: Click the link.
  • Comment down below!

So very bright.

You’ll need sunglasses. For your computer monitor.

OSMcast: Mobile Suit Gundam 00 08-12-2009

Mobile Suit Gundam 00
Mobile Suit Gundam 00

Okay so it’s slightly late but here’s our podcast all about Mobile Suit Gundam 00. It’s got giant robots and stuff! And space elevators. Joining us is Richard from Akihabara Renditions.


You can watch the show on the Sci Fi Channel! Or I’m sure DVDs exist. Chances are you know what this show is if you want to see or not and probably already have. Oh well!

We have a new voicemail! It’s 209-OSM-LINE. Or for those that like actual numbers, it’s (209) 676-5463. I know we said this last time, but it bears repeating! And it also bears YOU CALLING IT.

You can also send us emails at osmcast@gmail.com. That would also be pretty swell.

PS: I just realized that the last two shows we covered are Bandai mecha shows that aired backed back with one-another. Crazy.

OSMcrap: “Seven podcasters enter, none leave. Film at Eleven.”

Lets News Crappy!
Let’s News Crappy!

Never has the saying “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” as this episode. Four from the crew of the OSMcast combines with three of the members of Akihabara Renditions to deliver a massive recap of the news from past couple of weeks in Anime Land. What actually happens, however, is something else.

Hopefully it still ends up entertaining on some level.


We have a new voicemail! It’s 209-OSM-LINE. Or for those that like actual numbers, it’s (209) 676-5463.

The contest is still going!

Post in the comments! Email us!

Okay I think that’s it.

OSMcast: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion 07-20-2009

This is a mecha show. No, really!
This is a mecha show. No, really!

We thought we’d do something special for our 50th episode*. But I doubt anyone has ever heard of the Sunrise show we decided to talk about. It’s an extremely unknown show called Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. I mean it’s not like it wasn’t the new cock of the walk or anything as anime goes. But we talked about it anyway!

Special Bonus Guest Star Buy Her Book: K. E. Ireland totally showed up for this episode. She has this book thing called Playing The Hero that you can buy and read about the universe it’s set in and more at her website known only as the Natan Fleet Show. Totally NOT the Nathan Fleet Show, nope.

Spoiler Warning! Spoilers happen. We tried to keep them away in the first half, but some still slipped out anyway. You have been warned!


We may never know what lies underneath his mask... Unless you see him besides during Halloween.
We may never know what lies underneath his mask… Unless you see him besides during Halloween.

*(Actually, we had no clue that this is the 50th episode until a few days after we recorded it.)

So there are all sorts of ways you can buy this show! Therefore I’m not going to be posting any links this time! I’m sure you people will know how to find it.

And you may have noticed that Anime Expo totally happened more than a week ago. In fact, by now both Otakon and Comic Con has happened! Hopefully we can get to that stuff next week. But for this week we talked about Otakon and we stole many a news story from our buddy Niko. You should also check out his blog, Nikoscream. It is a blog that, unlike mine, is actually updated. On a regular basis. It’s a crazy idea, that.


Playing the Hero, by K.E.Ireland. Check it out at The Natan Fleet Show.
Playing the Hero, by K.E.Ireland. Check it out at The Natan Fleet Show. Do it.

You should also check out our current contest, now running until the end of August!

Just send us an email at osmcast@gmail.com and tell us what books you think are pretty awesome. We’ll try our best to get a hold of them and check them out. If deemed awesome, nay, OSM enough… We’ll probably get to a podcast about it! However, no Twilight ladies. That stuff gets enough traction as it is. Also no Anita Blake stuff after book 4. The prize for two lucky email senders will be signed copies of Playing the Hero, by K.E.Ireland! You can check out more at The Natan Fleet Show.