The “Bubble Economy” is because Japan had one from the 1980’s to the 1990’s before it burst and anime from that time period tends to be what they cover! (It took me a while to figure that out! Don’t judge me!)
We have the latest episode of the OSMcast recorded, but the internet isn’t being very nice about the transferring of files. Yet fear not true listeners! While we may not have an episode up today, our podcast superfriends Akihabara Renditions have two! And it just so happens, Basil is in both of them!
Akihabara Renditions Episode 23 – Fear and Loathing in Nashville: We contemplate upon MTAC once more! Sure we try to recollect our thoughts from April And it’s now July but hey! It’s not like there have been other, larger anime cons that have been going on lately, right?
Akihabara Renditions Episode 24 – Japanese Cartoons, Spring 2009: Since the Summer Anime Season is upon us, what better time than now to talk about the introduction to the Spring Season! If you just couldn’t get enough previewing from the OSMcast’s Spring Preview, then this episode is for you!
As soon as we can get the audio files to Inubito, the sooner we’ll have the latest OSMcast. Which is on Code Geass, if you like that sort of thing!
This time on the OSMcast! we decided things were getting little too old in the mix, so we thought we’d review something a bit newer. So here’s a podcast all about the anime adaptation of Soul Eater by BONES, from the original work by Atsushi Okubo.
Rail kept complaining that the opening wasn’t HARDCORE enough. So hopefully it sufficed. While Funimation has the rights to the Soul Eater anime and will surely be releasing the DVDs at some point, Yen Press has the manga rights and will start releasing the manga in stand alone volumes starting in October. In the meantime the Soul Eater manga is being printing in their monthly Yen Plus magazine.
So, we asked in this episode about the use of our forum. Would you like for us to have our own set of forums, or would you just like us to use the forums we actually have? Let us know!
There is also contest stuff but Basil is lazy and has work in the morning so you can just scroll down and see what’s up in a previous OSMnotes.
We’re back in the groove! We decided to kick things back into second gear with our take on the ADV release of My Dear Marie, the 3-part anime OAV adaptation of the manga by Sakura Takeuchi.
Musical Interlude: The Phenomenauts. If you could somehow define the word awesome as a band, you’ll be hard pressed to find a better one. I mean, there are the guys that have founded the genre of ROCKET ROLL. They know nothing but cold steel and laser beams and space ships. And they can rock out with honor. Science and honor.
You can still find this DVD hanging around, both packaged byitself and also as a bundle with Cosplay Complex. The bundle is oddly enough cheaper. Probably because it was released later. Whether or not it’s worth getting Cosplay Complex in addition to My Dear Marie for cheaper… Sure, I guess!
One could say they are phenomenal.
I have no clue is Cosplay Complex is good or not, but My Dear Marie is worth it. You can use the other for frisbee golf or perhaps a target for left over firecrackers. You know, if Cosplay Complex sucks. In any case I highly doubt it’s as fun, quirky, or as much fun to watch as My Dear Marie. She’s got spunk!
And circuits.
You should also make a circuit with our latest contest! It’s our escapade into the wide world of books, and we want your help to get us diving in. We’ll even throw in a brand new novel in the mix, one that’s so new and hip it’s self-published.
Playing the Hero, by K.E.Ireland. Check it out at The Natan Fleet Show.
Just send us an email at and tell us what books you think are pretty awesome. We’ll try our best to get a hold of them and check them out. If deemed awesome, nay, OSM enough, we’ll probably get to a podcast about it! However, no Twilight ladies. That stuff gets enough traction as it is. Also no Anita Blake stuff after book 4. The prize for two lucky email senders will be signed copies of Playing the Hero, by K.E.Ireland! You can check out more at The Natan Fleet Show.
Check back with us next week as the talk about something a tad bit more recent, the anime and manga series Soul Eater!
Well, the original plan was to have this last week and a full length podcast this week, but at least this gets us back on track. And this track starts off with Basil and Kevin half-heartily discuss that live action film Dragonball Evolution while all the cool kids talk about the new Transformers movie. Whatever!
If you were hoping for something more scathing, you can go read this. You’ll find waaaaaay more hate and vitriol in it than we could ever muster about this movie.
In other news hey, new contest! IT’s designed to help us kick off our foray into the exciting thrill-packing world of um… books!
Playing the Hero, by K.E.Ireland. Check it out at The Natan Fleet Show.
We so crazy.
Just send us an email at and tell us what books you think are pretty awesome. We’ll try our best to get a hold of them and check them out. If deemed awesome, nay, OSM enough… We’ll probably get to a podcast about it! However, no Twilight ladies. That stuff gets enough traction as it is. Also no Anita Blake stuff after book 4. The prize for two lucky email senders will be getting signed copies of Playing the Hero, by K.E.Ireland! You can check out more at The Natan Fleet Show.
We’re just waiting on a few things to fall into place. There will be an OSMcrap on Dragonball Evolution this week, and next week we’ll be back with a true “full-length” podcast all about My Dear Marie.
Sorry folks! When Basil was sick last week, we ran with our last MTAC piece so he wouldn’t get everyone else sick. So what happens? They all caught it from someone else.
I blame Murphy. But I think we have all started onto roads of recovery so next week come back and we’ll be here too. With a NEW podcast.
No other self-respecting podcast would even attempt something THIS real!
Man, just when you thought it was safe to listen to podcasts, we had go and post this. It’s our long lost MTAC episode! Okay, so it was never really lost, but I guess it is kind of long! It’s also REALLY keeping it real. How real? Well it’s a collection of interviews we took as ran around like idiots as we talked to any attendee we could talk to. And also possibly some that didn’t really want to, either. So I guess that’s pretty real. Doesn’t get much realer than that, really.
Yeah, I have no real idea what I’m talking about either. But I guess I should mention that the audio quality is kind of crap, really.
Mad Props: Akihabra Renditions! Marc from said Renditions ran around with me as we did this and ended up doing a lot of talking in the end. So check them out when you get the chance. They do some pretty cool stuff.
Sadly the poster does not look nearly as awesome as the DVD cover. But the poster could STILL be yours!
Boy I kinda sound dumb in that there intro! That’s what I get for doing something alone. But don’t forget THE DRAGONBALL BASIL WANTS TO DUMP OFF THESE STUPID POSTERS CONTEST!
Send us an email at and tell us what you thought about the new Dragonball Evolution live action film. Perhaps you liked it! Or mayhap you hated it with a passion of a thousand suns. It could even be you are somewhere in between. Hell it can even be about the PSP game. No matter what the opinion is, we want to hear about it. To sweeten the pot, we are giving away two Dragonball Evolution posters. One is for our favorite email, and the second will be an email picked at random. Once you get said poster, do with it whatever you desire. Put it on your ball, or burn it in effigy! We don’t care!
Also, talk to us via the OSMline aka 206-202-0071 , and you may obtain the freakiest homemade Sackboy head EVER. No really one day, I’ll post a picture.
Here on the OSMcast, we thought what better way to celebrate Memorial Day than to remember all those wonderful, brilliant thoughts and dreams that were snuffed out so many years ago when we all thought Episode One was going to be good. That’s right, we are talking about the movie Fanboys.
It’s a (totally not true) story about some dudes that were so hyped to see a rough cut of The Phantom Menace that they road tripped to the Skywalker Ranch to steal it. This story ends up being way better than the movie they wanted to steal.
Promo:The Greatest Movie EVER! We’ve reviewed two live action movies and not pimped the good Mr. Chapman’s podcast. Well this has now been fixed. He talks a lot about movies. In a podcast format. It’s pretty great. You should probably listen to it.
So you may ask yourself, “Where can I find this Fanboys movie? I’m curious to watch it now. lol!” You can most likely find it online for either DVD or even Blu-ray, if you really want to!
A glimpse of the chaos that is when you pit Plants against Zombies.
But truly, do you want to order something like this online? What you should do, is make an event of it! Gather your friends! Take a trip to go get it. In fact, don’t go to your local Wal-mart or Target, head over to the town next over! Have some madcap adventures while you’re at it. Trust me, it will be more fun that way.
If nothing else, this movie truly shows one that the trip is worth more than the destination.
And this is when I pimp the contest:
Send us an email at and tell us what you thought about the new Dragonball Evolution live action film.
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon GAAAAH WHY IS THIS GAME’S TITLE SO LOOOONGGG
Perhaps you liked it! Or mayhap you hated it with a passion of a thousand suns. It could even be you are somewhere in between. Hell it can even be about the PSP game. No matter what the opinion is, we want to hear about it. To sweeten the pot, we are giving away two Dragonball Evolution posters. One is for our favorite email, and the second will be an email picked at random. Once you get said poster, do with it whatever you desire. Put it on your ball, or burn it in effigy! We don’t care!
Also, talk to us via the OSMline aka 206-202-0071 , and you may obtain the freakiest homemade Sackboy head EVER. Just sayin’.
It’s taken a few movies this year to get to it, but we finally got it. A really good geek film. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? It’s called Star Trek, and it’s the topic of this week’s episode of the OSMcast!
Promo: Black Flower Music! We met this wonderful individual at the podcast panel at MTAC this year, as they were the one running the panel. It turns out their podcast also went to the OSM School of Fine Podcasting, in that their subject matter (like rock and roll) is not held back by gender or nationalities. Or you know, once specific genre of media. Check them out!
It’s out in theaters so if somehow you haven’t seen it yet go do so! The podcast will still be here when you get back.
But speaking of geek films, we have a contest about something that wasn’t so hot:
Send us an email at and tell us what you thought about the new Dragonball Evolution live action film. Perhaps you liked it! Or mayhap you hated it with a passion of a thousand suns. It could even be you are somewhere in between. Hell it can even be about the PSP game. No matter what the opnion is, we want to hear about it. To sweeten the pot, we are giving away two Dragonball Evolutionn posters. One is for our faveorite email, and the second will be an email picked at random. Once you get said poster, do with it whatever you desire. Put it on your ball, or burn it in effegy! We don’t care!
Hell yes it’s “engaging!”Oh Animerica, the world is a sadder place without you.
Since out last podcast was on stuff that was really new, we decided to check out something that’s a little bit older. So in honor of Cinco de Eleven we talked about They Were Eleven*, an anime adaption of the manga by Moto Hagio.
*Hey it was this or Ocean’s Eleven. Which begs the question, if they ever did a sequel using the same premise, would it have been called “They Were Twelve… No Wait, Still Eleven” followed by perhaps “They Could Have Almost Been Thirteen, But Nah! Still Eleven.” And the answer is actually no, it’s “Horizon of the East, Eternity of the West.” Color me disappointed.
Musical Interlude: Koda Kumi – Taboo (Cynispin Remix)! Perhaps you have hear of Dou(gai)jin Recordings? That group of rag-tag brash musical reimagineers? Well their leader, their Red Ranger if you will, is man known as DJ Cynispin. You can hear the full version of his track, and other awesome tunes in the Dou(gai)jin Recordings 2009 Promo EP.
This is Makinami Mari Illustrious. Yeeeep.
Like we said in the podcast, now that Central Park Media is gone this DVD is out of print. But you can still find it pretty cheap, if you act on it soon. So here are a few places to buy it. Honestly between the six days ago when we recorded this and today’s release, prices on They Were Eleven and other CPM stuff have already started to go up. And this is a show that every one of you should have in your collection. Did we mention just how awesome Frol is? Frol is one of the most fun characters to watch do their “thing.” And by “thing” I mean “run around being onrey for onrey’s sake.” For a movie like this, good levity is key and Frol is some of the best at it.
Keeping our promise, our pact, to you dear listeners you will note that we have to the side the images were talking about of Mari Illustrious Great Gatsby the III. See the wonders of her frog-like nature! Will she actually roll out with some form of awesome motorized wheel chair? Will said wheel chair also have it’s own AT Field? If so, will be represented in it’s eventual inclusion into some Super Robot Wars game? The world may never know.
But what we want to know is your opinions! Hence our latest contest:
Four wheels of THUNDER! Or something, I dunno.
The contest is easy! Simply send us an email at and tell us what you thought about the new Dragonball Evolution live action film. Perhaps you liked it! Or mayhap you hated it with a passion of a thousand suns. It could even be you are somewhere in between. Hell it can even be about the PSP game. No matter what the opinion is, we want to hear about it. To sweeten the pot, we are giving away two Dragonball Evolutionn posters. One is for our favorite email, and the second will be an email picked at random. Once you get said poster, do with it whatever you desire. Put it on your ball, or burn it in effigy! We don’t care!