So we heard that a whole bunch of new shows just started airing in Japan last month, so we thought we’d talk about the shows we’ve started keeping up with. Hence, the Spring Anime 2009 Preview. Or as Inubito called it, “Desu in Springtime.”
Promo: Akihabra Renditions! We first met these guys at AWA in 2008 and then again at MTAC this year, and pretty quickly became podcast BFFs. They actually focus more on the classics of anime, or at least older anime. You know, stuff that’s pre-2000. Which is the exact opposite of the topic of this episode! Oddly enough, Basil and Kevin are featured in their latest episode!
So we talked about a bunch of anime! Like for example:
- Asura Cryin’
- Basquash!
- Cross Game
- Dragon Ball Kai
- Eden of the East
- Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
- Guin Saga
- K-ON!
- Natsu No Arashi
- Pandora Hearts
- Ristorante Paradiso
- Sengoku BASARA
- Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z-Hen
We are positive that you are all enterprising individuals, and you can find these shows on your own. Many of them can actually be seen streaming, like FMA! That said, I Basil have now heard that Asura Cryin’ is in fact the worst show out right now? Is it? I have no clue! I’ve made my picks and I’m sticking with them. But if you want to tell us your picks, or what will never be your picks, feel free to let us know! You can send us an email at osmcast@gmail.com, leave us a comment, or call up the OSMline at 206-202-0071. And while you are sending us tons of emails, tell us what you thought of the Dragonball: Evolutions movie! You may just win a poster of said movie, that you can do with whatever you like.
(But if you decide to destroy in some spectacular fashion, we want pictures.)