OSMcast: The Spring Anime 2009 Preview 05-04-2009

Date Masamune and Sanada Yukimura about to each others ass in Sengoku BASARA.
Sanada Yukimura  and Date Masamune are about to each other’s ass in Sengoku BASARA. Hint: It’s great.

So we heard that a whole bunch of new shows just started airing in Japan last month, so we thought we’d talk about the shows we’ve started keeping up with. Hence, the Spring Anime 2009 Preview. Or as Inubito called it, “Desu in Springtime.”

Promo: Akihabra Renditions! We first met these guys at AWA in 2008 and then again at MTAC this year, and pretty quickly became podcast BFFs. They actually focus more on the classics of anime, or at least older anime. You know, stuff that’s pre-2000. Which is the exact opposite of the topic of this episode! Oddly enough, Basil and Kevin are featured in their latest episode!


So we talked about a bunch of anime! Like for example:

  • Asura Cryin’
  • Basquash!
  • Cross Game
  • Dragon Ball Kai
  • Eden of the East
  • Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
  • Guin Saga
  • K-ON!
  • Natsu No Arashi
  • Pandora Hearts
  • Ristorante Paradiso
  • Sengoku BASARA
  • Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z-Hen

We are positive that you are all enterprising individuals, and you can find these shows on your own. Many of them can actually be seen streaming, like FMA! That said, I Basil have now heard that Asura Cryin’ is in fact the worst show out right now? Is it? I have no clue! I’ve made my picks and I’m sticking with them. But if you want to tell us your picks, or what will never be your picks, feel free to let us know! You can send us an email at osmcast@gmail.com, leave us a comment, or call up the OSMline at 206-202-0071. And while you are sending us tons of emails, tell us what you thought of the Dragonball: Evolutions movie! You may just win a poster of said movie, that you can do with whatever you like.

(But if you decide to destroy in some spectacular fashion, we want pictures.)

OSMcast: Fallout 3 04-27-2009

Fallout 3
Fallout 3

In this week’s episode of the OSMcast, we’re joined by the Anime World Order‘s Daryl Surat to talk about Fallout 3. It’s  Bethesda Game Studios’ take on the classic video games series Fallout by Black Isle Studios. So of course we talk about those too. All in all it’s a very Fallout-y podcast. Except when it’s not.

Spoiler Alert: After the podcast Inubito and I did leave to try and see Crank: High Voltage. However, the fools that we were decided to get food first and missed the last showing. So instead we saw Fast & Furious, which was both fast and furious.


You can pretty much find this game everywhere that you can find remotely new games. Hell, I think some places still have Collector’s Editions floating around at discounted prices. And who wouldn’t want a Pip-Boy bobble head and a Fallout 3 lunchbox. I mean really. As far as I can tell, this game is pretty awesome, and you all should totally buy it. Speaking of things you can buy…

You know it’s good when the cover art in some regions features a guy punching through another guy’s head. 

Rumor has it that Toys ‘R’ Us has the PS2 game God Hand around for $20. This one of the best action games around. In fact some may say it’s even the best action game, EVER. (It also has the best ending credits song, too!) We’ve mentioned the game in the show before, as it’s one of those weird games that’s really good but got some really bad scores. Why? I have no clue, maybe some people just don’t like fun. Oh, and if you too lazy to leave your house, that’s fine! It looks like their website has it, too.

We’ve mentioned it before but just  in case: Our glorious DJ Inubito, has teamed up with some fellow DJs and have formed Dou(gai)jin Recordings and have already released their first promo EP. And best of all? You can download it right now.

Beyond Nerdcore, BEYPND REMIX. ... NERDMIX.
Beyond Nerdcore, BEYOND REMIX. … NERDMIX. OK, so I need to work on better taglines.

In the next thrill-packed episode of the OSMcast, it’s all anime all the time as we tackle several shows that just hit for the Spring 2009 Anime Season. Not exactly full reviews since at most we’ve seen maybe three episodes, but our takes on what the show looks to be about and if it should be on your radar or not. We’ll also be announcing a brand new contest! It’s EXITING.

If you’d like to contact us, you can send us an email at osmcast@gmail.com, check out our forum, leave a comment in the comments section, or even give us a call on the OSMline (206-202-0071).

And finally we hear at OSM Central wish Daryl all the best of luck on his surgery today. But frankly, we aren’t worried.

We’re positive that he can take it like a champ.

So it looks like the cat’s out of bag?

So I guess AWO just updated and Daryl Surat (like Saji Crossroad you have to say both parts of his name every time or else it doesn’t count), mentioned that our next episode will be featuring him. This is completely true! Daryl Surat of the Anime World Order will be on the next OSMcast, your podcast for everything awesome. It is in fact, an awesome cast. Now, while Daryl Surat did mention he’d be on the OSMcast he only mentioned us by our awesome podcast name. So people have been Google Searching us by using terms such as:

  • awesome cast
  • awesome cast daryl surat
  • osmcast
  • awesomecast surat
  • osumcast.com

I figured if I made a post and dropped a bunch frequently used searching terms, it just might be easier for people to find this thing. So, having found us, welcome! Please, check out our podcast! Investigate our Index of OSMs Past! Suscribe using our RSS feed! We just released some interviews with Robert and Emily DeJesus as well as Sonny Straight. And come back next week when Daryl Surat of the Anime World Order will be talking with us on the next episode of the OSMcast, your podcast for everything awesome. The subject is in fact, Fallout, and yes it’s pretty much him schooling us on stuff we should have already known. It’s a fun episode though, we promise!

OSMinterview: Sonny Strait @ MTAC Ninja

Sonny Strait, being awesome
Sonny Strait, being awesome

This week we bring you our super-short interview with voice actor and artist Sonny Strait that we got at MTAC. He’s done many roles, like Krillin from Dragon Ball Z, Maes Hughes from Fullmetal Alchemist, Lupin the 3rd from… Lupin the 3rd,  as well as the current voice of Usopp from One Piece. On top of that he’s also done directing work for FUNimation. Oh by the way, he also has his own webcomic called Car Bombs, and worked as a penciler for Elfquest for a couple of stories.

TL,DR:  Sonny Strait is a man of many talents and he gifted us some of his time to throw some questions at him, so here they are for you to enjoy.

Protip: This was done on the spot in the Artist Alley at MTAC as the man ignored his lunch to talk to us. But due to the hustle and bustle of the con this may be an episode for the home rather than for the car.

OSMinterview: Robert and Emily DeJesus @ MTAC Ninja

The DeJesuses... Or is that DeJesusi? Eitherwaty Im pretty sure this image is made by Robert DeJesus.
The DeJesuses… Or is that DeJesusi? Either way I’m pretty sure this image is made by Robert DeJesus.

This week we decided to kick it off with our epic-ly long interview with two of the hardest working folks in anime fandom today: Robert and Emily DeJesus of Studio Capsule. They talked about all sorts of things with us, like what it takes to make it out there as an artist and the Best Con Slogan Ever. Did we mention Emily also is the con chair for Ohayocon? Also joining us was (I believe) Richard from Akihabara Renditions.


There are a myriad of ways you can find Robert DeJesus on the Internet. There is his main site, Studio Capsule. But if you want to go where the action is, you want his YouTube page. You can also check out his DeviantArt page as well, if are feeling a little… You know… Devious.

Whenever I hear our Skippy Promo I think of this. Robert DeJesus is an inspiration to us all.

You know, with all of these various Internet sites (and there are actually more if you know where to look), I find it really weird someone had to write a “What ever happened to Robert DeJesus?” page. Did the idea of using Google just never come up?

Of course I’m sure that you can find out about Emily using those same sites, but I’ve heard talk that she runs an mean anime con. Hopefully when 2010 rolls around we’ll get to find out!

Special props goes out to MTAC who arranged for the space and Akihabara Renditions for the tools to make this happen. SUPER special props goes out however to our buddy Elvis, whose quick cell phone action ensured that this interview took place, and for introducing us to the DeJesus duo in the first place.

And of course, thank you once more to Robert and Emily for spending their time with us.

Its good stuff!
It’s good stuff!

In other news our sound guy, the illustrious DJ Inubito, has teamed up with some fellow DJs and have formed Dou(gai)jin Recordings. Further more, they have already released their first promo EP. It contains four awesome tracks and you should totally check it out.

As always, if you’d like to contact us, you can send us an email at osmcast@gmail.com, check out our forum, leave a comment in the comments section, or even give us a call on the OSMline (206-202-0071).


OSMcast: MTAC Ninja 4-6-2009

Middle Tennessee Anime Convention
Middle Tennessee Anime Convention

It’s the Monday after MTAC Ninja but the OSMcast must go on! Speaking of the Middle Tennessee Anime Convention, here’s a chat we had about the con with Christi Binkley, MTAC’s Director of Media Relations and Advertising.  In other words, “Press Wrangler.” We talk a bit about the con and what it takes to make one of these con things happen.

Also joining us was the wonderful Marc Smazik of Akihabara Renditions.

Protip: Speaking of Akihabara Renditions, we totally stole their set up for this. Sadly, we also had no clue how to actually use any of it. As a result there is a lot of noise where we held the microphones like jerks and the audio reflects this. Our apologizes. This probably isn’t a very good episode to listen to in the car.


These made us feel all important and crap. Photo courtesy of Tarrence Grigsby.
These made us feel all important and crap. We could post the full picture, but really we have faces perfect for radio.  Photo courtesy of Tarrence Grigsby.

This is actually merely one of many episodes that we recorded during MTAC. We’ll be doling them as they get edited, so stay tuned for more! It was an incredibly fun convention, and mad props go out to both Christi as well as Niko, the Director of Community Relations of Community Relations, for making it all possible.  It was my biggest regret that we couldn’t nail down Niko down long enough to get him on a mic. There’s always next year, though!

If any of you fine readers and/or listeners have recently come to the site from MTAC, hello! Please feel free to check out our Index of OSMs Past, or just go on ahead and plug our RSS Feed into the podcatching program of your choice. If you’d like to contact us, you can send us an email at osmcast@gmail.com, check out our forum, leave a comment in the comments section, or even give us a call on the OSMline (206-202-0071).

OSMcast: Retro Game Challenge 03-31-2009

Its like the Eighties... but BETTER.
It’s like the Eighties… but BETTER.

The OSMcast goes forth once more as Basil, Kevin, and special guest commentator JP grapple the numerous and awesome 8-bit modern games that comprise one of the best DS titles to come out in years: known only as Retro Game Challenge!

Protip: So okay I said that it’s the 31st when it actually released on the 30th. Whoops.


WHY HAVEN’T YOU BOUGHT THIS GAME YET. There are people at XSEED who could be bringing us the sequel but instead are DYING because they cannot feed themselves and their families due to the rest of you NOT BUYING THIS GAME. /hyperbole

(Here is a link to amazon.com so you can buy this game. Or go to a Best Buy or Gamestop or whatever you have to do!)

Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Legend of the Galactic Heroes

Incidentally guys and gals, MadWorld is also mad fun. There is nothing more visceral on the Wii than yanking on the Wii Remote and Nunchuck and watching my enemies be ripped in twain. I literally have not had so much fun on this system since Mario Galaxy. They need to take this engine and gameplay and give me a Fist of the North Star varient. Good stuff. Very fun.

Sadly what wasn’t fun was that as I was talking during this recording I could feel my throat dying. Lo and behold this past week it turned for the worse as I’ve had a monstrously bad throat infection. So what do I do when I get sick? I watch seasons of anime! And for this purpose I downloaded obtained two series: Library War and all of the Legend of the Galactic Heroes (Well the main 110 episodes). Of course I haven’t watched ALL of the show yet, but I’ll get through them eventually. It is now only a matter of time.

Yeah, its kinda like that...
Yeah, it’s kinda like that…

Speaking of only and matter of time and anime, this weekend is MTAC! I (Basil, aka the guy who writes all these crazy posts and “show notes” ) will be on at least two panels at MTAC. I’ll be a part of the Podcast Roundtable Panel which is being held Friday night at 7:00 PM in the Fan Panel room. Then on Sunday at 1 in Panel Room 2 I’ll be the “token male” in the Shojo Mojo Panel: Feminism in Anime. I could be in some risky waters here!

Thankfully, I’m pretty sure they never listened to Weeadicks…

(I hope.)

OSMcrap: “That Stupid Chun Li Movie”

More like Street Fighter: The Legend of CRAP-Li HUR HUR HUR
More like Street Fighter: The Legend of CRAP-Li HUR HUR HUR

A coworker asked me over this past week: “So what happened to the Survivor Horror in Resident Evil 5?”

I told him: “It’s now called sitting through Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li.”

I know this, because I have sat through this movie.

This episode is pretty much just a PSA to the world that no one ever should go see Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li. EVER. But you all probably knew that. We went to go make sure, because sometimes you have to stand, even when it’s hard to stand.

And now our horrors have been shared and brought to you.

Please do not go see this film. Do not rent this film. This isn’t a bad-good. This is just poor. Do not say that we did not warn you.

OSMcast: Watchmen 03-16-2009

I wonder if this is a spoiler?
I wonder if this is a spoiler?

Deep within the underground (and also echo-y) OSMbunker, keeping the awesome alive, we decided to talk not about the movie adaption of  Watchmen, the amazing graphic novel by writer Alan Moore, artist Dave Gibbons, and colorist John Higgins, but the graphic novel itself.

Promo: Dead Workers Party Network! We are actually a part of this network, but we have never really talked about it. They are a collective of a bunch of awesome guys with a ton of various podcasts for your listening enjoyment. WoW, Warhammer, Team Fortress 2, other video games, and even more are topics these podcasts may cover. So check them out, or else.


The Watchmen graphic novel is incredibly easy to find. Just go walk into a book store or comic book store, they’ll have a copy.

Or you could just use Amazon… I guess.

This is the good stuff.
This is the good stuff.

Cave Story is also easy to find… On the Internet, anyway. Here’s a fansite that has links to download the game and the patch to make it readable via the English Language. And here’s the official WiiWare version’s site, if you are like me and want to play it on a TV easily and give Pixel (the creator) money. You could also play Peggle, which is way too addictive, seriously. I’m now wondering if I shouldn’t have talked about it. Maybe you all should not download and play this game. This is the kind of game that ruins lives. Do you want your life ruined by happiness? I mean, really.

Have we mentioned MTAC? MTAC MTAC MTAC.

This is the addictive stuff.
This is the addictive stuff.


Nah, we probably haven’t.

Okay what we haven’t mentioned before is that the Dead Worker guys have set us up our own forum! There is actually a whole slew of forums covering all sorts of subjects as well. This is nothing really in our forum… yet. You could help change that!

But if super easy way of joining the totally awesome forum isn’t your speed, here are some other equally easy-peasy options!

SUPER OBAMA! … Really?
  • Leave us a comment in this very post! Or another post, if you really want.
  • Call us at the OSMline (206) 202-0071, and if you ask us a question, we’ll answer it for you in the following OSMcast!
  • Or just send us an email at osmcast@gmail.com! (You can also ask questions here, too.)

OSMcast: Full Metal Panic! 03-09-2009

Full Metal Panic!
Full Metal Panic!

We had made plans. Awesome plans. But then those plans were dashed! So we made new ones. BETTER ONES. Then those were dashed and we said NAY SIR and to prove it we did a podcast on the anime adaptation of Shoji Gatoh’s Full Metal Panic! by GONZO.

Protip: This may be one of the few times we actually say something good about a show that GONZO has touched. I was amazed too.

Promo: Robotronic Dynamite! These gamer guys are pretty great (and also elegant). For example, they have us listed as one of their Super Friends. Secondly, they just nabbed the voice actor for Fei Long to talk about Street Fighter IV with them. Did I mention they were elegant? Also mighty. So please check them out.


Pluto is freaking sweet
Pluto is freaking sweet

Okay so it turns out this show is more expensive than I thought. I thought it would be closer to $30, but it turns out it’s closer to $50-60. Then again this is 26 episodes we are talking about here, so I guess it’s not such a bad deal.

I noticed when I was working up the update today (the 8th), the OSMcast is one year old! WOW. I was never sure if we’d last a year, yet now I can’t see how I couldn’t. The OSMcast is one of the most fun and rewarding things to do ever, and it’s because of Listeners Like You that we are still around.

Star Ocean 4 is very pretty
Star Ocean 4 is very pretty

So thank you, and here’s to another year of awesome!

And to follow up my thank you, I must now apologize. You see, our CONTEST is over and we have a WINNER.

… We just forgot to talk about it. Sorry dear listeners! You will discover the winner next week. However if you’d like to talk to us, we are ALL ABOUT THAT. IN CAPS. You can leave a comment in the comments section. Or send us an email at osmcast@gmail.com. Oooooor, as always, the OSMline is open to be called up and what not. The number for that is (206) 202-0071.