In this episode of the OSMcast! we decided to throw down with the latest adventures of Lina and the gang by talking about Slayers Revolution!
Right now Slayers Revolution is kind of hard to get to at the moment. When the series started up a small while back, you could find fansubs of it. But with a quickness Funimation grabbed up the rights to both it and Slayers Evolution-R. Fansubs dried up really quick (because if anyone knows where to look for places to throw some cease and desist orders, it’s Funimation.).
Not that this is a bad thing! Especially since they’ve promised us streaming versions of Slayers officially subtitled soon. How soon, I have no clue.
I’m sure that we’ll talk about in a future World of OSM when it happens.

Speaking of streaming and Funimation, they also have Baccano! You can actually watch the first episode on their site, although it is dubbed. We talked about Baccano! in Show #10, although it is spoileriffic and me might have missed a fact there or two. If you would rather have a less spoiler-filled podcast, Daryl Surat of the AWO recently covered it. Or you could just buy it. Trust me, this was the best show of 2007 this side of Gurren Lagann. You will not be disappointed.
Just to remind everyone who might be going to MTAC, so are we! Infact we’ll be on the podcasting panel, where there will be special secret prizes. What will these be? I don’t know I’m not handling it! But I hear that there will be some. And I’ll be there to run my mouth off in person. I see no reason why this is a bad thing, really. Maybe we can try that whole taking photos thing again, the cosplay kids seemed to like that.

We mentioned that the nerdcore anime hip hop group The Band of Seven will be there to run MTAC’s dance off. I asked them for a link so that you all could check them out and what do they do? They sent us three. These guys have their stuff together way more than we do, with our measly one URL. To wit: They are planning to release their second album at MTAC, that is said to be produced while on a spaceship. If this is true, I want to know where one can find one of these things. I’m in the Rocket City and so far, no dice.

How do these guys do it? I know not, but if you do, let us know! Or how this podcast was, a question you’d like answered, or maybe you were trying to contact someone else but found is instead! So if you would like to contact us, fret not! There are many, many ways one can accomplish this. And by many, I mean three. Way Number One: Leave a comment in this very post! Way Number Two: Email us at osmcast@gmail.com! Way Number Three: Send us a voice mail at 206-202-0071! It is fact, that easy.