OSMcast: Slayers Revolution 03-02-2009

Slayers Revolution
Slayers Revolution

In this episode of the OSMcast! we decided to throw down with the latest adventures of Lina and the gang by talking about Slayers Revolution!


Right now Slayers Revolution is kind of hard to get to at the moment. When the series started up a small while back, you could find fansubs of it. But with a quickness Funimation grabbed up the rights to both it and Slayers Evolution-R. Fansubs dried up really quick (because if anyone knows where to look for places to throw some cease and desist orders, it’s Funimation.).

Not that this is a bad thing! Especially since they’ve promised us streaming versions of Slayers officially subtitled soon. How soon, I have no clue.

I’m sure that we’ll talk about in a future World of OSM when it happens.

Baccano! Its pretty darn awesome.
Baccano! It’s pretty darn awesome.

Speaking of streaming and Funimation, they also have Baccano! You can actually watch the first episode on their site, although it is dubbed. We talked about Baccano! in Show #10, although it is spoileriffic and me might have missed a fact there or two. If you would rather have a less spoiler-filled podcast, Daryl Surat of the AWO recently covered it. Or you could just buy it. Trust me, this was the best show of 2007 this side of Gurren Lagann. You will not be disappointed.

Just to remind everyone who might be going to MTAC, so are we! Infact we’ll be on the podcasting panel, where there will be special secret prizes. What will these be? I don’t know I’m not handling it! But I hear that there will be some. And I’ll be there to run my mouth off in person. I see no reason why this is a bad thing, really. Maybe we can try that whole taking photos thing again, the cosplay kids seemed to like that.

Its where its AT, come April 3rd-5th anyway!
MTAC: It’s where it’s AT, come April 3rd-5th anyway!

We mentioned that the nerdcore anime hip hop group The Band of Seven will be there to run MTAC’s dance off. I asked them for a link so that you all could check them out and what do they do? They sent us three. These guys have their stuff together way more than we do, with our measly one URL. To wit: They are planning to release their second album at MTAC, that is said to be produced while on a spaceship. If this is true, I want to know where one can find one of these things. I’m in the Rocket City and so far, no dice.

Spaceships are the best.
Spaceships are the best.

How do these guys do it? I know not, but if you do, let us know! Or how this podcast was, a question you’d like answered, or maybe you were trying to contact someone else but found is instead! So if you would like to contact us, fret not! There are many, many ways one can accomplish this. And by many, I mean three. Way Number One: Leave a comment in this very post! Way Number Two: Email us at osmcast@gmail.com! Way Number Three: Send us a voice mail at 206-202-0071! It is fact, that easy.

OSMcast: Street Fighter IV 02-23-2009

Street Fighter IV
Street Fighter IV

Hey kids! It’s the OSMcast! And tonight/today/whenever you are listening to this, we’re talking about Capcom’s latest fighting game, STREET FIGHTER IV!

And other stuff, too. Like God Hand, Lost Odyssey, Shiren the Wanderer, Senko no Ronde… and Superman 64. (Sorry about that.)


Street Fighter IV is out on Xbox 360 and PS3, and in fact is so brand new it hasn’t even been out a week when this podcast gets posted. Therefore, you should go out into the world, walk into a store, and go buy it. Because that may just be the last time you see the sun for some time.

However finding a decent stick or one of those fancy fightpads… Not so easy.

Thumbnails tell you nothing, so I made a larger version clickable.
Thumbnails tell you nothing, so I made a larger version clickable.

So I suggest that spend your money on Senko no Ronde instead  (Please ignore the stupid cover art. Yeah, Ubisoft didn’t have a clue what to do with this thing.). That is, if the idea of Street Fighter in the context of a shoot ’em up appeals to you. On the other hand, the good man Inubito would suggest that perhaps Slide America – A Nationwide Documentary on Drifting in North America might be something you hip drifting cats would be interested in. It will certainly be a  more accurate portrayal of the sport than other movies releasing this year.

If you aint outta control, you aint IN control!
If you ain’t outta control, you ain’t IN control!

And in a stunning change of events, we got an email! Shock! Awe! Baseless pandering finally paid off! Yes, YOU TOO (!!!) can be mocked by us for the Internet to preserve for all of eternity! All it takes is sending us an email! There are other ways you can contact us, but I’ll leave to you to read on down to the contest copy-pasta or to the lovely information in the side bar. But yes,  it is now proven by one of our intrepid listeners : if you send us an email, we will answer it.

The rules for this contest are very simple! You just have to talk to us! No matter what, we’ll need an email. You can send us one at osmcast@gmail.com. Also, you could leave us a comment in the comments section below this post. Or call us up on the OSMline at (206) 202-0071. However you do it though, we’ll need an email to contact you. The PRIZE AS WE HAVE NOW ANNOUNCED, is an OSMcast T-shirt! Possibly a one of a kind! Or at least a very few of a kind…

OSMcast: Gunsmith Cats 02-16-2009

Gunsmith Cats
Gunsmith Cats

Look out because the OSMcast! is updating on time!

For this episode we decided to tackle the manga and anime series by Kenichi Sonoda, Gunsmith Cats.

Protip: Ignore the fact that I think the music that we ended up playing was from Riding Bean. We can’t help the fact that we’re hustlers.

Promo: Anime World Order! These guys certainly don’t need any of our help finding listeners, but they were the first podcast to play our promos. So we thought we’d return the favor. I have yet to get a bad recommendation from them, even if it’s for all the wrong reasons. Usually however, they’re good ones.


Sadly, the Gunsmith Cats DVD is severely out of print and plan on paying $30+ if you want the DVD. However the manga is easily found and at some pretty decent prices too.

MTAC Ninja: April 3rd-5th
MTAC Ninja: April 3rd-5th

And it looks like we’ll be returning to MTAC this year! It should be quite fun! I’ve heard there might be a podcasting panel or two, so we are going to try to crash get invited to them. Last year was good times and I see no reason why this year should be any different. It’s April 3rd through the 5th, in Nashville at the Sheraton Music City hotel.

And don’t forget, the contest still exists!

The rules for this contest are very simple! You just have to talk to us! No matter what, we’ll need an email. You can send us one at osmcast@gmail.com. Also, you could leave us a comment in the comments section below this post. Or call us up on the OSMline at (206) 202-0071. However you do it though, we’ll need an email to contact you. As for the prize, well we are having this contest till the end of February so before then we’ll let you know!

OSMcrap: “Weeadicks”

Raven is probably going, You guys are idiots, and coming from me thats saying something.
Raven is probably going, "You guys are idiots, and coming from me that's saying something."

So since schedules did not align to their proper alignments this past week, we decided to show you a different side of the OSMcast.

The side that shows that not all recordings are good ones.

Some… can be very bad.

This is one of those recordings.

I apologize now, and promise a real episode next week.

OSMcast: Tales of Vesperia 01-26-2009

Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Vesperia

After way too long, we are now able to post our take on Namco Bandai Games’ latest game in the “Tales of” series, Tales of Vesperia!

It’s our actual original recording too! We (aka DJ Inubito) were able to salvage it after all.  (Which is good because our attempt to rerecord was not so good…)

Protip: We’re still using the travel microphone, so the audio isn’t at it’s best yet. One day Samson will get my original mics back to me!


Tales of Vesperia is possibly the best Xbox 360 JRPG out there, depending on who you ask. But chances are you’ll like it, if not love. And it’s still crazy-easy to find. So you should go buy it.

However Namco Bandai’s Dragonball: Evolution for PSP? Not looking so hot. But hey I guess it’s still better than Street Fighter: The Movie: The Video Game. Both of them.  No wait… I think I’d still rather play those. Sorry Dragonball!

And if you haven’t lamented the fate of Winter, please do so. Giest was an alright game, and the Wii gets precious few enough actually interesting games as of late.

The rules for this contest are very simple! You just have to talk to us! No matter what, we’ll need an email. You can send us one at osmcast@gmail.com. Also, you could leave us a comment in the comments section below this post. Or call us up on the OSMline at (206) 202-0071. However you do it though, we’ll need an email to contact you. As for the prize, well we are having this contest till the end of February so before then we’ll let you know!

OSMcast: 2008 OSMawards! (Anime & MORE!) 01-19-2009

Yep, still gold-colored!
Yep, still gold-colored!

It’s a better late than never podcast as the crew at OSM Central takes a crack at our favorite Japanese animated things for the year 2008! The EPIC CONCLUSION of the 2008 OSMawards! Yay!


I’m kinda tapped out of things to say, so we’ll just repeat the contest again and call it a week. Next week’s OSMnotes will be more awesome, I promise!

The rules for this contest are very simple! You just have to talk to us! No matter what, we’ll need an email. You can send us one at osmcast@gmail.com. Also, you could leave us a comment in the comments section below this post. Or call us up on the OSMline at (206) 202-0071. However you do it though, we’ll need an email to contact you. As for the prize, well we are having this contest till the end of February so before then we’ll let you know!

OSMcast: 2008 OSMawards! (Video Games) 01-12-2009

Because awards have to be gold-colored!
Because awards have to be gold-colored!

What’s an easy way to kill time on the mic when a new year arrives? You talk about the previous year! So here’s our OSMawards! for the video games of 2008.

Protip: We had to raise the gain in order to get this podcast listenable. So it might get static-y at times.


So I guess Bob’s Game isn’t. Oh well! We talk about it and then what happens? It’s GONE. It’s enough to make a man weep! … or not! Now he just sounds like (more of an) idiot. NO MATTER. But now we are going to talk CONTEST TIME.

The rules for this contest are very simple! You just have to talk to us! No matter what, we’ll need an email. You can send us one at osmcast@gmail.com. Also, you could leave us a comment in the comments section below this post. Or call us up on the OSMline at (206) 202-0071. However you do it though, we’ll need an email to contact you. As for the prize, well we are having this contest till the end of February so before then we’ll let you know!

PS: The tune we used was Pendulum‘s “Sounds of Life.”

OSMcast: Ghost in the Shell 01-05-2009

Everyone is CAH-RAZY over those zany robots!
Everyone is CAH-RAZY over those zany robots!

Because we just weren’t done talking about ladies blowing up robots, we decided to continue forth with our opinions on Mamoru Oshii’s movie adaptation of the Masamune Shirow classic, Ghost in the Shell!

Spoiler: We lied! The movie is actually about basset hounds.


One of the pluses on reviewing a hallmark of Japanese animation, especially as one so uh, digital as Ghost in the Shell, is that you can find the DVD for it pretty cheap. I mean, like $12.04 and $12.14 with free shipping cheap. Or if you have a really banging 6.1, 7.1, or Whatever is the Lastest Greater than 5.1 Surround Sound System then I suppose you could pony up the extra 10-20 bucks to grab the special edition that’s floating around. Of course, chances are that if you an afford such a sound system, you can afford the extra money for the DVD.

Apperently tensai means genius.
Apparently “tensai” means “genius.” … Yeah.

Ol’ Robert Pelloni (aka Bob) is still hard at work living locked up in his room as protest to Nintendo for not getting to him the tools he needs to move his project (the eventually DS game “Bob’s Game”) into the realm of retainability. Good luck Bob! After I’ve started playing Chrono Trigger on the DS, I’ve realized I need more RPGs that look and play like they should on the SNES in my life. And yours looks like an SNES-era Enix knockoff, so I have hope!

Robotrek is awesome and Bob should be inspiried to even greater... greatness by these pixels. I know I am.
Robotrek is awesome and Bob should be inspired to even greater… greatness by these pixels. I know I am.

I’m serious here, unheard of Enix games like Soul Blazer and Robotrek are the best. Okay, so most all the Quintet-developed games pre-Grandstream Saga are the best, but still! I loved those games and your (Bob’s) game reminds me off them. I only worry that much like many other projects that started with much fanfare and the developer shooting his mouth off on how the great his game is only for the games to crash and burn, yours will not stand the test of time. I hope you can prove my worries are for naught!

As long as, you know…

Nintendo calls you back and stuff.

OSMcast: Bubblegum Crisis 12-29-2008

Bubblegum Crisis
Bubblegum Crisis

Tonight, we dethrone the AWO’s “Last podcast to podcast about Bubblegum Crisis” crown with our podcast about Bubblegum Crisis! … Mostly.

Okay sometimes we talked about Mega Man 9.

But it’s usually about Bubblegum Crisis, really!


Looking at the various places one can buy the boxed set of Bubblegum Crisis, I discovered that the best place was actually AnimEigo themselves. And if you like anime form the 1980s and/or ladies blowing up robots and/or cool mecha designs and/or awesome synth and rock music, you now have the links.

Get on it.

8-Bit Jesus: Classic Christmas Songs in the Style of Classic NES Games
8-Bit Jesus: Classic Christmas Songs ala chiptunes

And as we said, we all here at OSM Central hope you all out there had an awesome Christmas and a future Happy New Year! Like we said you still need some holiday music, 8-Bit Jesus is still there, just waiting for you. To you know… Download it.

Of course, what better way to give the gift of commenting than to give us some comments! We have those whole comments section just for that, too! Or send us an email at osmcast@gmail.com. Or, as always, the OSMline is open to be called up and what not. The number for that is (206) 202-0071.